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Well, what are ya'll waiting for?


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Along with id's announcment with the up-and-comming "RAGE" game, They also said they'll be doing "DOOM4", so who's hear gonna set off the DOOM4 FORUM so we could start this nonsence all over again about what we WANT or HOPE to see in the game?


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I want a hi-quality remake of original DooMs that'll also support old pwads. Call it "Strawberry jam Doom."

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I'm guessing it'll be DOOM 3's sequel; Hell on Earth, with Coop action against a larger number of monsters than in DOOM 3, and a greater variety of environments (not just dark tunnels).

I quite doubt it'll be another remake of the base Phobos or Mars story, and it'll likely fit in the DOOM 3 forum here.

EDIT: Perhaps it could take place in space and in more than one planet, including Earth, and another visit to Hell. With id's newer tech and more powerful systems they could give it a larger scale.

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Carmack said it himself. But it wasn't a surprice, just a confirmation. There's been a lot of talk from id about more Doom. But it was never certain what that really entailed. But now it's said that it'll be like with RTCW and QuakeIV.

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But now it's said that it'll be like with RTCW and QuakeIV.


I hope note... I only played a few levels of QuakeIV, but it was jaw droppingly boring.

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EANB said:
Uhhh, isnt this worth a news story or something?


It's already in the news, but indirectly, so news about it specifically would link to an article that was already covered on the front page. It's just a passing mention, though, they don't even know what development team is going to work on it.

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