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Doom 4 A Certainty

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Ah, so they do have a Doom 4 in the making...

Cool. I wouldn't mind playing through either another Doom 3.
But before I get griping I might aswell say this. I feel your pain in how slow and predictable the game could be. It just felt like Doom only in the dark out in space. All alone...kinda.

Now if Doom 4 is just a remake of something, like Hell on Earth, they had better make it worth playing really. Hopefully with large out door environments.

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  • 6 months later...

i finished quake 4 several times. And my conclsuion?. I kinda like the technical challenge of surviving the levels; perseverance is something I have lots of... however it was about as immersive as a cow turd. Think about it. Human marines dropping onto a planet whose only purpose is to turn humans into psychotic robots. Quake 4 never for a moment captured the sense of isolation, the terror, the insanity, the rage, the sense of victory that would have come with such an enterprise.

For example. The mission where you go far behind enemy lines to destroy the big uber nexus thing. If you kill it, it will virtually shut down the entire planet, and destroy the strogg as an effective fighting force in that sector. And what do they send?? 4 pickup trucks and OMFG possibly as many as 8 marines. Tremble in fear, all you strogg. The back story in quake 4 wouldn't fool a 3 month old baboon. The entire game consisted of ridiculous conversations with stupid marines acting like they were (at best) on a training exercise and at worst at a fancy dress ball that happened to have a military theme. Other than that, it was just the usual shoot anything that moves (never mind the fact that a lone marine would last about as long as a geek at a viking convention or the fact that the strogg are kind enough to leave human medikits and human compatible ammo scattered across the ENTIRE F%^&$#%KING PLANET) In order to enjoy this game, I would not only have to suspend my disbelief, I would have to hang it from the nearest tree , beating it black and blue with a large stick while blindfolded. I could feel myself getting stupider just playing my way through it. (which begs the question why did I finish it several times?? Because sadly enough there were no FPS that were any better at the time. And because as I said, I have lots of perseverance.)

To bring it vaguely back to the point, if doom 4 is anything like quake 4, I'm either going to give up on FPS shooters entirely, or take up drinking to allow myself to endure the sheer stupidity of the simplistic and ridiculous universes with which I must interact in order to play supposedly "good" FPS.

Anyway, 'nuff outta me. Sorry for the tirade. Lets all hope that Doom 4 is awesome.

click here for a really funny review on what is wrong with gaming today.... Be warned... its really really funny.

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Kyka said:

or the fact that the strogg are kind enough to leave human medikits and human compatible ammo scattered across the ENTIRE F%^&$#%KING PLANET

The hellspawn in Doom have the same generous attitude. MAP30 in Doom 2 is especially funny on this respect. A room with enough equipment to IDFA-ize any pistol-starter, and then there are a couple of rad suits next to the icon of sin. And a convenient elevator with no other purpose than allowing to shoot rockets in the icon's brain.

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Y' know Gez... Thats genuinely comical when you put it like that. Though I can forgive Doom2 just about anything because it is just so damn good.

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I think your meant to believe that other marines passed that way before - dropping copious amounts of weapons, ammo and equipment in the process but not surviving long enough to complete the mission. That's definitely part of the "Knee Deep in the Dead" storyline.

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GreyGhost... I admit that does make the story a little more believable... but it does raise a question to me. Who wants to be a marine who is just following other marines around, cleaning up after them? I think that you are supposed to be the lone badass, bravely fighting far beyond enemy lines, totally on his own, not trailing other frontline units around and merely clearing out the strogg remnants. etc.

The other thing is that even after you become a strogg, you and all the other true strogg elites are using human weapons. Or are the human forces using strogg weapons?

Too much suspension of disbelief for me.

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Kyka said:
Too much suspension of disbelief for me.

Does that mean you're finally leaving?


Come back when DOOM 4 is out :p

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Kyka said:

Too much suspension of disbelief for me.

I find it hard enough to believe that Doomguy can carry a small truckload of weapons and ammo without wondering if there are benevolent pixies sprinking pickups throughout the map or I'm facing opponents who are prepared to give me an even chance. Best thing to do is park the higher faculties in neutral and enjoy the game.

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It better have Akuma


I'm mildly excited. Alot of 4's have come out recently and they were good. Hopefully Doom 4 will be too.

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The difference of course, this should be obvious, is that Doom never was trying to portray itself as a "realistic" game, therefore it can have medikits and ammo all over the place, and all sorts of other "unrealistic" items and events all throughout. Whereas Quake 4 was trying to portray a legitimate military campaign on a strogg world.. That is why I can suspend disbelief with doom, and not with Quake4.

And anyway. I am free to have an opinion that differs from yours, this is after all, a forum, and also I am free to choose when I suspend my disbelief and when I don't. I am able to do this without needing any advice to help me do that.

Thanks anyway.

P.S. Drugs are bad. :p (Don't you just love how putting a little smiley face after everything means that you can say whatever you like).

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Kyka said:
Whereas Quake 4 was trying to portray a legitimate military campaign on a strogg world..

But of course, how could we forget the realism of Strogg worlds!

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Thanks for agreeing with me Myk... I'm glad you see that Strogg worlds are unrealistic... I think so too.

That was my whole point.

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The main difference between DOOM and Quake 4 is technological. You can't have realistic graphics, NPCs, many ambient sounds or complex scripted effects in DOOM because a 386 would implode. You might as well complain that DOOM tried too hard to be realistic compared to Wolfenstein 3D:

Combined with other techniques, texture mapping looked realistic enough in Wolfenstein 3-D that people wrote Id complaining of motion sickness. In DOOM, the environment is going to look even more realistic. Please make the necessary preparations.

If there's a problem in Quake 4 it's the invasiveness of plot elements into the game mechanics, making gameplay overly linear and limited. They even didn't try hard enough to make the game realistic (and possibly better for playing at the same time). For example, if you shoot your fellow marines, there's little consequence, when it wouldn't have been so hard to make them turn against you or something like that. It wasn't aiming for realism that damaged the game, but making stuff that's spectacular but not properly interactive in a way you can play with it.

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myk said:

It wasn't aiming for realism that damaged the game, but making stuff that's spectacular but not properly interactive in a way you can play with it.

Thats a fair point. Well said. :P

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  • 7 months later...

I hope they do something different this time around, IMO ID knows doom best, but who knows what could happen?

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xmblolpp said:

I hope they do something different this time around, IMO ID knows doom best, but who knows what could happen?

Yeah, I am glad id is taking Doom into its own hands. I can't imagine a company like Raven taking the series and being able to make a Doom game as good as id can. Other compaines can have Quake and Wolfenstein, but Doom stays with id.

All I hope they do is set the game on Earth and make it like Doom 2. If they do those two things, the game should be pretty aweseome.

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kristus said:

This isn't something new. They've been doing this one way or another for almost their entire existance as a company.

I suppose the list is as follows:
Final Doom
Commander Keen GBC
Orcs and Elves

Added to that list another list of official expansion packs such as
Doom2: the master levels (EDIT: I know nothing about this pack, so it might not belong in this list.)
Quake : Scourge of armagon
Quake : Dissolution of eternity
Quake2 : the reckoning
Quake2 : Ground Zero
Doom3 : Resurrection of Evil

On top of that, tons of conversions that are changed from their originals more or less drastically.

Not to mention the other Quake misson pack, Malice, which looks nothing like the game it's made for.

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the_filthy_beast said:

[...] Other compaines can have Quake and Wolfenstein, but Doom stays with id.

I'm afraid id might have changed a lot since the golden Doom/Doom II/Quake era.

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