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hellish textures?


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anyone know of any good hellish textures to use to make a level? im getting kinda sick of all the classic doom hell textures and i cant seem to find any good hellish texture packs. and i have no idea how to create my own textures.

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There's gothic hell with the skulls and demonic icons, there's red hot hell with the fire and brimstone, there's blood and guts hell with skin textures, what kind of hellish textures are you looking for?

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thanks for the reply, but yes, i have seen the afterglow textures and have most of them..... and the hell textures im looking for are the red/fire/brimstone kind of hell textures.

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If you know how to recolor the texture (with programs like InfranView, Paint Shop Pro, or Photoshop), then many of the stock textures are potential hell textures when recolored in red. There's also some good red hot hell stuff in Deus Vult as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 years later...

This is a severe necro bump, but I was asking myself this same question yesterday. I was playing around with DoomBuilder 2 and got frustrated because I wanted to create something dark and hellish but have not been able to find any texture resources that were centered towards hellish/nightmarish ideas. I've done some Googling and had no luck, as the texture resources that came up, while awesome, don't fit the bill. Any suggestions? Also, should have I just made a new thread or is it okay that I bumped this one?

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I know this sounds silly to point out but "dark" is a level of lighting, not a texture. Do you think the resources you have wouldn't be complemented well with dark lighting?

If you have specific ideas I could probably whip something up for you but asking for "nightmare textures" is super abstract. You'll have to be very specific about what you want to see.

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Good point. I'm not sure what I'm looking for. When I say dark, I'm not talking literally; I mean macabre, gothic, nightmarish, etc. The stock hell textures are great, but I want something different. Maybe I should use the Blood texture pack for Doom? I can't get it to load in Doom Builder, I think because you have to map in a specific format so it can be recognized, but I don't know which format that is or what other advantages it has. I typically just map in standard Doom 2 format.

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Try GhoticTX, I guess it should be fine for what you are looking for. And for the Blood texture pack, the textures are in png format which isn't supported on vanilla doom. You can convert the textures into Doom graphics but the new textures may not look good as the colors will be converted to fit into the Doom palette. Otherwise you can just switch to use zdoom formats which supports png images.

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