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Doom Music On Piano


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That's Daniel, the Brazilian guy who makes levels and mods (Armas, Neodoom, and so on).

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Holy shit. I'm pretty sure Bobby Prince did all the doom music minus sequencers. Judging by the way the original midi files don't stay within the frame of the tempo.

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Awesome stuff! That guy really knows the music. I loved the part when he was knocking on the piano, LOL. That video made my day.

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There should be a new catagory in cacoawards for 'random doom related coolness'. Daniels piano playing would be my nomination. Excellent stuff ;)

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Kristian Ronge said:

Nice. Lets you imagine how a complete medley arrangement featuring a symphony orchestra might sound. :-)

Great minds really do think alike, as I've had an idea about fan-made orchestral project for quite some time now, but with every single track played in its etirety (sp?)...call it DOOM Live! or something.

My YouTube comment on this vid sums it up.

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kristus said:

Had this been posted anywhere else on the forum someone would have timelined it.

Seconded. Ive seen that months ago. Awesome none the less.


youtube said:

Added: December 18, 2006
From: dallemos

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myk said:

That's Daniel, the Brazilian guy who makes levels and mods (Armas, Neodoom, and so on).

Too bad he is a bit of a pariah on these forums (got banned in a shitstorm from the reactions to his female.wad, also a reknowned resource thief).

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Yeah daniel is an awesome talent and seeing this (excellent) confirms he is a bit of a prodigy. It makes it more of a shame that he's been such a mediocre person at times.

But then most prodigies are awkward people :P

Regardless, this is really, really good playing.

There is actually a concert of video game music on at the royal festival hall soon and I had given serious thought to attending...


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It's truly wicked stuff, i could play a bunch of doom songs on the piano by ear, but truly not to this extent. Nice work. Now if only someone could come up with the sheet music to bobby prince's work, so more of us could learn to play these on guitar and piano, that'd rock.

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Err I got Sibelius, so all I have to do is download the MIDI file into Sibelius and I get an instant score for every instrument straight away. Not sure how I can post it on the net though...

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