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The best monster replacement mods?


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Hi. I was wondering if you could give me any recommendations for replacing the monsters in Doom? I don't mean some random monster from another game but ones where they enhance a traditional Doom monster like the Dark Imp mod http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=12174

I tried the blue Cacodemon mod and I like the cool new colour but it doesn't do anything new.

BTW, I'm using the GZDoom port.

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(sorry, no link there. yes, i'm a dumb)

omg weapons (and monsters)
the bosses\monster resource pack
tormentor667 bestiary
lemmings doom
south park doom
simpsons doom

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daimon, things like the monster resource pack and Torm667's Bestiary aren't monster REPLACEMENTS (if that's the sole thing the thread author is looking for)... they are just adding new monsters in DECORATE while all the old ones are still there in their original forms.

WolfenDoom :P (I can't think of any others btw)

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Batman DOOM did a fantastic job at replacing every existing enemy obstacle with a brand new one.
In fact, not only were the standard monster sprites replaced but the sprites of inanimate decorative things were also replaced and animated into living enemies...And it's all thanks to that DeHackEd utility which can really do wonders if you know how to use it.

To talk about more recent WADs...
well, the Heretic WAD which I uploaded on September 22nd 2007 replaces the original Golem sprites with the 32-bit sprites of Knuckles the echidna from a few Sonic games on the Nintendo GBA.
The transition is virtually seamless, IMO.
There's also other monsters being fully replaced in the WAD.
Anyways, it should be featured in the next issue of Newstuff.

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DarkJedi188 said:

Batman DOOM did a fantastic job at replacing every existing enemy obstacle with a brand new one.
In fact, not only were the standard monster sprites replaced but the sprites of inanimate decorative things were also replaced and animated into living enemies...And it's all thanks to that DeHackEd utility which can really do wonders if you know how to use it.

Totally Seconded!

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BoldEnglishman said:

daimon, things like the monster resource pack and Torm667's Bestiary aren't monster REPLACEMENTS (if that's the sole thing the thread author is looking for)... they are just adding new monsters in DECORATE while all the old ones are still there in their original forms.

ah ok...

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Thanks for responses.

I tried them all but OMG weapons was exactly the thing I was looking for. Absolutely brilliant. All new weapons and monsters.

I love it!

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I can't believe people still like OMGWPNS, especially when I put roughly six or seven hours of effort into it and the monsters aren't that interesting in my eyes. Is it really that good despite all of those multiplayer bugs and the lack of deafness bug?

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I only discovered the Doom modding scene a year or so ago so I'm fairly new to this Doom mod lark. Up until now I've only been using the bog standard weapons and monsters and they have become monotonous.

Also, I don't play multiplayer so I haven't seen any bugs and what's this deafness bug or lack thereof?

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The deafness bug is quite simple, and it's more a missing feature than a bug.

Things placed on the map can be given different "flags" which determine how they behave. For example, they can be set to only appear at certain difficulty level, or in multiplayer, etc.

One of these flags makes a monster deaf, it won't react to sound and will only start to chase you once it sees you. (Useful to make ambushes. That way, you can force a bunch of monsters to stay at their ambush point until you're in the proper location for the trap to work.)

Now, monster replacers for ZDoom often work by a simple principle: monsters are automatically replaced by spawners that will spawn another monster and disappear.

But these spawners do not transmit the flags, so deaf monsters are replaced by not-deaf monsters, and the ambushes are ruined. There are no ways to transmit flags to spawned monsters.

One ZDoom mod, Æons of Death, solves the problem by having two versions of each replacement monster, one normal and the other always deaf, regardless of flags. ÆOD's spawners then simply look at whether they have the deaf flag or not and spawn the correct type of monster accordingly. It's a cumbersome method, but it works.

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WOW. Now this is special. 60 weapons!? It's gonna take a while to get used this, blew myself up a few times lol, but it's bloody fantastic.

And the new eniemies are wonderful. Breathes life into any wad.

Thanks man.

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  • 4 months later...

Deathz0r, are you still about? Still using your mod :)

I've had a tinker around with your mod so it uses all the new monsters from the beastiary to replace the standard ones + a few other tweaks here and there.

I'm seeking your permission to release it on the public servers?

I sent you a PM but you haven't replied so I'm trying here :)

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Aeons of Death is awesome and totally OTT, which is cool.

It influenced some of the stuff I put in my mod (ScoreDoom), which is a monster replacement mod too. I focused more on keeping the feel like Doom, so the weapons are the same, and the custom monsters have a more 'Doom like' feel (thats subjective of course). You can face like a total of 120+ extra custom monsters, thanks to the modding community. Every monster from Tormentor667's Bestiary (except the core tentacle) and others are included.

The artifacts and scoring can be turned off so it feels like vanilla doom with extra custom monsters. Also in SP, you can set it so that the monster distribution is totally random per play, like in Aeons of Death. (all via the console or ini file) ..also the Bloodbath announcer can be turned off too ;-)

Ok, I'll stop pimping now :P

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Thanks, I can't believe I missed your mod. I'll check it out right now :)

I agree with the aeons comment. I prefer a more Doom feel to the monsters.

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deathz0r said:
I can't believe people still like OMGWPNS, especially when I put roughly six or seven hours of effort into it and the monsters aren't that interesting in my eyes. Is it really that good despite all of those multiplayer bugs and the lack of deafness bug?

Don't be so hard on your self. To this day I still copy and paste code use your wad to refer basic DECORATE commands.

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Am I the only person who thinks Aeons of Death is pointless? It is just a wad that is absolutely bloated with sprites ripped from other sources? If it had maps and was a real project I could justify downloading it again... but it is just a bunch of monsters and guns. Some things are creative... but for the most part it's just a mishmash of themes and styles from dozens of games thrown into a Doom wad.

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Aeons of Death is a good collection of monsters. If you search for some exotic creatures (to use them in your project) you will find a lot of monsters in this mod.
(for instance, monsters from Might&Magic 6-7, Hexen 2, Quake 1-2, Blood, Duke3d).
But I don't like AEOD as a wad for playing.

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Yeah. AOD is great when you first try it but it ends up feeling like your playing a random FPS rather than Doom. It has no identity.

Tried ScoreDoom, it's like a stripped down version of AOD but it still has far too many eniemies for my taste. If I had one criticism it would be take out the non-doom monsters. I liked the new power-ups though, especially the time freeze (just needs to last a bit longer).

In my mod I've used around 50 of best the custom monsters that are most related to Doom + the best ones from DeathZ0r's mod like the CacoElemental for example and kept out the Heretic/alien/random type monsters as well as those that block shots like the Imp Warlord and the Hell Warrior as they interupt the flow of Doom's run and gun style of gameplay.

BTW Bilbo, I noticed you didn't include the Nightmare Cacodemon or the Cacophyte. I've got them if you need them.

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Thanks for the feedback Induna. Yep I see what you mean about some of the monsters. An armored medieval looking imp is arguably not quite 100% Doom's look & feel. It could be possible to add a monster selection choice to the config file so the user could select which monsters are added to the game from SD monster wad. It would require a certain amount of work to do it properly, but it shouldn't be too bad, since zdoom already has very robust config reader/writer code. Maybe later in the year when I get some time.
I initially had no intention of adding a monster replacement part to SD, but for similar reasons when I found out about it, it was too cool not to.
Yeah I'll check out those monsters too. PM me with the links, or if you need my email address. Thanks.

@jval: gzmonsters wad is an old version of the sdmonsters1.3.wad Im using in SD.

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BilboHicks said:

@jval: gzmonsters wad is an old version of the sdmonsters1.3.wad Im using in SD.

I just figured it out ... after posting the old link...

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Bilbo. I've had a tinker around with your mod now :)

I just removed the monsters that I didn't like and kept the ones I prefer, now it plays like a dream! Just added a couple of other things too like some weapon enhancements.

Maybe you could release two versions of your mod? A full version and a Doom only version. Just a thought. Anyway, it's great mod, I'm having fun with some of the new monsters like the Maxibus. Where did you get that from as it's not from the Beastiary?

I forgot to say, the Stone Demon has a new attack as too the Crackodemon. They must have updated them at the beastiary.

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No problem. Yep the monster replacement code will simply revert to the base doom monster if the custom one isn't found. Though this code is atm, optimised (ahem.. hardcoded :P) to use all the monsters in the wad. Which isnt ideal, but suits my own preferences.
To do monster replacement better, I was thinking more along the lines of a more generic replacement setup where the player could use the config file to add any custom monsters they want, as well as their weightings (chances) of appearing relative to others, and what monsters they replace, and what precentage that default monster is replaced. That would be the way to go, but if I do end up implementing this, it wont be for a while, just too busy with other stuff.

I got the maxibus from the zdoom forums. There are bunch of people there working on new creatures.
Do you have the links to those 2 monsters you mentioned? I was interested in checking them out. Thanks.

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Some of Cory Whittle's (later famous for the EDGE wads Immoral Conduct and Don's Challenge, the latter has some interesting enemies actually, but is only sporadically available as it's often taken down down for 'improving', for years on end) old Dehacked wads are worth a go. Can't remember which one it was, but there was one in which a monster (i think the sprite was an edited hexen rip) lifted you up in the air, presumably using archvile code, and THEN shot at you. It was cool but easy to 'break', also there was no upper limit to the lifting and it would shoot at where you where, so would miss.

Also Enjay's recent Burghead Liberation wad for GZdoom had some cool enemies, though with some of the more deadlier ones it wasnt obvious what they did/how to kill them, so save every time you hear a 'new' noise. Also the 'armoured guns' require you to kill the nearby operator, not the gun. As i found out after many deaths

Also Neo doom, a "marmite" mod (personally i love it) from a while back had a lot of enemies. Though to be fair a lot of those where new ones rather than replacements, though some of the standard enemies where tweaked slightly

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