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I'm not familiar with the character, but the model looks great!

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What's the meaning of that Desu crap anyway? a /b/ tard is on my Myspace friends list and has posted like 5 bulletins so far with that face and DESU DESU written next to it in paint

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deathbringer said:

What's the meaning of that Desu crap anyway?

Wikipedia it, and you'll get:

Desu can mean:
* A Japanese copula, or word used to grammatically link a subject and predicate.
* A nickname for the character Suiseiseki of the Japanese manga and anime Rozen Maiden, known as "Desu" for her frequent use of the word.
o An internet phenomenon originating from 4chan related to Suiseiseki.
* An abbreviation for Delaware State University.

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Scuba Steve said:



Ok, done.DesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesu

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Congrats on your insightful bump.

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Oh but I never commented on this? Well thanks to the bump I can now, its nice, a bit pixely up close but its a nice model.

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