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Human cloning


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Aren't there enough humans in the world -without- clones? Seriously, the only real 'value' of clones would be 'body harvesting' which is, well, pretty unethical. I think it's a reeeeally bad idea and will only be abused by human society.

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Lets clone Britney Spears!

And that officially convinced me that human cloning should be made illegal as soon as possible.

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Lets clone Britney Spears!

And that officially convinced me that human cloning should be made illegal as soon as possible.

Ditto here. Nobeing should have to endure the existance of -one- of her... more than one would officially be the worst Hell on Earth possible... thank you for making me sick to my stomach. *GAGS*

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This civilization can only screw up such a concept as cloning, as they screw anything else they attempt.

However, the medicial purposes of cloning I am for. As far as cloning entire people, MAYBE. There are some weird and bizarre circumstances in which it may be acceptable, but who's going to handle it? How can you balance the power?

Cloning yourself or someone else just for the Hell of it, although should seem logically to be OK and legal ... I just don't know. There could be a deadbrain mass of slavelaborers if you do it correctly. I just don't think it'd be a good idea.

Human parts? I dunno, maybe. Maybe just the parts, but creating an entire human and just ripping off his/her arm just because he/she is a clone... NO.

But if you can see if your unborn child has a gene for some terminal disease and can prevent, then I say do it. But if you're gonna try to alter the personality and brain and looks of the baby, you shouldn't, but hey, it's your choice.

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Personally I don't think humans should be cloned. As Red_Warrior said "Aren't there enough humans in the world -without- clones?" , plus I agree that creating humans for 'body harvesting' (as I call it) is just sick. Creating an entire being just to rip out a heart or rip off an arm is just wrong. I personally don't believe in a soul, so I don't have a problem with the religious convictions of cloning, but I do believe that if it lives, thinks, and breathes like a human, it's a human. Personally I don't even really like the cloning of animals, it's just pointless really. Things reproduce naturally often enough, there's no need to help nature. Plus if a fool proof way to clone was made, you can be sure it would be used for war. (This may get a little sci-fi, but stay with me) Imagine how this would sound to a military, the ability to take one soldier and clone him thousands of times, then you would have pretty much un-limited supplies of people being created for the sole purpose of dieing, and I have a problem with that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not close minded on this issue though, I think that there may be some advantages to cloning that I can't foresee, but as of right now I'm opposed to it.

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Clone all the smart/athletic people and let everybody else die out.

...then they'd have the same 400 genes and get inbred, which would make them....THE PEOPLE WE KILLED OFF!

I say it'd be ok to make a vegetable version of someone that would be left in the basement for future use, like a plasic Christmas tree!

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If you breed a smart athletic race you are limiting the number of genes in the gene pool, thus restricting the genetic variation. Genetic variation, as it has been proven time after time, is ESSENTIAL for a species' survival.

The same holds true for any "superior race".

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It would be nice if they could grow a human heart or whatever that could be used for a transplant without actually cloning a human and then killing him off.

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If you clone 'parts', would it technically still be cloning? I think it would be more of 'growning' pieces, as they do so with skin already. For the propeties of growing organs, that would be most benfical, as everybeing could have a transplant without risk of rejection by the body, as it would be made from their own genetic structure.

And raising 'vegetable' beings isn't ethical... it's just hypocritical once again. And cruel. Of sourse we're of a society in which the majority are religious folk and they usually don't even follow the lines of their religion. It's a society of hypocrites. *Sighs* thank the gods for the few who aren't as or not at all...

Recap: body harvesting=bad, growing of independant organs=good

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Recap: body harvesting=bad, growing of independant organs=good

I can see it now: the flesh farms. The white artificial glow of the sterile rooms where row upon row table are lined like rows of crops, and the only color is the pale red of the various organs as they float in their bottles, ever growing for the impending harvest. At the end of each row there is a lable scrawled on a laminated sheet; a sign post to the organs that each row posseses. Hearts? Isle three. Lungs? Isles 15 through 18.

Truth be told, I would much rather that organs be grown individually, though I'm not quite sure how it would be done. It seems that it would take a great deal of space and care to grow each organ individually, and I am almost sure that it would be more "efficient" to go for the "all in one package". Efficient- but not better.

Personally, I would say that this would be the only acceptible form of cloning. I'm not going to begin to get into all my reasons, but suffice it to say that man should not try to "play God". I'm so torn though... as much as I value the concept of ehancing ones self by merging mind with flesh, I still think it would be very interresting if cybernetics took the place of organic replacement organs. Not that it'll affect me anyway... even if for some reason I don't remain "intact", neither technology would be advanced enought for me to use. Too bad... or wait... um... good... I think.

If there is anything cloning is good for, I would say that it makes for decent science fiction. I might choose to include a scene like I described above (but instead with "mindless" bodies instead of different organs) in a game one of these days.

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Cross out "athletic"

By that I meant healthy and coordinated, not good at sports.

Still, I had just read an article about a book dedicated to that purpose which I may buy the next time I buy books. I was kinda surprised and interested to see what people would say. I don't actually support that, although it sounds good in theory I don't think anybody needs to be killed off.

Except Microsoft, AT&T and USR employees.

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We all knew it was going to happen eventually, but who knows what the consequences are? Ever seen the movie Blade Runner? And don't say they were robots, because they weren't. They were, more or less, a Terminator with vital organs, and the purpose was slave labour. the skin, nervous system, eyes, everything organic is cloned. And what happened? They rebelled. Now, if this is used to create another slave trade (the Blade Runner thing is nowhere near realistic because we haven't figured out cybernetics yet), we might have another slave rebellion like what happened 2000 years ago and change, when Sparticus (yes, he was actually real!) lead a huge rebellion across Rome, and it was absolute slaughter. Yes, the rebellion was crushed, but it left a HUGE scar on Rome for quite awhile. Anyways, cloning could bring that upon us, in the worst case scenario which, unfortunately, is potentially very likely, but probably not for a few decades. It is still quite likely, though, because of the potential profit involved.

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Cloning athletic/intelligent people would be pointless, because only a small part of it lies in the genes. Most of intelligence depends on your environmental and social growing-up circumstances. And physical condition is, of course, completely dependant on how much you exercise.

There are of course exceptions such as genetic diseases, and you may want to get rid of those. Probably not through extermination of the people who carry them, but rather by modifying the genes.

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Most of intelligence depends on your environmental and social growing-up circumstances.

Actually my bio teacher said that genetic make up plays an important part in the iq of the child, maybe even more than than the enviroment the child is surrounded in while growing up. I don't know how much truth is in that though, I stopped trusting teachers ever since they said weed kills brain cells.

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Most of intelligence depends on your environmental and social growing-up circumstances.

Well, sort of. You have to have the capacity to learn before you can begin learning though. Some people are very limited in what they can learn and some people can learn anything in almost no time. And there's not much that environment can do about that.

And physical condition is, of course, completely dependant on how much you exercise.

That is also heavily predetermined by genetics.

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And that's why when you see a fat kid a lot of times his/her parents will be fat aswell.

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All human beings are born with a brain of about equal capacity, it's really how the brain is formed during the first 5 or so years of your lifetime that makes the intelligence.

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And that's why when you see a fat kid a lot of times his/her parents will be fat aswell.

Yeah, this is partially due to the genes. But an essential part is starred by the culture where you grow up. In most cases, the parents have bad habits when it comes to food/exercise, and these habits pass on to the kid.

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yeah that's about right, I hate when people say "It's not her fault she's fat"

In my opinion even though a person has a bad metabolism he/she should be raised to live with it in a way it won't be a problem. Or just brake the habbit and stop eating or make up for it with exersize.

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man should not try to "play God".

And of course the question is: why?

I really don't want to get into the arguement over the existance of God in this thread, I was just stating my opinion. Even in saying that though, I did not intend it to mean what most people would think. I am basically saying that I feel man is not ready to, and should not (at least not yet) strive to obtain powers that most people would associate as being "God-like". Honestly though, what reasons other than for medical use would justify the act of cloning?

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Clone all the smart/athletic people and let everybody else die out.

there was a grop of people who tryed that once...what were thay called? oh yes, thats right:


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Clone all the smart/athletic people and let everybody else die out.

there was a grop of people who tryed that once...what were thay called? oh yes, thats right:


Can we be, like, any less predictable?

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