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Some interesting finds

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Woa (is the second figure from DooM3 or from Quake? Haven't played the first yet or played the second in a long while)

The Demon model looks awesome (that's the N64 re-design right?).

Where'd you find these little treasures?

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The_arch_vile said:

Woa (is the second figure from DooM3 or from Quake? Haven't played the first yet or played the second in a long while)

The Demon model looks awesome (that's the N64 re-design right?).

Where'd you find these little treasures?

The second one is from Quake and created by this artist http://www.itchstudios.com/psg
The first image of the shambler looks like their style but I have never seen it on their site. The Demon models are from a online portfolio and you can find it by google searching the name at the top of the image.

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Quake Shambler. A very well known Doom 3 monster looks identical to this one!

Quake Fiend. Awesome. I'm glad the beastly Quake monsters are really getting some respect here in the Fan Fics / Fan Pics Doom forum!

Lazy or off schedule Quake developpers could have really used this as a boss instead of that one... It would have been much more powerful, a flying stellar giant with a familiar head. Is there any actual computer game which has official Astral Dreadnoughts as enemies?

Once again, the genetical similarity between this one and its Doom 3 kin is astounding.


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Nice finds, Shapeless, I’ve never seen any of these before. They’re all cool, but the Shambler is particularly impressive. I, and probably many others, wish Id would make another Quake game in the style of the first one with updated graphics . . .

I wonder how the heck that Demon model stands if there aren’t pegs or something in its feet—the center of gravity is shifted WAY forward on that thing.

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MmM said:

I wonder how the heck that Demon model stands if there aren’t pegs or something in its feet—the center of gravity is shifted WAY forward on that thing.

Doom2.net tries to explain. In there Demons can't stay, they always have to move forward not to fall.

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I can see that being the case. I recall one of my college physics professors describing walking as 'controlled falling'.

If there aren't pegs in the feet of that model, I can imagine them being heavily weighted. I filled the feet of some older figures I've made with rocks in order to make them stand when their upper bodies were too top heavy and/or leaned forward.

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MmM said:

I can see that being the case. I recall one of my college physics professors describing walking as 'controlled falling'.

If there aren't pegs in the feet of that model, I can imagine them being heavily weighted. I filled the feet of some older figures I've made with rocks in order to make them stand when their upper bodies were too top heavy and/or leaned forward.

If I'm not mistaken that is a high poly 3D model with hdr lighting and not a physical model. The lighting makes it look like a clay model. You can visit the artist’s 3D portfolio by doing a google search on the name at the top of the picture.

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Dang, that sure had me fooled then--it really looked like an actual sculpture to me.

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Jeez, add some teeth to that fourth pic cuz right now it looks like it was pulled out of a demon porno.

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  • 2 weeks later...

MmM said
"Dang, that sure had me fooled then--it really looked like an actual sculpture to me."

Yaa, I was going to say something but I thought it would be funnier if you thought it was a sculpture :D

MmM said
"the Shambler is particularly impressive. I, and probably many others, wish Id would make another Quake game in the style of the first one with updated graphics . . ."

I like the shambler too but the lower legs should be wider, and I think the arms or hands are too long. they almost reach the floor! the lack of a thumb and the aquadic look to the hands I'm not too fond of. but overall I like.

The Pinky render is NICE, but adding teeth and horns will give it alot more character. I'm not too fond of pinkies having a nose tho.

I was looking through that guys site and found this from Duke Nukem 3d

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I like the Shambler and the Dreadnaught. As with the pinky model I as well thought it was sculpted.

The pig from duke also looks wicked.

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Another cool find

my guess is the demon skull was rapid prototyped my a machine that takes the model from a program like Maya.

if anybody wants to add something that they've found somewhere this would be a good place to dump it for our viewing pleasure :)

God I want that.

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That "doom demon" looks like it'd make a good kind of "walking pain elemental" with that mouth, you could just see the fires of hell glowing out of it

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that pig cop is wicked, I love the little flies over it's head.

alright I found some cool quake 1 art thanks to planetquake

I've always pictured two small black beedy eye's to the side of the shamblers mouth and that's what we got with these 2 shambler paint ups. weird.

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All three of those Quake pics are great, but the Vore is by far the best--the artist really took a relatively boring monster design and took it to the next level.

Myself, I've never seen Shamblers as having eyes. I've always imagined that they sensed their prey through some extra-sensory fashion (heat, life force, of whatever).

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