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Hell Revealed demos [-complevel 2]

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DSDA page aka hr // hr.wad


This is the thread to post any Hell Revealed demos that aren't to be considered as Compet-N entries. If you are using Prboom-plus, then -complevel 2 is recommended.


I did a demo for HR level 14.


Edited by Maribo

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  • 8 months later...

This is the thread to post any Hell Revealed demos that aren't to be considered as Compet-N entries. If you are using Prboom-plus, then -complevel 2 is recommended.


Hell Revealed map17 (The Black Towers) Nomonsters Speed in 0:22.

I think it was Eugene Kapustin who suggested this idea. I notice that HR's 10th birthday is coming up next month. I feel the wad has aged rather better than the computer I played it on back then (a small but heavy notebook, with a stuck key, a dodgy floppy drive, busted "smartpoint mouse" and intermittent power supply and display issues - and no, I didn't use it to record this demo).

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And another one:

Hell Revealed map15 (Gates to Hell) Nomonsters Speed in 0:23 (normal exit).

This route should be very feasible with monsters, possibly with a minor detour to get the megasphere. You won't have long to attempt the glide though.

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Grazza said:

I notice that HR's 10th birthday is coming up next month.

I noticed that too. A sequel to Hell quickly Revealed (perhaps completely TAS'd) would've been a nice present, but probably a large project to finish in time. I'm afraid I'd be of little use, anyway :)

By the way, has anyone heard anything from Yonatan in the last 5 years?

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Grazza said:

Hell Revealed map15 (Gates to Hell) Nomonsters Speed in 0:23 (normal exit).

This route should be very feasible with monsters, possibly with a minor detour to get the megasphere. You won't have long to attempt the glide though.

This one was quite easy to get: hr15-022.zip. Something like 0:20 and Pacifist too would be nice. It doesn't seem to have been done at all on Nightmare yet.

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cack_handed said:

Something like 0:20 and Pacifist too would be nice.

Yes, the only extra difficulty with Pacifist stems from the chaingunner at the end. But that's just a case of a bit of luck.

It doesn't seem to have been done at all on Nightmare yet.

Only in an old TAS demo AFAIK. But with this new route, it should be feasible unassisted, though the megasphere may be necessary (in case you don't know how to get to it, you use the far side of the first teleporter you open up).

The secret exit also has a similar arrangement, but I haven't actually worked out what the route would be to make use of that (I've always found this map a bit confusing, to be honest).

BTW, in HR map04 you can use a glide (pretty obvious where it is) to get the yellow key directly, skipping the red key. This should save a good few seconds.

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Grazza said:

But with this new route, it should be feasible unassisted, though the megasphere may be necessary (in case you don't know how to get to it, you use the far side of the first teleporter you open up).

I managed to get the Pacifist time I wanted on this one without too much difficulty: hr15p020.zip. And Nightmare turned out to be possible with a lot of persistence, though this first exit demo looks pretty awful: hn15-113.zip

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Good stuff. I enjoyed watching the NM - "blind panic" demos can be fun to watch.

I've split this off into its own thread, as I think there are enough posts/demos (and obviously scope for plenty more) to justify that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thought I'd post this trick because I couldn't find it mentioned elsewhere (though I may just have missed it, or forgotten):

Three minutes of staring into a Cyberdemon's arse. Nothing too serious, but perhaps good for a laugh. So, anyone up for a Tyson? ;-D

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I could be wrong, but isn't that the same cyberdemon you end up telefragging later? (i.e. a rather quicker Tyson-acceptable way to kill it. And if not, isn't it useful for infighting?)

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Yeah, probably (damn, it's been a long time since I played that map through!)... This wasn't serious, you know, I just thought it would be fun to show that you can play the start an "unintended" way.

EDIT: BTW, am I the only one who finds it hilarious that this thread has 11 posts and *14 000* views? (yes, I'm aware of the reason why, but still...)

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Kristian Ronge said:

EDIT: BTW, am I the only one who finds it hilarious that this thread has 11 posts and *14 000* views? (yes, I'm aware of the reason why, but still...)

That's with all of the enemies from HR browsing to see how they've been bested yet again. ;)

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Kristian Ronge said:

Thought I'd post this trick because I couldn't find it mentioned elsewhere (though I may just have missed it, or forgotten):

Three minutes of staring into a Cyberdemon's arse. Nothing too serious, but perhaps good for a laugh.

Do I win if I said that I've killed it that way several times :P?

Grazza said:

I could be wrong, but isn't that the same cyberdemon you end up telefragging later? (i.e. a rather quicker Tyson-acceptable way to kill it. And if not, isn't it useful for infighting?)

Not quite. The cybie at the start teleports into the big room with the BFG in it. I'd probably leave it alive myself if I played thru the level at a fair pace. Easy way to clear those mancos out in the same room.

Kristian Ronge said:

BTW, am I the only one who finds it hilarious that this thread has 11 posts and *14 000* views? (yes, I'm aware of the reason why, but still...)

No you're not :P. I find it rather funny myself. Bear in mind I just realized that not even 5 minutes ago :P.

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Kristian Ronge said:
[EDIT: BTW, am I the only one who finds it hilarious that this thread has 11 posts and *14 000* views? (yes, I'm aware of the reason why, but still...) [/B]

Isn't it because of this thread was separated from "Miscellaneous demos" thread? :-/

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An excellent demo.

It's been a while since I've actually played Doom, but I couldn't leave HR24 without recording something.

I really wanted to take this further, maybe in Vanilla, but I haven't had time to attempt it again in the last few days and I probably won't have a chance anytime soon either.

HR24 UV Max in 8:33

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Yeah it is great run that this legendary map truly deserves. though you can beat 8 mins without a doubt. Btw it was nice to see the progress of the routes/times on this map from it's "almost uncompletable" status with some runs around 20 minutes to this run which makes the map looking not too hard.

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Great demos guys!

Killer time on map24 Belial, I was wondering when someone was going to be hitting up that map again.

Popcorn worthy, the whole bunch of 'em!

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