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Doom Connector

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I kind of miss it... It started off cool but flaming noobs caused its failure. If people would use it to (chat) or play/talk about doom it would have worked, but they f@#ked it up...

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He said the DAYS, not doom connector.... Was your life that bad back then? CodeImp did take a massive(ish) undertaking in making doomconnector and keeping it running.

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Yeah, I missed the Doom Connector days... back in 2003. When it became these damn stupid mods, Mr. "I am a godly mapper" fag and various others, it became shitty. But it was a pretty good program, Gherkin/Codeimp did a good job.

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amberleaf said:

Anyone else miss the doom connector days? Multiple ports, friends, chat and people still played on Legacy..........

Not even me.

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I miss the days of opening a program, finding about 30 different people
with about 30 ping to, and playing Legacy for fucking hours on end.
Thats what I miss.

Doom Connector ALWAYS had a bunch of shit heads causing problems in
the lobby... and whenever I wasn't playing a game, I wasn't having fun
on Doom Connector.

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The program was great, good in concept and design, the
module based framework is what made me interested.. I didn't
mingle with the community though, not enough to get a
feeling of what was happening (I was still raiders tongue
boy back then, the price you pay for adolescence! :P)

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Good ol Doom Connecor, oh how I miss you...

Ok so I dont miss it that much but it had its good times when it was around.

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leileilol said:

iirc, the community were literally 10-12 year olds


Hah that's like the average age of people visiting my W:ET server ;) man some people are so immature... "I WANTEDED ADMINTEST!"

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