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New Cacodeamon for a new map!

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This image is the first frame of a new faster, stronger, and deadlier Cacodeamon for my new map coming up soon. This frame is finished unless I decide to go forward with a new feature that would include some extra spikes on the top. This was done in Adobe Photoshop. Here you can see the original sitting side by side with the new one. The only actual feature change thus far was increasing the size of the horns by roughly 30%, The rest was strictly changing the color of almost every existing feature to get a new look. Although I have done much custom artwork before, this is my first attempt at a new monster. My map will also have a new weapon, another first. Let me know what you guys think, I'll have some other frames soon.

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Sorry about the size of the image, if you save it and view it in a photo program it can be seen bigger. Next time I'll upload a bigger image.

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Nice :) The shine on the horns on the top looks a bit odd, so perhaps you should extend the shine up further slightly (assuming that is supposed to be shine). :)

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thats pretty cool looking. I like the new colors. they could be a bitch in a dark map. Is it gonna have new attacks?

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Thanks for the complements,
Yes it will have an altered attack. I haven't decided how far to go with it yet though. As of now it shoots 3 balls at a time, moves nearly twice as fast, and I doubled its health. I plan on this one to die differently as well. At death I want it to explode sending out fireballs in all directions and causing splash damage to anyone too close to it when this happens. I was also thinking of an occasional guided fireball that would leave a smoke trail kind of like the revenants but I'll have to see how many of these are going in the map before I make it too hard to deal with in higher numbers.

The new horns were intended to be primarily black that would fade into gold at the base, I could have gotten a better look if I had more colors than 256 to work with but I think its close to what I wanted. colors of gold exist in only a few shades in the doom color palette unfortunately. I may make some minor adjustments after I finish all the frames. The attack frame looks cool, I'll have it posted here as soon as I get the new horns on it. Probably sometime tomorrow.

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Here is his foward attack frame as well as the original.
Some changes may still be made but I now have all frames in all angles completed like this apart from the death sequence.

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Looks mean, but I'm afraid trolls will bitch here because, apart from having its extremities enlarged, your meaner caco is "basically" a recoloured mundane caco.
Still, good luck, looks promising, and kinda creepy in the low-lighted outside sector too -- because it'll be hard to tell the difference to the normal caco, until it takes off half of your health.

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Looks good I like the bigger horns, its sure looks like its an more powerfull monster.Maybe those small arms from the Pain Elemental or more horns on his back as well.Good luck with this looks like an interesting monster to me, I wouldn't mind using it in an project of mine.

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That is one mean looking caco. I like it! The fireball death you stated also sounds really cool. Do let us know when your finished I would very much like to see this.

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Sure thing, as soon as I finish the map its going in I'll post the map in various popular places. I'll also post the new Cacodeaom and the new weapon I plan to make separately. Perhaps the Cacodeamon can go in that monster resource WAD if its still being expanded, but in any case anyone will be welcome to use it.

The weapon will be a new type of chain-gun with two additional stationary barrels on each side, it will have its own ammo and deliver the same type of stopping power the plasma rifle does. Only difference is that unlike the plasma rifle this will be an instant contact weapon of course, just like the pistol, shotguns, and chain-gun. In other words theres no anticipating where your projectile will be 3 seconds after its fired. This will make it more effective than the plasma rifle. It will drain its ammo faster than the chain-gun but I'll give it a max ammo of about 800. I was hoping to give it the minor setback of overheating but I'll have to see how that plays out, this is my first attempt at both a monster and weapon. :)

I'm going to try and post some pics of my map here now, but just a handful in the first half of it because I don't want to spoil it :)
The map is about 80% complete and uses all the usable grid space on the map and currently has almost 40,000 sidedefs. I want this map to be visually impressive so I'm using everything zdoom has to offer to achieve this. It will contain over 1000 enemies and its supposed to be the level that would have come after level 30 in Doom 2, making the secret levels 32 and 33. Kind of like an escape from the hell you just destroyed where the remainder of the forces of hell gather together to make one last stand against you.

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That looks very good; it's not often we get ZDoom wads with huge, wide open spaces :).

(BTW, regarding the Monster Resource WAD: the original is no longer updated, but Tormentor667 started up a successor called Monster Resource NG. It doesn't seem like that will get an update until a certain other project is released, though.)

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those screens look pretty nice. the new caco death sounds pretty cool. are you gonna make it something like the pain elemtal death where it falls out of the sky and explodes, or is it gonna blow up in the air? I like the idea of the splash damage and fireballs as well. those should be the homing variety. BTW, does the new caco have a name yet?

your gun sounds pretty cool to BTW. I'm not crazy about new weapons, but I'd like to see how that works, especially if you can find a way to make it overheat.

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Yea it will kind of explode in mid air Ive decided, leaving no body. I wont be using any of the original 6 death sequence frames for this. The new sequence will contain as much as 12 new frames and it should be much more detailed than the pain elementals death sequence. Thankfully all the monsters die facing the player and that saves me from having to create the same sequence for every angle so I can concentrate on making it interesting looking. Ive planned on a new attack as well, but I'll let that be a surprise.

Ive been going back and forth on names but have yet to come up with something that sticks. I could call it "Number 2" like on Austin Powers but then id have to spend the time to give the cacodeamon an eye patch to stay true to its characters name. That would suck because then it would be one blind son of a ***** and id have to redesign it to act retarded and bump into walls, to much work. Sigh, hehe.

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Doom monster re-design is always a mixed bag for me--on the one hand I don't like to see the monsters changed too much, but on the other, I don't like minor cosmetic changes/tweaks. Your gameplay enhancements sound interesting, but the creature itself isn't different enough looking from a normal cacodemon at this point. I'd recommend altering it a bit more.

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