Liam Posted December 1, 2001 Siblings can be irritating. Answer below and feel free to rant about your brother/sister/both. 0 Share this post Link to post
Rancid-Radio Posted December 1, 2001 nobody has a stupider brother then me. i could tell you all the reasons but this internet(yes the whole thing) cant hold that much info. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted December 1, 2001 Mine don't bother me anymore (at least in most cases). They reached that magical age where all those "FUCK IT GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU STUPID FUCK!!!$)("&54" make sense to them. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted December 1, 2001 my brother is a fag, can't stand that pussy. my sister on the other hand is cool as shit. 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted December 1, 2001 Quote cool as shit. Expand I don't really know too much cool shit...but that's just me. My brother can be okay at times, when he's not being a whiny, uptight little bitch. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted December 1, 2001 My older sister used to pick on me all the time when we were kids. My younger sister naturally teamed up with her. So she grew into a mean, sadistic bitch-queen. Grrr... But she's nice, when she doesn't have one of those red hairs of hers up her ass. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 1, 2001 I have a little sister...I think she's 13...I don't talk to her much, even though she sleeps in the room next to mine. She used to be real dumb (listened to boy bands, girl bands, other crap), but her tastes are changing, and now she listens to System of a Down, Cake, some other stuff, and has even admitted to liking some NIN. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted December 1, 2001 Quote and has even admitted to liking some NIN. Expand Shoot her before it's too late. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted December 1, 2001 Quote Quote and has even admitted to liking some NIN. Expand Shoot her before it's too late. Expand How 'bout I shoot you? Anyway, I have an older sister in College. She is the biggest airhead in the world. When it comes to quantum mechanics (figuratively), she can whizz by it easily. When it comes to commone sense, however, she has none! 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted December 1, 2001 No my brother is the dumbest. I mean THE fag-brained llama-leet dumbass picklewanker. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted December 9, 2001 So you're using his photo as avatar, right? 0 Share this post Link to post
Red_Warrior Posted December 9, 2001 I'm an 'only child' in concept, but I actually have two younger sisters -_-, one of which I can't even -remember- because she was given away as an infant and another I can barely recall. Oi..... 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted December 9, 2001 no shit? Did you ever try to find her/ them? btw, did you check out post hell already? It really is great... ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
Red_Warrior Posted December 10, 2001 Quote no shit? Did you ever try to find her/ them? Expand Well, one's "evil" and supposedly tried to kill me as an infant (bizzare) and the other may very well be dead... so no, I haven't tried. I don't even know where one went... 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 11, 2001 Quote Well, one's "evil" and supposedly tried to kill me as an infant (bizzare) Expand Thats creepy. It reminds me of this woman who called into love line. They said their 3-year-old stabbed her in the leg with a knife, and tried repetedly to smother her infant. Really creepy. Kinda like Michael Myers. 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted December 11, 2001 well I met a bloke today thorugh a mutual freind who's mum has just been aquitted of charge because she stabbed his stepdad to death after he repeatedly beat on her. Thing was, the evil press made it look like she was the nutter. I dunno... 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted December 12, 2001 Quote love line. Expand Loveline is fucking great on the radio, but not because I'm into helping America's youth or talk shows or anything... it's just that Adam Carolla is one of the funniest guys alive today :) I can't listen to the damn show if he's missing one day. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted December 12, 2001 I'm told that the lady who lived next door to us before I was born was a certified nutter. She blew her husband's head off on New Year's Day, 1982. She was coming after my dad next; luckily the sheriff's officers got there first. 0 Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted December 12, 2001 I have an older sister and brother, twins, who are ten years older than me, and then my own twin brother. We had an adopted sister who was two years younger than me but she killed herself. Kind of sad, but I only knew her for like two months. She was quite looney anyway. Yes, I'm aware I have a weird family. Sue me. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted December 12, 2001 Quote Yes, I'm aware I have a weird family. Sue me. Expand Heh, you're in position to sue game developers and music bands, or something... ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted December 12, 2001 Quote Thats creepy. It reminds me of this woman who called into love line. They said their 3-year-old stabbed her in the leg with a knife, and tried repetedly to smother her infant. Really creepy. Kinda like Michael Myers. Expand You know like half the people who call into love line are making their stuff up, right? 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted December 12, 2001 I have a better question, how do you know? 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 13, 2001 I dunno. Most of the people on Loveline seem sincere. Its pretty easy to identify the people that end up calling in just to tell the mason jar joke. To Liam: Adam Carolla is funny as hell. The only reasons I listen to that show is because of him, and the awesome guests they have. It seems like Kevin Smith and SoaD hang with them a lot. In fact, it was on Loveline that I first heard SoaD, and their new album. 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted December 14, 2001 Quote Quote and has even admitted to liking some NIN. Expand Shoot her before it's too late. Expand Ok. *shoots her*. Quote I'm an only child, thank fuck. Expand Or lack of :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted December 14, 2001 My brother: * 12 years old. * Big Guns'n'Roses fan. He tries to sing like Axl Rose 2-3 hours a day. Imagine what that sounds like. * Big Jackie Chan fan. All the time, he's jumping around like a hamster on fire doing *huaa!*:s and *wooah!*:s * He couldn't resist asking me a retarded question like "do you like GNR", "do you like Jackie Chan" or "do you think I'm cool" every 14 minutes even if his life depended on it. (He asks those questions 10 times in a row). 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted December 14, 2001 If my brother was like that, I would have shot him a long long time ago. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted December 15, 2001 oh so I guess you shot him in the nuts, eh? 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted December 15, 2001 Quote My brother: * 12 years old. * Big Guns'n'Roses fan. He tries to sing like Axl Rose 2-3 hours a day. Imagine what that sounds like. * Big Jackie Chan fan. All the time, he's jumping around like a hamster on fire doing *huaa!*:s and *wooah!*:s * He couldn't resist asking me a retarded question like "do you like GNR", "do you like Jackie Chan" or "do you think I'm cool" every 14 minutes even if his life depended on it. (He asks those questions 10 times in a row). Expand My sister: * 12 years old. * Big *Nsync/Britney/Rap/Blink 182/Anything that sucks fan. She plays burned CDs of NOTHING BUT FUCKING SINGLES FROM POP ARTISTS at 1 O' FRIGGING CLOCK IN THE MORNING. Imagine what that sounds like. * Paints the names of her "boyfriends" on her jeans. * Hangs out with people probably even more moronic than her. * Blames her faults on anyone but herself. * Talks in broken ebonics. * Wears makeup and does her hair wherever she goes, even when she's sleeping (no that's not a joke) * Couldn't drive herself to clean her smelly, festering, shithole room if her life depended on it. * Stands in firm belief that wanting to be a "gourmet chef" justifies academic failure. * Cries uncontrollably when mother/father is late to get home from work in fear that "something might have happened". * Cries uncontrollably on road trips when she can hear a faint beat coming from my CD player * Cries uncontrollably when someone doesn't agree with her. * Cries uncontrollably when I talk. * Cries uncontrollably when I walk. * Cries uncontrollably when I do anything around her. * Is going to cry uncontrollably when she gets home in ten minutes and realizes that her guinea pig is dead. * I'm going to have to sympathize, even though I hate the guinea pig. * The guinea pig used to start whining and squealing at 1 O' FRIGGING CLOCK IN THE MORNING. Imagine what that sounds like. 0 Share this post Link to post
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