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hell revealed spizeed

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Let's have a hr (original) speedrun on some level amongst us for fun, without those compet-n gods so we don't look like sissies. The ones I play most frequently are map 11, 13(!) and 16; all fun for speed. Start w/ pistol only on ultra violence with all monsters as normal, not trying to get max kills/ just best time. No saving, no cheating, etc.
I guess we should make demos if interested. I play w/ zdoom but use prboom to watch demos only; I never made a demo before.
I just beat map 11 with a time of:
I got about 11:00 once so can record a demo of a better run if anyone cares. I'd like to see your demos on 11,13 or 16 (also that level called 'speed' in plutonia is great) and see if I can top them which I doubt.

Level 13... PERFECTION in level design. I've played this so many times but still have yet to beat it speed run style (only tedious style). You have to immediately run right past that arch vile at the top and run down all the drops out the door at the bottom, which is death 90% of the time for me.

This wad has the best gamplay I've played in any game ever, with 300% replay value. Actually the handful of levels I've focused on are so fun that I still havn't even finished looking at the rest of the wad thoroughly after maybe a year or two. I know 32 is utter hell. 25 seems kind of easy despite being so late in the game. 26 seems really hard too.

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My favorite hr.wad maps are 17 to 27. You should probably record with prboom or similar if you do demos for your favorites. Zdoom demo support is always in flux unless you record with zdoom 117 or zdoom 123.

This thread maybe should be in the demos section.

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gggmork said:

Let's have a hr (original) speedrun on some level amongst us for fun, without those compet-n gods so we don't look like sissies. The ones I play most frequently are map 11, 13(!) and 16; all fun for speed. Start w/ pistol only on ultra violence with all monsters as normal, not trying to get max kills/ just best time. No saving, no cheating, etc.
I guess we should make demos if interested. I play w/ zdoom but use prboom to watch demos only; I never made a demo before.
I just beat map 11 with a time of:
I got about 11:00 once so can record a demo of a better run if anyone cares. I'd like to see your demos on 11,13 or 16 (also that level called 'speed' in plutonia is great) and see if I can top them which I doubt.

Level 13... PERFECTION in level design. I've played this so many times but still have yet to beat it speed run style (only tedious style). You have to immediately run right past that arch vile at the top and run down all the drops out the door at the bottom, which is death 90% of the time for me.

This wad has the best gamplay I've played in any game ever, with 300% replay value. Actually the handful of levels I've focused on are so fun that I still havn't even finished looking at the rest of the wad thoroughly after maybe a year or two. I know 32 is utter hell. 25 seems kind of easy despite being so late in the game. 26 seems really hard too.


(correct me if wrong)

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Oh, I didn't see the 'doom speed demos' section/ I guess because it's not in the 'classic doom' section. Someone can delete this thread if they want as some other thread over there probably has what I'm looking for. Zdoom plays perfect for me, but prboom seems slow. I never used irc before.

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Dont worry about it. A mod will eventually move this to the right place.

And if you want a real challenge try map 24 :)

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Kristian Ronge said:

I'd say map 26 is the most difficult one for UV max (from scratch).

I have to agree. If you can just live through the opening sequence the rest of it is only "really hard" and not "nigh onto impossible". :)

It is one of my favorites, possibly my favorite out of the whole mapset.

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On map 18, I was at first going in that main central area, grabbing the bfg and immediately going up the lift to kill all the reverants with it. That was awesome and difficult gameplay but after analyzing it in an editor, it turns out that that whole central area and upper death ring of reverants/hell knights is completely avoidable. It might be more fun if you COULDN'T manually lower/lift those walkways that rise, so would HAVE to enter the death ring via the front lift (which in turn means you pretty much need to enter the central area to get the bfg). This map also has a long linear beginning which I'd prefer to be cut off so it doesn't have to be replayed repeatedly. I forgot to add 23 is also one of my favorite maps.

How do you record a demo in zdoom, like of map 13?

I open the console and type:

-record retard
record retard
-record retard[.lmp]
etc, and it doesn't recognize it. Then you just put warp 13 on the same line?

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That's a command line argument; I don't think there's a console command for recording. Use the command line (from the directory zdoom is in, unless you add the path), a batch file, or a shortcut to add recording information.

zdoom -file hr hrmus -warp 13 -skill 4 -record genius

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I assume this means go to start/run. I first put:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\zdoom-2.1.7 -file hr hrmus -warp 13 -skill 4 -record genius

And it prompted it can't access the desktop or something stupid so I moved the whole folder to c: and put:

C:\zdoom-2.1.7 -file hr hrmus -warp 13 -skill 4 -record genius

This makes the zdoom folder pop up, but that's all. (also tried putting the hr wads directly in the same exact folder instead of a sub-nested folder).

But apparently I shouldn't bother anyway because nobody will be able to watch it due to zdoom compatibility issues (not to mention nobody will WANT to watch my lame times).

Might be easier to just use a webcam or whatever people use to record youtube-style videos. All well, thanks for the help; if I was less of an idiot I could make more use of it.

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gggmork said:
This makes the zdoom folder pop up, but that's all. (also tried putting the hr wads directly in the same exact folder instead of a sub-nested folder).

"Zdoom-2.1.7" is your ZDoom folder, right? If so, this should work:

C:\zdoom-2.1.7\zdoom -file hr hrmus -warp 13 -skill 4 -record genius
Since you were typing the path to the folder (as opposed to the executable within it) the computer was opening that folder. Make sure the IWAD and the PWADs are also in the ZDoom folder.

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gggmork said:

I assume this means go to start/run. I first put:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\zdoom-2.1.7 -file hr hrmus -warp 13 -skill 4 -record genius

And it prompted it can't access the desktop or something stupid so I moved the whole folder to c: and put:

C:\zdoom-2.1.7 -file hr hrmus -warp 13 -skill 4 -record genius

This makes the zdoom folder pop up, but that's all.


"C:\zdoom-2.1.7\zdoom.exe -file hr.wad hrmus.wad -warp 13 -skill 4 -record genius"

and using a command prompt might work better as well

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I just got 4:50 approximately on hr13 ultra violence fast. But I forgot to push that switch in the last reverant/archvile room- warped to the first room and the door was closed. ...I had to try like a hundred times to do that/ recorded a zdoom demo.

I just saw this compet-n demo:

MAP13 01.05.2002. Drew "stx-Vile" DeVore 01:06

Now know how much I suck.

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Most of us cringe we we compare ourselves to the compete-n records. All us "mere mortals" can do is strive for our personal best. The record holders may do hundreds (or more) of runs going for their best.

Even a finish on most of those maps, without saves, is a win in my opinion.

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Searcher said:

Most of us cringe we we compare ourselves to the compete-n records. All us "mere mortals" can do is strive for our personal best. The record holders may do hundreds (or more) of runs going for their best.

Even a finish on most of those maps, without saves, is a win in my opinion.

A very wise man has spoken.

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