Sephiroth Posted December 1, 2001 is doom seen as something taboo? I aks because i have not seen anything doom, or ID software, in any of the stores. I have not even seen RTCW yet, nor have i seen doom GBA and collectors DOOM. Even stores that have almost all dont have those. I even asked a few places for RTCW and DoomGBA, they said they would not because it is too violent, and i look of the shelves to see games like half-life and Alice. Wal-mart said it was bad public relations to carry doom/ID games, yet they have begun to sell perantal advisory cd's, and i also saw half-life and Alice. Why is doom/ID games being written off? Damn anti-violence and religous fundalmentalist trying to bann doom and our beloved ID 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted December 1, 2001 2 words....Columbine shootings. 2 more words....George Bush. BTW, the trick is to get stuff like at video-game specific stores like GameStop or EB. Another good bet is places like CompUSA (where I got my Collector's DOOM), Best Buy (where my friend got his), etc. Don't go to mass merchants like Wal-Mart or K-Mart because they're more of the "family oriented" places if you ask me. 0 Share this post Link to post
Rancid-Radio Posted December 1, 2001 the only 2 places i buy games are babbages because they allways have the stuff first, and graywhale because it's cheap. i've never had problems not finding a game at a store, but then again i have never bought games at wal-mart or some other store like that. although i used to rent nes games at albertsons... good times. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted December 2, 2001 Crendowing: two more BAD words :)Ok, what the fuck did I do to you? BTW, you must be visually impaired; "Crendowing" is one word numbnuts. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted December 2, 2001 You got it wrong. two more words....George Bush. Crendowing: two more BAD words :) Hence, "George" & "Bush" = 2 BAD words. 0 Share this post Link to post
dr_st Posted December 2, 2001 2 words....Columbine shootings. Hmm... there's a nice line from Eminem on this matter: I take seven kids from Columbine, stand 'em all in line, Add an AK-47, a revolver, a nine... 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted December 2, 2001 Hmm... there's a nice line from Eminem on this matter isn't there always...? ;) 0 Share this post Link to post
help420me Posted December 4, 2001 2 words....Columbine shootings. 2 more words....George Bush. put 'em together and ya got a new id game, but you get the secret service knockin' at your door too :( 0 Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted December 4, 2001 Thats not funny to be joking about the Columbine shootings. 0 Share this post Link to post
help420me Posted December 4, 2001 man, that stuff happens everyday; you just don't hear about it. Everyday, like a million kids take guns to school and everyday at least ten people get shot by those guns. To think that Columbine is special or exempt from reproach would be a gross misunderstanding of the state of the country: we are at war, not only with terrorism, but also with ourselves!!! 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted December 4, 2001 forgive me if I offend, but you Americans need to do something about whichever amendment it is that supposedly lets you defend your home with guns. The only guns that should be allowed outside of clubs are ones like the plasma gun... screen only, gettit? Over here in UK we thankfully don't have a bad gun culture, yet... 0 Share this post Link to post
help420me Posted December 4, 2001 We can defend our homes with boiling oil if we wnt to, but people are tking guns to schoo', foo'! Instead of fighting with guns, in the UK they mug people with toothbrushes: "Give me all your goods..." "Oh, God, pleeeease don't brush my teeth...I'll do anything..." "SHADD-UP, or I'll use the mouthwash on yooz, too" 0 Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted December 4, 2001 That was awesome, help420me. Yeah, all you UK bastards need to shut the hell up about the US gun laws. I've personally defended myself against people without guns, using a gun four times. Guns help people like me, because to be honest, if someone comes after me with a baseball bat, there isn't a lot I'm going to be able to do about it with a knife or a club or some other such weapon. Guns even the odds. Oh, and by the way: "Hey, Kat. Columbine!" "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" So there. 0 Share this post Link to post
Erik Posted December 4, 2001 That was awesome, help420me. Yeah, all you UK bastards need to shut the hell up about the US]gun laws. I've personally defended myself against people without guns, using a gun four times. Guns help people like me, because to be honest, if someone comes after me with a baseball bat, there isn't a lot I'm going to be able to do about it with a knife or a club or some other such weapon. Guns even the odds. The problem is that those persons you had to defend yourself against could also get themselves guns. Then you got a real nasty situation with people pointing guns at each other. That could end in many unpleasant ways. Ok, a good ol' fistfight may not be pleasant if you're weaker, but a bullet to the head is a bit worse. 0 Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted December 4, 2001 "Could also get themselves guns." They didn't. How is that a problem? And getting a gun isn't as easy as you think, by the way. It's not like anyone could walk into a store and buy one. Besides that, who said you have to shoot someone in the head or center mass? Leg or arm shots are perfect deterrents, and given a small-caliber weapon, are quite nonlethal. Even headshots or center-mass hits are nonlethal, most of the time. 0 Share this post Link to post
Erik Posted December 4, 2001 Ok, I guess you're not anyone then since you have gun(s). Myself personally would rather take a beating than shoot someone, even if the intention is only to wound them. I'd say that the fact that you had to use a gun to defend yourself four times shows that America may not be the safest place to live in, despite all the guns. 0 Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted December 4, 2001 I won't argue that; America is NOT the safest place to live. But then, if you know/knew me, then you'd know that I'm exactly the kind of person that most male agressors would choose to attack. ^_^ 0 Share this post Link to post
Fredrik Posted December 4, 2001 Myself personally would rather take a beating than shoot someone, even if the intention is only to wound them. Same here 0 Share this post Link to post
Erik Posted December 4, 2001 Heh, I can imagine that, even judging from the little I've heard about you. I'd still say that there must be a better mean of defending yourself than lethal weapons. But I guess that your guns are a bit too precious to part from. 0 Share this post Link to post
SaGa Posted December 4, 2001 yah a lot of the supermarket stores wont sell some m rates games, speacialy games that has a past record in there eyes. Just buy the game of the net or from some computer or gaming store, thay will most likely sell these games 0 Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted December 5, 2001 Besides, shooting people is fun! (joke) 0 Share this post Link to post
Erik Posted December 5, 2001 Besides, shooting people is fun! You win :P 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted December 5, 2001 Here's how I see it: guns should not be banned, but should only be used as a last resort. I say try and negotiate first. If that doesn't work, block the guy or girl as much as you can. If force is necessary, use only enough to end the situation. Taking Karate for 5 years, I should have these beliefs. 0 Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted December 5, 2001 Hmph. Attack me and die. That's my view on the subject. Then again, this comes from someone who advocates liberal and generous use of capital punishment for small-time felons. So... * Katarhyne whistles idly 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted December 5, 2001 Kat, you may be responsible with your gun but there are those who aren't. You don't need a gun to defend yourself, that's what the police and intruder alarms/alsatians are for are. Besides, I'm convinced you're a murderous trigger-happy maniac anyway, after all, you're a lady who Dooms... :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Prime Posted December 5, 2001 Myself personally would rather take a beating than shoot someone, even if the intention is only to wound them. Same here Oh, really? So, you'd rather it was you in the hosptial rather than the criminal? Uuuuuhuh. Not me. But I guess there's also this thing called "Common Sense." ... And what the hell is up with downing the US because of its so-called "gun problem?" We may have some school shootings, but at least not every one of our goddamn kids walk around with AK's so that the adults can put them to use in their "holy wars." I admit that the government takes some ridiculous steps to prevent gun abuse (especially in the video game area), and that the US isn't the safest place to live, but at least we are trying to better ourselves. All you people that have a prob with the US might try living in the Middle East sometime... 0 Share this post Link to post
Erik Posted December 5, 2001 I didn't say that the middle east is better than the US in any way. I am just comparing to where I live (Sweden). And yes I would rather take the beating than pulling the trigger unless I was 100% confident that I would not risk killing the attacker, he'll get his punishment later. 0 Share this post Link to post
Katarhyne Posted December 5, 2001 I'm generally 100% confident that I'm not going to kill anyone when I pull the trigger. It's all about competency and practice. 0 Share this post Link to post
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