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The /newstuff Chronicles #296

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Bastet Furry said:

Um, Bloodsheeder?
Because he dosnt has any reviewers?

I volunteered because I love Doom and have nothing but free time on my hands, but he politely told me no. :'( I'm still up for it.

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Im really glad that I didnt submit a map because this takes the fucking piss. Imagine if you had spent hours and hours making a map and then the reviewer does this to you or maybe you had just made your first doom wad and this happened to you.

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deathz0r said:

Hey cool, everyone's forgotten about #260!

That's because they got memory like a fruit-fly.

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That Belial map was awesome. Not that I have anything against Belial.

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Whether or not the Belial map sucked, I'm kind of jealous it's been played by more people than everything I've ever made put together. (With the exception of my Mock 2 maps, but that only makes it worse. Is the community so bad nowadays that people would rather play a garbage ZDoom jokewad than something the author spent a full year perfecting?)

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IMHO(!!!) most people are tired of always the same: Shoot Monster, Find Key, Shoot Monster, Find Door, Shoot Monster, Find Another Key, ....
They want some story in their map, even if its a mock on something.
They want better puzzles than "Push Button To Retrive Key".

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Bastet Furry said:


  • Beluga - didy
    Boom Compatible - Solo Play - 781 KB - (img) (img)
    Nice overall map, but health is a bit sparse and i had to cheat my way through the red door. Might be my stupidity, or this needs to get fixed.

  • I don't think anything in this map needs fixing. I didn't have too much trouble getting the red key. Overall, this is a very good map. I think it should have received Map Of The Week. It will be a shame if people don't download it because they were erroneously told it needs to "get fixed."

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    Agreed, like didy's map, blowup, released at the end of last year (that I missed somehow), this map is terrific. The review doesn't do this map justice, the architecture is nice... the flow seems to be nice, I don't get lost when I hit a switch and the gameplay was well done... difficult for me, but I did it without cheating.

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    The only thing concerning the red key that could use a fix is that you can grab it with an easy bump. I mentioned that in the last report but it must've gotten overlooked in the release version.

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    Not sure what you mean. I went back and tried it again. There's no way I can grab the red key until I push the switch that moves it out of the "cage." In this new position an easy bump grabs it, but I'm sure it was designed that way.

    P.S. What "last report" are you referring to?

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    yes, Oldfukka, that's the way how to get the key.

    hmm belial, I've fixed it. checked it again and still can't grab the key through the fence

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    I'm really not sure how either of you can't get the key. :\ In fact, it's easier than a bump - it's an E4M1-like bar grab. All you do is keep running against the fence and you should eventually grab it. It can even be done in ZDoom.

    Here's a quick demo of the trick being performed. (requires a port like PrBoom)

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    Shades of Gray- Fun, short little map, but there were way too many cells at the end :P.

    Beluga- Map of the week indeed. I loved this level.

    Gyrotechnics- Another great level. Rather tough too.

    Small little nitpick about the music used in Gyrotechnics...

    In the txtfile, it's stated that the music comes from Blast Hornet's stage in Mega Man X3.

    Right game, but wrong stage music :P. It's from Gravity Beetle's stage. Just thought I'd clear this up for anyone.

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    Agh, I can't believe I didn't notice that. Oh well, thanks for pointing it out. :P

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    DomRem said:

    Here's a quick demo of the trick being performed. (requires a port like PrBoom)

    Thanks for the demo. Now I see what you're talking about, but I cannot duplicate that trick in either PrBoom or ZDoom. I tried and tried but could not get past the fence. I have no idea why some can do it and others can't. Maybe your guy has longer arms than mine?

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    Bastet Furry said:

    IMHO(!!!) most people are tired of always the same: Shoot Monster, Find Key, Shoot Monster, Find Door, Shoot Monster, Find Another Key, ....
    They want some story in their map, even if its a mock on something.
    They want better puzzles than "Push Button To Retrive Key".

    Really? I don't think most ZDoom maps do much better. They just make it so when you press a button to retrieve a key there's an elaborate cutscene and giant message saying "You have unlocked the key!" as if you're completely braindead.

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    Bastet Furry said:

    IMHO(!!!) most people are tired of

    It's not your opinion what other people think.

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    My english sucks, so if someone could translate:
    Meiner Meinung nach denken die meisten Leute...

    If that translates differnetly from what i wrote, then my apologies.

    If not then i must say its only what i think what most people think, i can be utterly wrong. Nice to know when. ;)

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    sargebaldy said:

    Really? I don't think most ZDoom maps do much better. They just make it so when you press a button to retrieve a key there's an elaborate cutscene and giant message saying "You have unlocked the key!" as if you're completely braindead.

    hahahaha!! too true.

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    Bastet Furry said:

    My english sucks, so if someone could translate:
    Meiner Meinung nach denken die meisten Leute...

    "In my opinion, most people think..." is actually correct; you could probably soften it a bit by saying "As far as I can tell, most people think..." or "It seems to me that most people think..." or so.

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    Schneelocke said:

    "In my opinion, most people think..." is actually correct; you could probably soften it a bit by saying "As far as I can tell, most people think..." or "It seems to me that most people think..." or so.

    Thats what i wanted to say, thanks.

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    I enjoyed Beluga, Gyrotechnics and Shades of Gray. All were a kick in the pants and kept that SSG nice and warm.

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