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Where/how did you first learn about Doom? And what made you first buy Doom?

I first read a preview of Doom in a game magazine while I was on vacation in Mexico... I honestly thought it was Wolf 3D 3 at the time.

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Well, back in 1994, in October, I had just turned eighty and my family had just bought their brand spanking new 486 PC. It came with a little compliation of shareware games, including, of course, the great Doom. I played through it once, loved it so much I had to get the full version. After that on new years, my cousins came over and they had Doom 2 with them, so we swapped games and that was that.

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when I was 7 or 8 I got a 486 as a gift from my parents, I got a whole cd of shareware games like OMF, Raptor, Doom, Rott, and other good stuff. Later that year for christmas I got the full version of doom from my cousin, I remember seeing e3m2 for the first time, damn was it sweet. As for doom2 I bought it cause it was a sequel.

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I'm sure some of you know this story, but I'll tell it again. I first saw DOOM when I was in 4th grade. The psychologist I went to had the shareware version on her computer in the office. I was part of "group" that came every Monday, and she had it on there for us to "take out our anger on". Ever since, I tried to find it wherever I went. I was dormant for about 3 years, then my uncle in-law got a joystick with the shareware version on it for X-mas. I ended up playing it more than he did! When I got back from that trip, my dad bought the 32X version for me. I honestly have to say I had the wrong impression about it until I finally played Ultimate DOOM at my mom's house. Her roommate had it on her PowerMac, and it just totally kicked ass!

If you would like me to elaborate more, just reply to say so.

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when I was 7 or 8 I got a 486 as a gift from my parents, I got a whole cd of shareware games like OMF, Raptor, Doom, Rott, and other good stuff. Later that year for christmas I got the full version of doom from my cousin, I remember seeing e3m2 for the first time, damn was it sweet. As for doom2 I bought it cause it was a sequel.

Heh, raptor was on my shareware CD too, as was Blake Stone and one of the King's Quest games.

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I didn't even have a computer until well after Doom 2 was released. I can remember when I was in Middle School how people would stand in groups and talk about how cool this "Doom" was (up till this point, I was happy with my 8-bit graphics) and I used to overhear bits and pieces of what they said. It was about a year later when a friend showed my Doom 2 on his computer that I first realized what it was. To tell the truth, Doom was the reason I wanted to get a computer as much as I did, and the first piece of software I purchased was the Doom shareware and then Ultimate Doom. In my mind, though, nothing will ever live up to the feeling of Doom shareware.

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ARCHVILE64:...I had just turned eighty and my family had just bought their brand spanking new 486 PC.

ROFL...you're older than I thought.

Well, anyway, my dad used to download a cool shareware game or two every weekend, and we used to end up playing them during the week. He downloaded Wolfenstein, Commader Keen, Catacomb Abyss, Mutant Space Bats of Doom, you name it. One weekend (I think it was in 1994...that would make me about 9 or 10), he downloaded a cool new game called Doom. It was like Wolfenstein, but with stairs and monsters (ironicaly enough, this is how I envisioned a Wolf sequal if I had made it myself). Well, he wouldn't let me play it, saying it was too violent, so I watched him play through all 3 episodes (after he got a full copy from his friend). I remember when he beat E3M8, and it showed the end scene. He said something about 'Doom 2'. I was stoked. About a month later, he got it. And I watched him play through that. Eventualy, I figured out his passwords (Doom=doom, Doom2=D2, Wolfenstein=Wolf, Lesiure Suit Larry=LL), and I got around to playing it for myself. And the rest is history...

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I didn't even have a computer until well after Doom 2 was released

AH ha! Someone else, eh? When I was 11 we went over to Canada to stay with some relatives (July '94). A relation of mine who was already a computer genius showed me Doom, and I was hooked. I didn't see much of Canada because I was always playing the damn game...
Anyway, when I got back I had withdrawl symptoms. I had a Sega Gamegear for fuck's sake, all I had was Sonic the bloddy hedgehog. Finally someone I didn't really like bought enough PC to play Doom and I went round to his just for that. Kind of cruel, I spose, but I was desperate. He'd be like, "hi", and I'd just be "Where's the damn computer?"
Anyway, '96 comes and I finally have enough money for a PC, and I buy the Book of id before I even get the machine. Ah, sweet Doom. Doom sweet Doom. Doom 2. Final Doom. Wow.
And then by chance I innocently go looking for Doom on the net and BANG, it happens. PWADS infinite. I soon figure out how to make it all work, and I'm hooked for life. That's it :)

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It all started so long ago for me, when I was a wee laddie of 11 years. I remember I was over at a friend's house, and we were playing Super Mario World (2 players) on his Super NES. All of a sudden, he switched off the console and headed over to his comp. "What are you doing?" I plainly remember asking. "You'll see," he said mysteriously. A minute or so later, the computer was fully loaded up. He went to DOS screen and typed something in; I didn't get to see it. Of a sudden, a (then) gorgeous game popped up on the screen. DOOM, the screen proclaimed. I stared. My buddy just grinned. I remember watching the demos play out, and I thought, "Can it get any better?" Then I started playing......and it's gotten better ever since that fateful day.

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I was seven-eight or so. Saw the game in a bunch of my gaming magazines, wanted to play it. Rented it for SNES. Beat first episode, got bored. Later on, I was about nine-ten, pirated Doom2 and D!Zone from friends. Always cheated. Game stopped working, floppy broke, the end.

That's my early Dooming history. Just some over two or three years ago I got my first computer (not family's first computer, my first personal computer), which was a P100. Looking for games it could actually run, I bought the Doom games over again. Been hooked.

Now I'm going to bed.

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My dad saw it on the comps at his work so he brought it for me. I had what? 12?

Heh, now parents all around the world are freaked out about DooM. What a change...

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