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Whats your favourite doom weapon?

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For me, it's gotta be the single shotgun. I know the double is more than twice a spowerful, but the single is fast enough to keep pounding the bigger creatures out of their wits, and takes care of the weaklings in one shot. It also feels better than any other weapon on any other game to use, nothing in Quake series comes close in my opinion.

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I can't decide between normal shotgun and a super shotgun. They both rock.

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SSG... Good choice !
The Shotgun too...
Noisy, powerful, simple.
It's hard to answer that.

In the opposite, the weapon I don't like so much is the chaingun...

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1st Single Shotty
2nd Double Shotty
3rd Plasma
4th Chaingun
5th RL
6th BFG
7th Pistol
8th Chainsaw
9th Berserk fist
10th Fist

Of course, this time tomorrow that list may be quite different, but #1 is always the Shotgun, and the other 2 are always in the top 3

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Hmm... the favorite doom weapon and monster polls have suddenly popped up for the millionth time.

Alright, I like the Shotguns, both the single and double shot.

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Super shotgun is awesome, but you just cant compete with a chainsaw.

A huge screaming, tearing blade with hundreds of razor teeth ripping at your flesh, tearing it off your body one little bit at a time (really quickly), and flinging it everywhere! all thats left is a gooey gelatinous mess akin to fruit salad.

Tho, the ssg does pretty well too. HUGE roaring blast of intense heat searing you skin at close range, then a giganitic mass of pellets ripping whole pieces of your body off and just tosses it like so many beef carcasses, while you yourself soar through the air just like that kite you had as a child.

Not much can beat that.

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The Shotgun. It's the only weapon that's not blatantly defined by the technological limits of the engine. I can make way cooler plasma effects in other engines, or cooler explosions, or a good-looking spinning chaingun. But the shotgun? Hell it feels better than most shotguns out there. I'm not exactly sure why, though...

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Lol, i just noticed that theres a poll section... hehe

I know, where Lüt, Ling, arioch or mordeth will probably put this.

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The Shotgun. It's the only weapon that's not blatantly defined by the technological limits of the engine.

Well, the chainsaw is good too.

For me, depending on the mood, it's either single shotgun, rocket launcher or the chainsaw (IDCHOPPERS! :)). But of course the SSG and plasma are more useful.

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Well, it all depends a LOT on the enviroment you are fighting in and on the enemy that your trying to slice&dice... But I would say that shotgun, super shotgun and rocket launcher are propably my top 3 weapons :)

Shotgun has a really nice feeling to it...

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The Rail-
*cut off by the sounds of rockets, shottys and plasma rifuls being fired*

I mean the shotty of corse! :P

/me staggers away muttering "stupied doom puirests and the anti rail gun bolocks, I'll lern 'em... I'll Lern 'em all..."

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The shotgun, it's very accurate, and powerful enough. I have killed all enemies with it, except Cyberdemon and Spiderdemon (and of course the boss). I'm making a map where at the most extreme course you will have to kill 3 Cyberdemons with a shotgun.

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Plasma. Super-accurate (at close-mid range) hose death! So what if the shots take a second to get there...

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[quote]A huge screaming, tearing blade with hundreds of razor teeth ripping at your flesh, tearing it off your body one little bit at a time (really quickly), and flinging it everywhere! all thats left is a gooey gelatinous mess akin to fruit salad.

Tho, the ssg does pretty well too. HUGE roaring blast of intense heat searing you skin at close range, then a giganitic mass of pellets ripping whole pieces of your body off and just tosses it like so many beef carcasses, while you yourself soar through the air just like that kite you had as a child.[quote]

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Double Barreled Boomstick all the way. Nothing beats splattering someone with it in DM :)

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rocket launcher all the way!

i like watching imps and zombies go boom and explode, plus in multiplayer, it forces you to perdict where the player will be inorder to get a direct hit.

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