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A comunity megawad in two weeks (READY to download)

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I'll do the MAPINFO. I'll just need some basic information (map names, sky textures, music, endtext, etc...)

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Wow, 16 maps? Cool. :)

By the way, do you need any additional information for my map? I might have already told you about my map. It's called "Water Treatment Facility" and it's (obviously) set in some small Water Treatment Facility on Earth. I'm guessing you'll be placing it as one of the first maps of the megawad. The only music I had in mind was either from the 3rd or 4th map from Doom 2. I don't remember.

Good luck with the final part of the project.

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Vegeta, My map is done, Thing placement wise, I hope I Didn't over do the health too much. The 2 Manc's are Imps on ITYTD-HMP, There are some spectres and Imps scattered about, and now all I have to do is Copius amounts of Lighting changes.
What Map number is mine going to be BTW? I'll Change the number before I give you the Final Version.

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I could get mine in if someone could point my to a tut on how to make key colored doors.

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you mean like doors which need a key of a certain color to open?
then check out the specialised trigger lines for those.

if you mean doors which textures match a key,then I'm afraid you'd have to use a new one with shifted colors.


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My map is done, and sent to you Vegeta. Any idea how long until the final Wad appears?

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I'm very ashamed yesterday later at night lights go out and I couldn't touch this until today (that and I had a great day at work, which mean less time for editing), but don't be afroid, this will be out today.

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It's done.

I'd like to note that I have added minor modifications to certain maps to fit the overall theme, but the maps are basicaly the same.

-Icarus: I did some little changes in your Volcano map (expanding a bit the caves, some little changes with the monster placements. In your Gatehouse I placed some spectres with imps because when I build the nodes the they couldn't leave the little rooms they where located. I also added a storm of demons, and some minor changes in the monsters of the first room.

-Bloodskull: I hope you don't hate me for this, but I had to remove all the custom textures to make your map fit with the texture pack the rest of the team used. The result looks basicaly the same, I payed special atention to make it looks as faithfull as posible to the original.

-Cadman: I added a computer automap in your map as I told you via e-mail.

-Lupinx-Kassman: I finished the boss arena you told me.

-Johnatone: I finished your map as we talked about.

Okey, here it is..

I hope you enjoy this:


Happy dooming!

I'll upload it to the archives later in the week. I hope the DOOM music (used in a DOOM 2 wad) is no reason for the project to be rejected.

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When making a server it would be much easier to load one wad than 4. I am pretty sure a .lmp cannot even be added as an extra file.

Merging all this together into 1 wad could make coop much more easy.

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Yeah, that's really confusing to me as well. I figured you could put the MAPINFO.LMP inside the wadfile that has the maps. I suggest at least merging the MAPINFO.LMP file with the maps and textures. What kind of new music was there supposed to be? I only heard the default Doom 2 music.

I did get to play through most of the maps. The odd thing is that the game sometimes crashed and I was using the latest version of ZDoom. The new sky that was used in my map was really ugly. It just didn't look right. If it didn't have the mountains in the background, it would have looked a little better. Maybe it's just me but the new boss monsters didn't match, namely the Arachnoid. The new Spidermastermind was really cheap.

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Cool it's done :)
I'll download it later and give it a play, gotta go off to school X|

What would be cool is, if we had more time, Expand it out into a full 32map .wad

Then, we would have time to iron out all the creases that have come up so far. Anyone up for it?

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Nice! But I wonder why is it the wrong music for my map?

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@Lizard: Mountains in the sky on your map? It's supposed to be a cloudy map close to the standard DOOM 2 base sky, there's no mountains on them. Could you put a screenshot? I'd also like to note that all of these skies look way better without the stretching factor.
About the bosses, well this is purely because the lack of time, this is one of the reasons why I puted them in a diferent wad, feel free to replace the spots with other creatures if that's better for you. I wanted to make them harder than the original bosses but without getting excesive, as super hard monsters tend to be annoying.
About the crashes, the only reason to require latest versions are the codes, if then you can run the mod and the game crashes, I really don't know what's happening. Then again, with more time things should be better, personaly I'm happy with the result, but I'm sure some of you with better Zdoom knowledge and lump management skills can fix this.

@Catoptromancy lmp files can be loaded with the -file parameter.

@Torn, wrong music? damn! I just used the one from one of your wads, I'll fix this.

Personaly I'm very happy with the result, yet I know there are some issues, please remember it's speed megawading, for the nature of the project there were no much discussion about how to do things I just placed everything the way I thought was better, with my under average skills. Now with more time, I encourage anybody interested to group the stuff better and/or fix random issues.
Betatesting was also poor, now playing the megawad from start to finish I'm finding little bugs in certain maps that were supposed to be fixed.

Before uploading to the archives hopefully major bugs will be fixed.

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Well, when I load the music.wad there is just playing D_running music for my map. :/

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Are you including the mapinfo.lmp in the command line? As your map is map15 the standard music is D_runnin, but the mapinfo replace it with D_torn.

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Vegeta's maps are really poor, I don't understand why he placed so many of them in the wad.

The new bosses are quite meh.

09, 10, 13 and 15 are the better ones from the pack, Torn's map being my favorite.

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ATTENTION: Please include MAPINFO.lmp when you load all the wad files, other than that there will be no victory texts, proper sky distribution, map names, neither custom music.

You must run the game like this
-file bosses.wad megaw.wad music.wad d1gfxd2.wad mapinfo.lmp

Not necesary on that order though.

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Why is the Mapinfo not included in the wad? Not making one wad out of the whole package is just stupid.

EDIT: And the filehost seem to be pretty shitty, since I can't seem to get past 10% of the download.

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Belial said:

Vegeta's maps are really poor, I don't understand why he placed so many of them in the wad.

I don't understand why your mom loves you, yet she does.

Seriously, I know my maps are the simpler in the pack, but the purpose of this was to have fun, not to make a complex megawad (and the priority was to acomplish the main goal, "a megawad in two weeks") I enjoy my maps, no matter how old they are, I thought this was a good chance for including some of them, also I think they fit well in the project as introduction maps, and boss arenas.

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The point I attempted was when making a server. In IDE and ZDlauncher I have never seen a MAPINFO or any other .lmp ever loaded separately.

It would actually be easier to merge all the stray wads and .lmps into one wad when hosting servers on IDE.

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Vegeta said:

I don't understand why your mom loves you, yet she does.

Just a thought, shouldn't that be irrelevant when you're running a community project? :P

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I'm sorry if my reaction was inapropriate, but put in my position for a moment, perhaps it wasn't visible to most people but organizing this, doing minor touches to many of the maps (mostly mine but also some of the other), organizing the coding work, custom graphics, and all, took a lot of work and time, specialy as I wanted to keep the promise in the release date. It was very fun for me, and nobody asked me to do it so I don't complain about it, but having these kind of responses put me mad, I never said "this will be the best mod ever", I didn't ask anything in exchange to download the file, I didn't force anybody to be part of this, in fact I also give credits to these who joined and left the project without submiting a map.

I'm sorry if I couldn't group the stuff better, that's why I ask someone of the team to do it for me.

About bugs in the maps (that so far nobody complained about), even DOOM 2 had grotesque bugs on its first versions, and it was done by a professional team with much more time (not only chronological time, but also daily time dedicated to it).

To all these who played it without the now damned mapinfo, please check the mod again with it, the gameplay quality changes as drasticaly as playing a wad with its intended dehacked patch (in oposition to playing it alone).

I'll upload it again later in the afternoon. Which free host do you recomend me? It must be able to upload files like 3 mb or so.

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I may be being a total Fagtard here, but I cant get the .wads to all work together on ZDoom. Confused much?
Oh and I played the frst 3 maps so far; Very E2 like.

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