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doom depot - working on new design new year. your thoughts.


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what do you think of the current design? what do you think of the map frame? the graphics? the content? should i add more?

after working a lot on The Super Castlevania 4 Treasury i learned a lot about html, and lots of tricks. So I'm working on a complete redesign for my site. the plan is to have it ready for the new year. we'll see how this final project for school is like...

tell me what you all think of the current site, and what you'd like to see in the new one. i have a few ideas. not sure what i'll stick with and what will be trashed.

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Easter eggs, an IRC channel on irc.openprojects.net, a thingy to change the backround to many different textures, a thing that has stats of the page scrolling at the top, stuff like that :)

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Personally I think the first page you linked to is WAY too graphics, loads really slow.

And as for the site with the menu that comes out of the side (a feature I think is anoying and takes time) the code for the menu is on http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/index.html Plus there are some better ones on the site that load faster and look better.

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I like to think of the Castlevania 4 Treasury as a guinnea pig for me. I agree that with the graphics the screen is cluttered. I just added onto the old design. My page will be a lot simpler.

Thanks for that menu link. I'll check them out.

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You're welcome. I know there's a nice drop down menu there, you can customize the size, color, it's size, plus it doesn't take a long time to show up. Sadly the drop down won't go through a frame. I know a different menu that will though, if you need it I'll look for the link for it since I forgot it.

Here's another site with nice things to check out http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/author/filter/reference/reference.asp

The features there will only work with IE 5.5 or higher. I used the drop shadow on my site for example. Personally I think most of them are kick ass and besides not that many people use netscape anyway.

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The content of your site is awsome, there are many interesting stuffs and it's very clear.

For the look or everything else, do what you think is the best and what you love the most.
That's the better way to make you happy and to enjoy your work.
Of course, some things are pretty hard to do (I think about flash animations to be precise, If you want to include some...)

A good compromise is between a clear navigation and a fast loading I think, all of that on nice looking decorations ;)
But you already know that ;)

With Photoshop, it's not very hard to make good stuffs.
If you want some special Doom graphics, I could do some for you, just ask ;)

Anyway, I'm sure you'll make a good work.

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With the redesign I want to keep speed, simplicity and compatability in mind, much like the original site. That means absolutely no flash animations, videos, sounds or music. I feel these annoy people more than help the site.

Unfortunatly, although I don't have Java/VB-Scripting per se, I have hybrids for them, which does make the page smaller/faster/simpler, but then there's compatibility issues.

We'll see what I can pull off...

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Doesn't work in IE4.0sp1.

That's my required minimum for browser compatibility.

Bah, don't listen to Lüt, he lives in a basement/temporal flux where it's still 1989.

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Bah, don't listen to Lüt, he lives in a basement/temporal flux where it's still 1989.

...and my stuff still functions as efficiently as it always has.

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