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Knee-Deep in ZDoom, Co-op Style

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kristus said:
Are you supposed to laugh at the monsters in KDIZD? Cause I just met a monster that was a copypaste of the Press release Lost soul and Baron of hell. It looked ridiculous. :D

I think that was one of the more fitting monsters. I mean, it certaily didn't vary much in style from the original sprites, unlike some others. Might as well use the old Lost soul for something, anyway.

Sure, individually it may not be much of an artistic achievement, but often a slight tweak works better than a full creation, especially when adding stuff to an existing thing.

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zarkyb said:

the authors decided to use that particular effect rather sparingly which meant the problem didn't crop up very often.

Sparingly? (Nearly) Every dive which revealed areas beneath sectors had teleporting. Danger.

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pritch said:

Is an update planned for relatively soon then?

Umm... relatively soon in KDIZD time... :)

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myk said:

I think that was one of the more fitting monsters. I mean, it certaily didn't vary much in style from the original sprites, unlike some others. Might as well use the old Lost soul for something, anyway.

Sure, individually it may not be much of an artistic achievement, but often a slight tweak works better than a full creation, especially when adding stuff to an existing thing.

Actually, it looks embarrasingly amature. It's not a slight tweak, it's a poorly done copy-paste job. And KDIZD allready has other new Baron monsters, so it's really just redundant and pointless.

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If the alpha Lost Soul sprites were blended better with the Baron's body, it would look nicer. Still, gotta love how its head rolls off when it dies.

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udderdude said:
Actually, it looks embarrasingly amature.

That's subjective (thus not really "actually"). But to me it's just a monster sprite for a game addon, not a design for a professional portfolio, so I'm not anal in that sense.

It's not a slight tweak, it's a poorly done copy-paste job.

Even a "poorly done copy/paste" is a tweak. And we know it's a Baron's body and an old Lost soul (and we can thus think of each as a separate thing), but that skull sprite does make sense as a monster's head, and I don't think it was really necessary to do more than attach it and adjust the pixels a bit. That they made it gray made the modification easier (and still more or less seinsible), though recoloring wouldn't have been hard, and could have improved it.

And KDIZD allready has other new Baron monsters, so it's really just redundant and pointless.

The Hell knight was, if anything, especially considering its silly mechanic sounding death shriek. Perhaps the Hells Fury should have been a bit more powerful, though, it seemed about as tough as a Baron of hell, yet a bit spookier.

Examples of monsters that looked out of place were the chaingun dude, because it was an evident redoing of the original, yet looked like something taken from another game, and the brown machinegun guy, which died like the marine, grabbing its throat. That's bad because that death sequence is meant to give the player a more human and pain sensitive death. Demoniac zombies don't grab their thoats as they die, they grunt insanely and fall. Even if these were less "amateur" that the copy/paste, they fit less smoothly, regardless of any particular artistic merit (which there was).

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udderdude said:

And KDIZD allready has other new Baron monsters, so it's really just redundant and pointless.

Hell Furies aren't redundant because they show something new and are more powerful than Hell Barons anyway.

Neither the Hell Knight (imported from Doom 2) is. It's a Baron with half health for easier times.

No new monster is redundant, unless it's a SS Nazi cousin. Variety, balance, postponing of boredom, that's new monsters. Oh, and dealing with that unimplemented infighting problem. The first who must work is Quasar, because there's already a great infighting code for friends, from MBF, where they only poke at each other once. Monsters should have it too. Then Randy Heit could copy the code from Quasar, since it takes less time. ^_^

Has anyone tried DM'ing KDiZD?

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printz said:

Has anyone tried DM'ing KDiZD?

The maps are not designed for DM. AFAIK there aren't even starts for it.

@dethtoll: Very funny indeed...

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