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Mine goes for geek doom2, BECAUSE IM IN IT!! Yay!

Ralphis, PORN TC? Can't you find your love from a woman, not your hand? All you probably know is all the shades of brown in the rectum spectrum.

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PornDoom is about the oldest add-on ever. I actually played it before the real game. It was stupid, it just had a bunch of porn pictures scattered on big walls. It didn't replace any maps, only a few graphics. They all looked like shit with the dark lighting.

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I noticed that Twilight Zone II has a couple of...ahem...pictures replacing some of the textures when I was looking through the wad with Wintex. Some of the midis were good, but I just didn't like the idea of some maps having wall textures that had the words "push me" on it if you know what I mean.

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PSG-1? Isn't that the sniper rifle from MGS?

Yes it is... but it dosen't translate well into the doom Engine. Can someone make a TC with a decent Sniper rifle?!

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