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I vagary recall something about giant chelicerates


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This is a 'Doom 3' Vagary mini action figure that I started yesterday (7/29/07). I was going to make a 'Doom 3: Ressurection of Evil' Bruiser or Hazmat Zombie, but decided on her instead after reviewing my Doom 3 bestiary folder. The upper female body is pretty much finished, but unpainted. Nine working joints so far [neck (2), shoulders (2), elbows (2), wrists (2), and mid-torso]. The transparent abdomen on the spider body might be troublesome to make (historically, I haven't had much luck with fabricating items out of clear plastic that aren't composed of flat planes), so, if that doesn't work out the way I want I might have to alter the design somewhat to accomodate my shortcomings.

For comparison purposes, photo of a Vagary from Doom 3:

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Day 2: Some of the spider's body and the largest pair of legs completed. The legs aren't difficult to do, but they are rather tedious from the standpoint of having to make the same thing eight times in a row, just in different sizes (technically, I suppose the smallest, front pair are chelicerae, not legs). I also tinkered some more with her head and moved the two side barbs on her torso up higher. Nineteen working joints now (I estimate a total of 50 when finished).

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Day 3: I added two more pairs of legs and modified the area where the humanoid female body will sit--thirty-nine working joints now. I’m hoping to get everything but the transparent abdomen covering sculpted today, and maybe some painting done.

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So far it looks very good. I particularly like the legs, each set is identically proportional. Can't wait to see the finished look.

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Yeah, I was real careful about that. I decreased the length of each leg segment by 3 mm, in comparison to the previous length I used on the larger legs, as I worked backwards from the largest pair to the smaller pair. I haven't decided if I'm going to continue with that for the foremost pair/chelicerae that I haven't made yet, or use a different design/scale.

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Day 4: Final pair of legs/chelicerae and abdomen made. Painting around 60% complete (some more washes/dry brushing to apply). 49 working joints. Female body/spider body/abdomen not attached to one another yet--bottom photos are mock-ups. Should be able to finish this up today. If my plans for making a transparent abdomen covering don't work out, then I guess I'll just leave it exposed, which will have to do.

Larzuk: Yes, I've made a number of other Doom figures, which can be found at my Id Software fan art webpage:


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Woah... dude. The figure looks a lot nicer now that it's painted, looks very close to the Doom3 Vagary.

And paintings not complete? Wow, looking good so far.

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All finished.

Group photos of all the Doom figures I've made to date. Top row, left-to-right: Arch-Vile, Arachnotron, Mancubus. Middle row, left-to-right: Doom 3 Pinky Demon, N64 Cacodemon (who lost a horn somewhere), Lost Soul, and Baron of Lost Souls (original creation). Bottom row, left-to-right: Space Marine, Cacodemon, and Vagary.

Webpage with more info:

OrinCreed: Materials used were: Newsprint, cardboard from a cracker box, Kleenex, wire twist ties, a piece from a transparent plastic bag, white/hot glue, and acrylic paint.

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So is it bigger than a tarantula? If it's too small, don't leave it on the floor or taped to a wall because someone's going to stomp it or swat it with a newspaper.

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Good work MmM. I like a girl with sexy legs and she's got a nice box to. that Mancubus is the best of all tho.

you should make a Doom 2 Cyberdemon rather then all these second rate characters. I mean they are cool. but there's others that rock even more

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very, very nice. the legs are great. I like the rest of your menagerie as well. the manc and the arachnotron are the best of the lot. I do want to get a better look at that arch-vile. it looks pretty nice as well.

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Bravo! Awesome work. A fantastic figure, especially when you consider it's size.

If your planning on doing another Doom monster, a Cybie is a good choice, but heck... any Doom monster is a good choice imo.

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Shapeless: I have it on good authority that particular box is not nearly as nice as you might think (I picked up a PDA from a dead marine, with a bloody hole where his crotch used to be, that gave all the sordid details).

The Cyberdemon doesn't appeal to me much; not much chance of me making one I'm afraid.

Vileslay: Arch-vile can be seen in more detail here:


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Very nice work!
I really like how the translucent part and the legs worked out, however IMO the Face looks a bit "funny". I know it's hard to make such tiny details, but the nose seems to be too big and the lips look as if they have just been lifted ;)

Good stuff though... I'm curious with what you'll come up next!

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I played Doom 3 and I don't recall anything about a Marine loosing his crotch to a Vagary booty grind. but I always thought of that fetus thing being a built in love machine for the Vagary to reproduce so it doesn't surprise me.

don't understand why you don't like the Cyberdemon, maybe you can make some characters from Doom with an animated style. like what McFarlane is doing with spawn. Or those new star-wars animated statues. how about a Pain Elemental. I'm almost finished with mine. just need to sculpt one more arm and twick the right horn. And then there's sanding and priming. I should be finished this week with it.

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  MmM said:

Vileslay: Arch-vile can be seen in more detail here


yeah, I got a look at it the other day from the link you posted in an earlier post. it's pretty damn sweet lookin. your work is just fantastic. keep it up. can't wait for your next piece.

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Shapeless: That particular PDA can only be found on the 'Freaky Fetish' difficulty setting. When trying to put the moves on a Vagary, it's a good idea to remember that, in many spider species, the female devours the male after copulation.

I don't dislike the Cyberdemon, it just isn't something I have much interest in sculpting. However, that said, I have toyed with the idea of making a series of Doom figures that would come with Build-A-Figure parts--the Cyberdemon would likely be the numero uno candidate for the BAF in that scenario.

Good to hear you're finally getting close to finishing your Pain Elemental.

Vader: Yeah, the face isn't the greatest. You're correct in that it's not easy to do details when it's so small. I redid the eyes/upper head more than once, while it was unpainted, trying to get it to look better.

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