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Does anybody here on these forums know whether or not if the new DooM is going to have any 2ndary HUMAN characters,beside the obvious(Former Marines)? Cuz,it's a subject that kinda always nagged me about the entire series.
Here you are(the player) being sent to investigate a distrest call to a small spacestation(with a history in itself)called UAC,once there,your platoon,(OR PLATOONS!/you encounter an amazing number of former marines) goes in before you,and suddenly your world turns to shit,and you have go in bi-yourself and endure the unimaginable. Now think about this ya'll,even before the marines
showed up to save the day,The UAC staff roster had to be at least between 200-400 people,Well, maybe less because all the bodies that had to be shipped back because of the"GATEWAY"experimetations. Anyway,my point is they had to of had an considerable amount of UAC colonist there prior to the DooM incident. SO WHY,Why all the other HUMAN characters you run into are all former Marines? Where are all the colonist? Before any of you say("THE DEMONS KILLED THEM ALL,ASSHOLE!!")Where's the EVIDENCE!? Why weren't there any former UAC's,No dead bodies,OR BODY PARTS scattered around all the levels? No evidence that there ever any UAC people on Phobos/deimos after the distress call was made,which I feel is a important missing link
that id left out of the series. Which is also why I posted
my own UAC character's on these forums longways back. Anybody remembers some of "Tsar's character list for DOOM3?

Male/Female UAC
1.Standard colonist
2.Lab Tech
3.Maintanace ENG.
4.Security Officer
5.Toxic Waste Tech
6. For extra a zombie(LIEUTENANT)for the marines.

As far as Human/Former Human characters go,I hope id adds a little more than just marines in the new Doom.

And Thats,That!GENTS.
The Tsar's Out.

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According to a PC Gamer article id´s Tim Willits confirmed that there will be NPCs in Doom3:

> While id is remaining tight-lipped about the background details of the new Doom gameplay, Willits did confirm the inclusion of "other NPCs [who] will behave like characters in other FPS games. The original game had no one else in the world; the new Doom story has other characters in it, but they aren't playing along side you." <

source: http://www.3dactionplanet.com/doom/article-pcg-nov01.shtml

"They aren´t playing along side you" - Probably because they aren´t Marines and can´t help you, who knows ;)

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From watching the screenshots from the Bathroom Scene, I conclude there will be at least one space janitor in the game. Well, maybe he's not a janitor at all, it's just that the first thing that came up in my head when I saw the shot was "Behind you, mr. space janitor !".

But then, I was very very drunk that night.

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"The physics are new, which affects everything from jumping, runningand fallingto moveable objects. The monsters A.I. is completely new, the way they make decisions is new. The lighting model, which is key to mapping, is our biggest change. This [switch] has mademap creationmore difficult and more technically challenging. All art requires up to four seperate art pieces per texture which has created four times the workload for our artists."

All good stuff.
4 art pieces?

Mmh let's see... Base, bumpmap, highlight map,... wtf? What else? A detail shader?

I really like the physics thinguie.

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Keeping in line with the game's emphasis on single player adventure and storytelling, Carmack also mentioned that the title was forcing id to take a somewhat unfamiliar approach to game development. "We actually have," he said, smiling, "a design document and storyboards to follow."

And this is even better. :)

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Mmh let's see... Base, bumpmap, highlight map,... wtf? What else? A detail shader?

Opacity map ? Glow map ? Reflection map ? Treasure map ? The we-just-put-it-in-so-you'll-need-a-256-MB-videocard-map ?

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The we-just-put-it-in-so-you'll-need-a-256-MB-videocard-map ?

ROFL.. still the quakecon detail is the good sign of what we can expect.

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"We actually have," he said, smiling, "a design document and storyboards to follow."

Well that´s really a good sign. And they haven´t had storyborads for Q2?

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No, they kinda just fooled around till the game's storyline started to look like one.

Well then, it looks as though Id is finally starting to learn from their mistakes...

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BTW, isn´t the NPC thing worthy to be included in the next update of the Doom3 FAQ? http://www.doomworld.com/files/doom3faq.shtml

At least it´s something no previous id game ever had (well...if you don´t count the impaled guys in Doom, the hanging zombies in Quake and the insane marines in Q2 as NPCs ;)

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BTW, isn´t the NPC thing worthy to be included in the next update of the Doom3 FAQ? http://www.doomworld.com/files/doom3faq.shtml

I doubt admins get in here often. We'll see those changes in like 3 weeks.

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Where's the EVIDENCE!? Why weren't there any former UAC's,No dead bodies,OR BODY PARTS scattered around all the levels?

Maybe you had your eyes closed when those dudes were hanging from the ceiling, or the chewed legs hangin' from chain, or the skull-post things; the demons didn't just MAKE these things...well they did...from human people parts pal...

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Where's the EVIDENCE!? Why weren't there any former UAC's,No dead bodies,OR BODY PARTS scattered around all the levels?

Maybe you had your eyes closed when those dudes were hanging from the ceiling, or the chewed legs hangin' from chain, or the skull-post things; the demons didn't just MAKE these things...well they did...from human people parts pal...

Sure, but there should have been more - Alot more. I mean, it was a planetary science station...wasn't it???

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I myself always wondered exactly why only Marines were found on the Phobos and Deimos bases, and not any scientists or lab technicians or anything like that. Like a Martian Lunar base can be run by Marines alone....Doesn't make any sense.

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I myself always wondered exactly why only Marines were found on the Phobos and Deimos bases, and not any scientists or lab technicians or anything like that. Like a Martian Lunar base can be run by Marines alone....Doesn't make any sense.

US Marine + Intelligence = Impossiblity

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Wake up people, the plot and gameplay core changed so many times on DooM's development. Even the technical features changed a lot. I'm not surprised those elements are lacking, afterall, back in the day DooM I fitted in 4 megs JUST BY A FUCKING MIRACLE.

Believe me, I've seen it crash with a Z_Malloc on old 486s with 3.8 megs of RAM.

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