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Assisted 'Suicide'

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Well... I reply to things enough here, so I figured start a new thread ^.^

What do you think of assisted 'suicide'? Most seem to be against it completly and many refuse to even -talk- about it. I personally think it's not necessarily a bad thing. If, say, do had a chronic condition and would be miserable and in pain for your entire life, it should be your own choice. This is not to say it should be approved for 'temporary' problems such as depression over events that may be remedied but for those with no real hope who won't be able to enjoy their lives anyway. If you want to die it should be your own decision. It's your own life and not even the government should have the power to dispute that. Anyhow, here's an example to think about:
If a human has no limbs, is constantly in horrible pain and indeed will lead a miserable life it isn't allowable for them to end their lives. If an animal such as a dog has no limbs and is constantly in agony, it's perfectally legal and sanctioned to put them to sleep. In that case, would it be so right to let the being, human or otherwise, suffer in horrible excruciating pain?

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I dunno.

I guess it should be a choice, though only in extreme cases.

But it would sure suck if somebody discovered the cure to your agony right after you had the suicide performed.

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As I see it, nobody should have the right to force you to live... under any circumstances- but at that same time, I don't think that should stop people from trying. I don't want to drag this topic in the realm of suicide in general, but I can say for being on that ledge that there is always the possibility that things could get better. I suppose any kind of assisited suicide would have to be looked at as how likely things are to get better. If a person would be stuck in a hospital for the rest of their lives, or especially if they were being kept alive by machines- I can understand and I would agree if the person chose to end their life. In the end the decision may not be the easiest to make- but it is up to the person who wants to fade.

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My personal belief, of course, is that God gave me life and it is not for me to end it, it is up to Him. But in terms of government my personal beliefs are irrelevant.

I don't really care. While you're on this planet it's your life (until you murder someone).

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God gave me life and it is not for me to end it, it is up to Him.


That would also mean you should die when you have a fatal wound or accident or something, instead of being recoverd by doctors.

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Doomboy is a tragic victim of chronic stupidity. I think its time that we put him out of his misery ;)

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God gave me life and it is not for me to end it, it is up to Him.


That would also mean you should die when you have a fatal wound or accident or something, instead of being recoverd by doctors.


Maybe God placed the doctors there because it wasn't his time yet?

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Do any of you know what the story behind Metallica's song One is? Well, I'm gonna tell you anyway:
It's about this guy who gets hit by a bomb in World War I. After this, he loses his sight, hearing, sense of smell, sense of touch, and his arms and legs are amputated. He is unable to speak or move because his brain is basicaly disconnected from most of his nervous system. (I saw this all on a tape about the making of the One video; they got the idea from an old movie called 'Johnny Got a Gun'). Anyway, this guy awakens and finds himself in a state in which he doesn't know weather he's dead, alive, dreaming, or what. Every day he wishes for release. This would be the perfect example of someone who NEEDS assisted suicide.

I think assisted suicide is a good thing for terminaly ill patients who will never be able to continue their lives anyway. I do not, however think its a good thing for people who have been 'dishonored' or something. Thats just silly...

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It's not suicide if it's assisted. Then it's murder.
That's my two cents.

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It's a judgement call, really. If the guy is in unspeakable suffering with no chance (or extremely slim odds) of recovery (as in danarchist's example), then I think you might as well have "mercy." If someone walks into the doctor's office under their own power and asks to die, then no. (If the docotr so much as agrees to think about it, it should be charged as Conspiracy to Commit.)

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I agree with RW on the subject.

Speaking of Metallica's one, I actually saw the rare version of it on mtv2 once. That's one of my favorite videos, the song is kick ass also, definatly one of their better ones.

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There's been a lot of discussion lately about this, specially on Spain. I'm ok with euthanasy, as long as the pacient is in a conscient state where he understands what he's wishing for.

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I'm okay with it entirely, so long as the patient doesn't suffer. There are people on this earth that want to die, and I don't think it is our right to deny them that. We never asked to be put here, after all.

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I see forcing an incredibly ill person to suffer through years of miserable life 10x the crime of putting them out of their misery. Who the fuck could argue otherwise?

God made all men, yeah. It is unhuman for someone to have a bizarre disease or condition or are otherwise fucked up in some ludicrous way that makes living unbearable.

We're not supposed to decide when we end, it is not supposed to be our choice, but Jesus, if my whole body felt like a kick to the balls ALL THE TIME, EVERY SINGLE DAY you can bet I'd off myself or have a friend do me within a fucking week.

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Speaking of Metallica's one, I actually saw the rare version of it on mtv2 once. That's one of my favorite videos, the song is kick ass also, definatly one of their better ones.


My friend is a Metallica nut, and he has this rare video with both One videos and some interviews about them.

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If the subject is technically alive but "essentially dead" (i.e. debilitating pain, absolutely crippled, vegitable, no hope for recovery, et al) you can rightfully put them out of their misery. But people who are still mostly functional shouldn't pursue "assisted suicide" until they start losing function.

Suicide is a coward's way out.

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My friend is a Metallica nut, and he has this rare video with both One videos and some interviews about them.


What's different in this rare version?


Suicide is a coward's way out.


The total retard has spoken ;)

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People who are against euthanasia should get cancer and proceed to die slowly in great pain.

Maybe that'll make them change their mind.

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...or maybe the people with terminal illnesses should use legalized weed! YES! Danarchist's example was kinda creepy though. But when some non-vegetable, mobile, capable person commits suicide, then why does it need to be assisted? If they're serious about suicide, why can't they bring themselves to do it?

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My friend is a Metallica nut, and he has this rare video with both One videos and some interviews about them.


Probably got it from a rare single, that's how my friend got it. He collects every damn metallica thing, and knows every fact. Walking Metallica encyclopedia.


What's different in this rare version?


There are clips in it that are from the movie "Johnny Got His Gun" which is based upon the book by Dalton Trumbo who also directed the movie in 1971. The movie is about a soldier who's arms and legs were blown away by a grenade during World War I. Metallica purchased the rights to this film to use it for the music video.

There was also the normal version which only shows them playing and no movie clips and the shortened version of the rare one. It was their first video so they probably didn't know what to do and ended up fixing it.

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Probably got it from a rare single, that's how my friend got it. He collects every damn metallica thing, and knows every fact. Walking Metallica encyclopedia.


Same with my friend.


What's different in this rare version?


There are clips in it that are from the movie "Johnny Got His Gun" which is based upon the book by Dalton Trumbo who also directed the movie in 1971. The movie is about a soldier who's arms and legs were blown away by a grenade during World War I. Metallica purchased the rights to this film to use it for the music video. [/quote]Yeah, thats whats on the tape.

My final (possibly) word on the matter:
"Do you know what happens in the afterlife to people who commit suicide?"

"They become civil servants."

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I suport assisted suicide, it's the persons right to choose if they want to end their life. I don't think any government should be able to take away a persons right to die. However I only think it should be reserved for people who are terminally ill and have no chance of recovery. If you're really depressed and serious about suicide and aren't terminally ill (and I hate to say this) you should have the courage to kill yourself. I think that if there's nothing wrong with the person then no, they shouldn't need assisted suicide, but they should still have the option available. However imagine this, a person who is going to die of cancer and is in incredible pain all the time can't die because of laws against assisted suicide. So they really only see on other option, to kill themselves. Then they pick up a gun, and shoot themselves in the head, only they don't kill themselves, they merely destroy part of the brain, hence turning into a 'vegetable'. No they're much worse off than they started, all because the government took away their right to die. Of course now they'd be stuck in a hospital for the rest of their life, not being able to really move or communicate and just waiting for the cancer to kill them. Really I feel that's why assisted suicide is okay, so that terminally ill people can end their suffering and not risk botching a suicide.

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there is a debate going on here in th eUK right now.. a wamon called Diane Pretty wants to end her life, but the Lords have just refused her the right for her hsband to help her die. She is terminally ill, is in pain, and her life gets worse each day.
As a Christian, I value life immensely, but I think the Lord gave us life and as it was a gift and we live it it's our choice to decide if we take it or not. What I won't stand for is the state thinking it has the right to intervene over any human being's wish to end their life. No man-made legislature can ever have that much power.

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  • 3 weeks later...

But when some non-vegetable, mobile, capable person commits suicide, then why does it need to be assisted? If they're serious about suicide, why can't they bring themselves to do it?


Assisted suicide should only be allowed if the person can not physically do it on their own. If someone dying of cancer that can get around on their own wishes for an "assisted suicide", too bad. Run your car off a cliff at 110mph, or go skydiving without a parachute, Wile E. Coyote style.

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I forget where, but I heard once that attempting suicide is an offence punishable by death in some places. Kind of funny if you think about it. Talk about a slap on the wrist...

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I forget where, but I heard once that attempting suicide is an offence punishable by death in some places.


I know it's a criminal offense in some states and probably other countries, but never heard of it being worthy of a death penalty.

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I forget where, but I heard once that attempting suicide is an offence punishable by death in some places. Kind of funny if you think about it. Talk about a slap on the wrist...


I read this law on the Dumb Laws website. I forget which state/country it was in though.

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I don't believe that website, I read that if you throw a rotten pickle after some hour you can get arrested. I don't believe that shit, maybe if you threw it at someone, but otherwise that site has to be bullshit.

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Actualy, those laws are all written in the law books. Very few of them are enforced (luckily). However, according to that website in the town in which I live, it is illegal to shuck peanuts on the streets. I have heard of at least one incidence of this law being enforced. It would suck to be that person.

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