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Doom Turns Tricks

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According to ]1up and their sensationalistic "journalism", Doom is one of the most "whored out" games of all time. According to the article, Doom is available on, officially, 10 systems (3DO, Game Boy Advance, Jaguar, Macintosh, MS-DOS, PlayStation, Saturn, Sega 32X, SNES, Xbox 360). This does not count the plethora of Doom ports by independent authors to the DS, cell phones, consoles in Doom 3, PDAs and probably your watch too. This will likely spark several people into providing about 5 more official ports and proving 1up wrong.

So if you're looking for a good time, sailor (Malcom), why not give Doom a call. It's a cheap date.

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Linguica said:

So the XBox version in the Doom 3 port doesn't count? Neither does Doom 64?

I believe it was for just Doom and Doom 2, Doom 64 and Doom 3 are completely different games.

I agree with the article, though.

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I have owned : PC Doom / II / Final Doom, SNES Doom, Doom 64, GBA Doom, GBA Doom II, PSX Doom, PSX Final Doom, I have a Doom strat guide (written when armor could go beyond 200%), I have at one point owned all four Doom novels (I now only have the first book and a battered copy of the fourth) and um...yeah, that's about it, I guess.

EDIT : snap, forgot about Doom 3 and RoE

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They forgot the official Microsoft Windows port--Doom95. It might suck (it's actually better than half those console ports), but hey, it's official :P

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Antidote said:

I believe it was for just Doom and Doom 2, Doom 64 and Doom 3 are completely different games.

I don't believe he was referring to Doom 3 itself, but rather the classic Doom port that was included with Doom 3 Limited Edition. That may not count, however, since they're not counting compilations, and said bundle could very-well count as one.

I agree with you about Doom 64, though.

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Well I own (purchased) every game based on the Doom engine including HACX.

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Both Dooms for Playstation were technically compilations, weren't they? One disc had Ultimate Doom and Doom II and the other - Final Doom - had TNT and Plutonia as far as I recall.

I still need to buy a few of these ports!

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Alastair said:

Both Dooms for Playstation were technically compilations, weren't they? One disc had Ultimate Doom and Doom II and the other - Final Doom - had TNT and Plutonia as far as I recall.

Well, Final Doom is the only way to get TNT and Plutonia as they never were sould separately. Hence I wouldn't call Final Doom a compilation.

Though still you are right in saying that they are compilations, as Final Doom on the PSX also contains Master Levels for Doom II. Both PSX Dooms also contain some exlusive levels. And not to forget that none of the mentioned games in it are complete as they are missing several levels from each. So technically its more a map compilation than a game compilation.

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PSX Doom has around 60 levels, but about 5 are secrets, including the Doom secrets and some extra ones (not the wolfenstien ones). It has some levels which are not found in Doom or Doom 2 on the PC, such as "Redemption Denied". Also E3M8 must be replaced by something else because there's only one level with a Spider Mastermind in. Oh and there's also several Doom 2 monsters in the Doom levels, for instance a Chaingunner and Pain elemental on E1M1

PSX Final Doom only has about 40 levels, which is essentailly a "best of" from the Master Levels, TNT and Plutonia... there's probably some exclusives too.

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You're missing some:
Pocket PC
Linux (if you're counting Mac, then other OSs counts too!)

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deathbringer said:

PSX Final Doom only has about 40 levels, which is essentailly a "best of" from the Master Levels, TNT and Plutonia... there's probably some exclusives too.

Nope, there weren't any exclusive levels for PSX Final Doom/Master Level set. Just the original PSX Doom had exclusive levels.

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I'm surprised that Doom wasn't officially ported to the DS, but there are homebrew version apparently.

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The wii remote and nunchuck would make playing doom on the wii much more natural than playing on the 360. And plus with the sd cards - iwads + pwads! :)

Well at least they didn't count Atari 2600 Doom!

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deathbringer said:

Oh and there's also several Doom 2 monsters in the Doom levels, for instance a Chaingunner and Pain elemental on E1M1

Seriously? That'd make for an intense first map of the game!

Zeroth said:

You're missing some:
Pocket PC
Linux (if you're counting Mac, then other OSs counts too!)

Doom 64 was released on what other consoles, sorry? :P The others you listed aren't official ports.

Also, did someone ever rip the bonus level from the XBox port? I remember I got the IWAD off of my XBox but never got around to getting that particular bonus level out.

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The XBox bonus levels are in the idgames archive. Forget the original names, but they were added to the XBox port by someone working on the project.

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leileilol said:
the linux port is pretty damn official

Not to mention the quasi-official ports for QNX, NeXTstep, Irix, and Solaris that have been available since forever in the archive under idstuff/doom/...

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Why is this news?

"One of the oldest classic games has most ported versions!" Um. Duh? 1up are retarded.

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CODOR said:

Not to mention the quasi-official ports for QNX, NeXTstep, Irix, and Solaris that have been available since forever in the archive under idstuff/doom/...

You can't really call the NeXTstep version a port, since it was developed on NeXT computers.

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Scuba Steve said:

So if you're looking for a good time, why not give Doom a call. It's a cheap date.

Doom r0x0rz my b0x0rz.

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I want Steve to know I, for one, appreciated the Malcolm Sailor name-drop.

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