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Doom 3 and the media


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i dont know if this topic has been discussed before but oh well...when doom 3 comes out do you think the media will give it a bad rap since the old dooms already have gotten put down by the media in their "violence in video games" discussions?

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Media's so slow compared to the videogame evolution that they'll blame DooM 3 for causing all those decompressions on the science & research chambers of our colony outpost orbiting Io.

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The media probably won't jump on it until it starts showing up in the #1 spots on sales charts, if even then. Hell, I remember some idiot blathering about how evil Mortal Kombat(1) is not too long ago. =P

However, when you look at it in this light, iD's decision to stay tight-lipped about the project seems like a smart choice, no?

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