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A comunity megawad in two weeks (READY to download)

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Icarus: just use the METAL5 texture. It makes a decent locker type texture, I've used it before in such a capacity.

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@amberleaf: ImageShack is working well.

I'm busy working on my map, but here are a few pictures:


If they don't direct link, go here.

These are just of the first area. Like I stated before, I'm not being anal retentive about the details. I'll post more later as I build more of the level.

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Kid Airbag: That works as a side, but i need a good front texture for the door, to avoid it looing like a pile of boxes covered in vents.
Thanks for that anyway though

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If I remember correctly, some of the Doom alphas have a decent locker texture that wouldn't look out of place in a classic style megawad.

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I would like to join the project. I am done with my heretic map for the heretic chest. I would like to make a short map for this project. Im in a community mood.

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@DomRem and @lupinx-Kassman, thanks a lot, I hope you enjoy this.

@Johnatone that looks pretty cool! If that's little detail, can't imagine what's being anal retentive :-)

@Janitor, you can post pics at http://www.imageshack.us/. Still you don't really need to post pictures (heh I didn't post any preview of my maps), as far as they're not joke maps, or the like, there's no restriction. In case a map turns to be VERY simple in comparision with the others, we allways have the "secret maps", and easy to reach secret exits. But that should be in extreme cases, the purpose of this is to have fun, not to make a new hub for RTC-3057 :-P (yet so far all pics submited are high quality).

@About the texture wads, this is a very stressing part for me, I don't know how to create new texture wads, so unless someone else merge all new textures we want to join, we should have to choose one. I think a safe choice should be to use the one Johnatone posted (all DOOM and DOOM 2 textures usable in a same game), but extra textures should be cool.

IMPORTANT NOTE, for all who want to use extra textures please give us a link to the texture wad. I'd like to ask Bloodskull or other experienced lump editor to do the compilation.

@About the locker textures, I think you can use one of the grey textures that have some ventilation, use some trickery with the Y coordinates, and I think it'd look well enough.


@About new monsters, I think the safer thing should be to limit this to one or two new bosses and nothing else. I'm open for suggestions, yet I can take care of that if nobody oposes. One of my maps was designed to be a starting map but I think looks better for a boss arena.

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Thanks Vegeta. I tend to get too focused on things like detailed lighting, curved lines, et cetera. I've noticed that not having all the various ZDoom functions to mess with has made this map much less stressful and easier to work on.

Concerning map order placement, should I assume the player already has all their weapons, or set it up so they gain weapons as they go along? It's just something I need to know when considering difficulty settings. I've already decided against making the map coop. Once everything is finished, I could probably go back and adjust it.

Here are a couple more pictures. This area isn't finished yet, but it had a couple of issues I've got to address.


How do I fix the texture bleeding in the first one and the HOM in the second? I've been messing with the first one a bit and still haven't found a way to fix it.

Reguarding the second one, I have a feeling I'll just have to prevent the player from seeing the HOM area (based on the no-mlook of vanilla Doom).

Thanks for all the comments guys. I'd like to think I've come a long way from this (a good reason why first maps should never be sent to /Newstuff ;) ).

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Johnatone, ur interior sections look pretty cool, can't wait to play. To fix the fulltex bleeding, I just make a small sector in the middle and raise it by one, it won't bleed if the texture is fixed on a height difference.

I like the oldschool mod look of Icarus' project too. heh.

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I like the levels everyone has posted up so far. Damn... mine looks way too much like the classic Doom 2 maps, as in ugly and plain. I went through two redesigns with my maps. I'll try to post up some screenshots when I get most of it done.

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Darkfyre said:

Johnatone, ur interior sections look pretty cool, can't wait to play.

Thanks, I appreciate the comments.

He goes on to say:
To fix the fulltex bleeding, I just make a small sector in the middle and raise it by one, it won't bleed if the texture is fixed on a height difference.

Thanks, I was having a bitch of a time figuring that out. I'll live with the HOM effect, because if people spend more time looking at the map instead of playing it, I've failed. :)

I like the look of everybody's maps. Good job guys. I know we all started early, but I think know we're gonna pull this off. This is awesome.

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Shtbag667 said:

I made two new midis if anyone wants to use them for this project:
I would make a map but it would take too long for me.

Nice midis, could you make something that sounds fast paced from the beginning (like a boss battle?)

Icarus said:

Heh I like the space station theme, I remember when I was obsessed with space maps, heh, good times. My map is already (!) almost complete, its very short (but difficult), and it could be considered a boss type map.

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Heh. i guess i really dont have time to join this project. remove my name. maybe later. after SATs. and ACTs. and after i get a real job. july 2008 maybe?

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lupinx-Kassman said:

Nice midis, could you make something that sounds fast paced from the beginning (like a boss battle?)

You could try E3M8. That prety much Embodies Boss battles, IMO.


This is my VOlcano map, nigh-on finished now (Some lighting to fix, Maybe change some monster placements, so on)
But, give it a play, and throw som constructive Critisicm back if you have some time to waste. Cheers :)

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Um, how can I put this gently...

I myself would not release any of the maps in that wad. I assume that MAP02 or MAP03 was the one you wanted tested, as all of the others are incomplete.

Lets get MAP03 out of the way first. This map is basically a big maze that you use AUTO-MAP to navigate. It isn't fun, just tedious. There is really nothing you can do to improve it without ripping the whole map out.

As to MAP02, it is a very rough start. It looks like you were trying to do sky windows in the entry room, but used the textures which makes it look like crap. What you have to do is create a sector outside the window with a sky floor and ceiling, and then a sector that surrounds that one with the ceiling brought down to the floor.

The central room looks really plain. You need to make some height variation on the ceiling and also make some cutouts in the walls (maybe put some enemies in the cutouts?).

As to all of the caves, they are too dark and too small. You can't have it be 64 unit wide halls everywhere. Also, height variation is need again, it feels really flat.

The entire map is really too small. 64 unit hallways suck, it needs to be bigger. Also, rather than just having the halls end a switch, make a room there where there can be a battle. Right now the map is just composed of a bunch of hall-like caves, and you run into enemies. There are no real battles in this wad, and therefore the gameplay is pretty boring.

To recap:

A: There is a bunch of unfinished stuff in the wad file that should have been removed before you released it.

B: MAP02 is probably the only map worth saving.

C. You need height variation.

D. Too many hallways. There need to be actual rooms

E. Everything is too small! There is no immersion in this map, the map should feel like a real volcano with caverns. Try using a bigger grid size.

F. You need fun battles, not just running into monsters and killing them.

My suggestion is to use the 8 day left in the project to revamp and expand MAP02. Play some good wads to see how to make a fun map, like MAP27 and MAP28 of Community CHest 2:


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Okey, here's my review, but before that I'd like to thank you for your interest on this.

Map 2, needs some bug fixing with the bsp or level editor (early versions of Zdoom can't run it, and Gzdoom claims that is needed to build the nodes, or something like a bsp tree). I liked the map, I should tweek a bit the lightings, and expand some the caves adding angles so monsters move better, and the hallways look nicer. More height variation in the caves should be nice too, I suggest to look the cave area in E4M2 for ideas about doomish caves.

Map 3, you could add drop some archviles to make it more like Plutonia map11 (Hunted).

Map 4, has some potential, I think it's a good candidate for a hell map (as the previews).

Map 5, has some nice rooms, judging by the elevator that doesn't move I assume it isn't finished yet, but looks promising.

I'm afroid about what said Dr. Zin, there's still more than eight days left, in fact mapping was supposed to be saved for march 5th to 18th.

Edit: Shtbag, I'm listening your midis, great work, specialy with the first one, very doomish, reminds me a bit Evilution. You can be sure they'll be used on this.

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Thanks for the Comments, guys, Just the kinda stuff I was after.
I Actually thought I only had Map02 in there, but the other comments are good. (There is a map 07 and 10 in that .wad as well)

Map02, I think I might Gut the central area completely, make it bigger, add some stalagtites from the ceiling, all that sort of stuff. I might as well expand out the caverns and the last bit, It did feel petty claustrophobic.

Map03 (As you can see from the SSG and Plasma Gun from the beginning) was going to have Labrynth-esque Monsters, Mainly Barons, Spectres and Archviles. There is still a lot of work to do on that one, There are only a few Things in the entire maze section. I was never happy with the Exit room, either.

Map04 was me experimenting with tall buildings and alleyways, etc. But, If you reckon it has Potential, I might carry on with it.

Map05, the lift was going to go to a crate container room, not much decided there. The Staircase that heads upwards was going to be a keep of some description.

Map07 I'm going to scrap altogether.

Map10 is my Current WIP, so not much there right now.

The ones I was thinking of submitting for the project were going to be 02, 05 and 10, But 02 might have to be completly redesigned.
If I have time (And anymore Ideas) 03 and 04 might stay as well.
Time Permitting, of course.

Anyways, Cheers for the comments und so weiter.

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Can you please drop me out of the project because I'm not confident I can get my map done before the 15th of March, I have done only a small amount of work to it. But anyway good luck and I look forwrad to playing it.

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So, mapping has unofficially started, right? If so, I kinda just finished mine right now. There are still some misaligned textures in some areas, but if you want to see it, just say so and I'll email it to you.

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Maping time has officialy started!

Any contribution please submit it to alexisaiello(nospam)@ hotmail.com (of course removing the (nospam)).

@Bloodskull I have played through your map, I'll send you my review today.
@Pcorf, I have to say this is a big lost, but don't worry, the purpose of this is to have fun, I hope you enjoy the finished product, and if you change your mind, here the doors are open (I'd like to remind you that maps don't have to be big, but yeah I know the pride of a level designer :-)).
@Lizard, feel free to contact me for beta testing.

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Sorry for the lack of feedback from me lately, but I haven't had alot of time to map as of late. Depends on when exactly my boyfriend is planning on moving, and when my main PC will be in order. Don't count me out yet, just er... Don't be too confident in me finishing a map by the 15th. If I don't release it on time, I'll finish it, etc... And release it as a solo map for ZDoom (originally the map was ZDoom in Hexen format).

As for the sky textures I ripped out of Painkiller - ImageShack is too bitchy for me to do anything with it, I can't be arsed to get a PhotoBucket account, and stuff like FreeWebs really isn't practical IMO. So uh, I'll send Vegeta a WAD with them or something.

EDIT: And as for a texture WAD, I'll give that a try. Point out what texture WADs you guys think I should take a look at and I'll submit a compilation to Vegeta for review.

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@Vegeta: Thanks for the comments about my maps. I understand your using a limit removing port for these maps, but alot of people generally use Boom/Zdoom/Gzdoom, so I don't think my transulecent glass would be a problem, but if it is you can just remove the tags. I'll double check some other things that you mentioned though.

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Well, I guess I'll just start making more midis starting this weekend since its something I don't think many people can do (people don't have to use them unless they want to). I don't think I'll come up with a decent map in a short period of time plus all the slots are probably taken already. Still, I may try to create a map anyways.

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The map is roughly 2/3rds complete (and would be done already if I wasn't such a god damn detail freak), including item placement. It's optimized for ultra violence but with other difficulty settings implemented as well. I won't give an exact count, but in two separate areas the enemy count is already over 170. I'll send the updated map to you soon Vegeta, and hopefully the third release will be final.

Shtbag667 said:

Well, I guess I'll just start making more midis starting this weekend since its something I don't think many people can do (people don't have to use them unless they want to).

Your MIDI files sound good so far, so I'm looking forward to what you come up with. I've got everything I need to make a MIDI, but haven't really come up with any good ideas, much less appropriate ideas, for the project, so I'm glad we have somebody with some talent making some music for us.

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This morning I made some of my map around 5:30am to 6:00am. (yes, it is that early every morning :P).
When we got to the bus station, we got told that the bus didn't drive today. The reason was that the bus drivers had a meeting about their payment. So we got a day off, as there were no other solution. So I mapped today until now, taking a small break. The stats for the map is now:
270 sectors
2067 sidedefs
1352 linedefs

It is a classic doom/doom2 classic map.

Start of the map

Around middle of the map.
I try to make it more nonlinar by adding more connections to the different rooms. :)
Work so far is probaly 4 hours.

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@Fisk, thanks for your offer I'll send you the texture wads. But don't worry if you'r lacking in time or demands too much work, I'm sure maps I can adapt the maps to one of them without bastardizing them (much). About mapping, take your time, we can wait until 18th, perhaps 19th, but yeah I know how stressing can be to map when you don't have much time for it, specialy when you're in couple.
I'd like to ask you to send me the skies, my e-mail address is alexisaiello @hotmail.com (without the space eventually).

@Johnatone, that's cool man.

@Bloodskull, no problem I don't want to ruin your map. Feel free to contact me for betatesting with other map.

@Shtbag667, nice to see that you're still you in. Your midis are great they'll add a very nice touch. About the maps, thanks to the magic of MAPINFO there isn't max nor min. Perhaps you'r like to give a try to one of the boss arenas. There will be three new bosses (one for each episode), and at the moment two arenas left. Let me know here if you're interested and I'll send you the bosses once the code is done.
Other than that normal maps are still highly welcome specialy hellish (but base too) maps, they don't need to be big at all.

@Torn, I have just checked your pics, nice work, glad to see people still in.

I'd like to ask one or two mappers to introduce a Cyberdemon and/or Spidermastermind, as there seem to be a lack of them so far. I'll see how to introduce one of these on my maps too. Yet I don't want an over population of them, so just the ones who think a big monster could fit well :-P

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