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Women and Doom...


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This is kind of inspired by some of deadnail's journals at his site, respect to the dude. But only kind of...

I just realised I don't know any women/girls who play/have ever mentioned Doom. Are there any female members of DW? I also just realised that I've never talked about Doom to any woman except my mum (mum was always there when the WinDEU Blockmap failed to rebuild, to pick up the pieces of a weeping pritch).

Is Doom something we'd talk about to women, or never mention for fear of scaring 'em off? Are we embarrassed? Is Doom like another woman, would we only tell her about Doom when we know she wouldn't be jealous/resent Doom?

And don't say it's only a game or something. That would truly piss me off, and I don't piss off easy. Jeez, 4 days and my 50th post already, I need a new gf... ????????? :!

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there are some women here, not too many though. maybe doom just doesn't appeal to lots of girls, i don't know...

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Is Doom something we'd talk about to women, or never mention for fear of scaring 'em off? Are we embarrassed? Is Doom like another woman, would we only tell her about Doom when we know she wouldn't be jealous/resent Doom?

Almost every woman to whom I've mentioned DooM tends to have one of two reactions -- if it's someone I don't know very well, she listens politely for a while and then her eyes tend to glaze over. If it's someone I know well, she just tells me to shut up and take it somewhere else. (Come to think of it, that's the reaction I get from my guy friends too. Maybe it's just me.)

Oh, btw, it's only a game or something ;)

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women and doom don't tend to mix too well, there are a few exceptions, but it's still like 1 woman out of 1000 doomers. And no, most of the times girls don't like to hear about video games, that's just common sence.

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I know that females that love action games MUST exist, but I've never met one face to face. The only game my sister had be get for her for the psx was The Game of Life. Ugh... I want to sell it, but no one will buy that piece of crap. If women like action movies, why not action games? Makes no sense.

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Actually I have a female friend who is into FPS, though not Doom as much (she started getting into games at the post Q2 era). The only bad part about the situation is that she thinks of me as an older brother. It's always too good to be true.

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My ex girlfriend Sofia plays Doom and Heretic, so there's hope.

So introduce Sofia to us already!

Sorry, I couldn't resist that one ;)

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How the hell did I inspire that one? And almost every chick I know gets into Bubble Bobble and Puyo Puyo at least, from there it's just a little coercing.

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Bubble Bobble and Puyo Puyo

Nice euphemisms there bud =P

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Me and a girl were actually late to see Starship Troopers 'cuz, like a dumbass, I showed here Puzzle Bobble in ZSNES and the bitch couldn't put it down. =P

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charlotte, sentry, sara, and sara got a whole girl doom clan called [DMX], all the members in it are girls. Now what da ya expect

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The only bad part about the situation is that she thinks of me as an older brother.

You poor poor tortured person. Those situations are the worst.

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Womens are jealous aminals. Whenever I have happened to be playing a game around a chick she would walk away or do something else to make me focus my attention on her instead... or just so she could snatch the controller. =)

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Me and a girl were actually late to see Starship Troopers

How lucky you were. I wasn't that lucky when I went to see it with some other people.

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Actually, Pritch, Doom is just a game...a very, very, involving, and devotion-capturing game.

As for the female aspect of this post, I've met very few women who are into video games. Notice that I said few, because there are a certain number who are. In my experience, it has always been a matter of video games being a "guy thing." My ex-girlfriend was actually into video games. Not PC, though. Playstation. And for all my efforts I just couldn't bring her to get into it. Oh well...

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I have a female cousin that likes doom quite a bit, but the problem is she doesn't have her own computer and she's not very good at it. Her favorite thing to do in doom is to run e1m1 with nomonsters or on skill 1, and she has managed to get 12 seconds. I'm sure it could go quite a bit lower if I could get her to try straferunning. As far as women and video games, I know there are quite a few girls that play Tekken, which is also sort of a guy game, so don't give up hope!

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/me waits quietly and patiently for Katarhyne and Red_Warrior to respond

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As far as women and video games, I know there are quite a few girls that play Tekken, which is also sort of a guy game, so don't give up hope!

My ex-girlfriend's favorite Playstation game was Tekken...

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