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SLADE 2.0 Beta Version Excursion

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At long last, SLADE is officially updated from the ancient v1.13. The version 2.0 beta adds many exciting new features, including but not limited to automatic line splitting, a make sector function, an improved 3D mode, and increased speed and stability.

If you've been keeping up with the 2.0 alphas that have been posted on the SLADE forum, there have been a number of notable improvements and additions since the last alpha.

Get it now from slade.mancubus.net! Kids love it!

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If someone would make a Doom editor that worked pretty much like Radiant for the Quake and Doom3 engines. Then I'd be on that like Michael Jackson on small boys.

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Texture's change from one to another in 3d-mode works slowly (it's strange), but 'undo' works immediately
Bottom polygon of a sprite's box should be drawn above floor a little to avoid blinks I think.

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kristus said:

If someone would make a Doom editor that worked pretty much like Radiant for the Quake and Doom3 engines. Then I'd be on that like Michael Jackson on small boys.


edit: This editor is starting to look pretty badass. I need to download and maybe find a replacement to Wadauthor finally.

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CodeImp said:

I suppose this calls for a Doom Builder 2.0 once I'm done with Hellbent. :)

that would be quite the cool thing, it would.

this new version of SLADE seems much nicer than the old version i tried out way back.

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It's a great editor, simple to use. I was able to create a simple test map in seconds with little hassle. The 3D Mode is a godsend too.

Only problem I've encountered is trying to create pillars inside of sectors. I tried following the documentation on line drawing, but even if I draw the sector counter-clockwise, it still creates another sector rather than a pillar. Am I doing something wrong?

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Snarboo said:

It's a great editor, simple to use. I was able to create a simple test map in seconds with little hassle. The 3D Mode is a godsend too.

Only problem I've encountered is trying to create pillars inside of sectors. I tried following the documentation on line drawing, but even if I draw the sector counter-clockwise, it still creates another sector rather than a pillar. Am I doing something wrong?

In SLADE, there are very few times when you need to think about which direction you're drawing in. Creating doors and lifts is the only thing I can think of where you'd want to draw them in a certain direction, and you could flip those lines later if you needed.

To create a pillar, draw a sector in the shape of the pillar you want. Then make sure you're in sector mode, click inside the pillar sector to select it, and hit the "del" key on your keyboard. :)

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How convenient, I'm planning to install etch on this computer in a few days.

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iv been wanting to change over to slade for ages
but im just so used to doom builder

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I remember there being tons of sector creation anomolies in the 2.0 alpha's. Hopefully, those have been cleaned up.

Any planned support for eternity's Extradata?

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AlexMax said:

I remember there being tons of sector creation anomolies in the 2.0 alpha's. Hopefully, those have been cleaned up.

Any planned support for eternity's Extradata?

I haven't changed that stuff so it's probably still there. I hardly have problems with it though so it's a bit hard for me to track down.

Extradata I plan to support, but it probably won't be for a while.

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