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TMNT Granitor WIP


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This is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Granitor mini action figure that I started making Tuesday. He's a Stone Warrior (General Traag's right hand man). In our youth, not knowing what his real name was, my younger brother and I affectionately dubbed him "Pecker Nose", due to his huge snozz. He has sixteen joints so far [neck (2), shoulders (2), elbows (4), and fingers <8>] and I'm thinking the final count will be twenty-five points of articulation. He should stand around 2.5 inches tall when complete.

For comparison purposes, below are three images of Granitor from different video game systems. The first, on the left, is Granitor as he appears in the TMNT arcade game, the second, in the middle, is Granitor's sprite from the NES port of the same game (with an obvious downgrade in graphic quality--the NES couldn't match the power of the arcade unit), and the last, on the right, is Granitor from the TMNT: Back From The Sewers Game Boy game (many of the bosses have a bit of Japanese "super deformation" going on in said game, which is why his head is so disproportionately large in this example).

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This guy takes forever to kill... Belive the it was the game with the middle sprite.. TMNT the Arcade Game I think it was called...

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I love this character, too bad it only appeared once in the series.

I wish I bought General Traag back then, silly me that I choosed Leatherhead instead, then I never found Traag again on toy stores.


Edit: Heh, I entered a virtual store site here and found a complete figure at a very good price! Yay I'm happy. Oh the internet..

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Well, it should have been done by now, but I bought a new GBA game Thursday, which resulted in my sculpting productivity taking a steep nosedive. Anyway, here’s what I got done yesterday. The upper body is pretty much finished, and the lower body is progressing nicely (I still need to bulk the legs up some more finish the boots). I’m considering putting a sheath for a knife on one of his boots, and a pistol holster on one of his thighs, but I haven’t decided yet—I’m thinking small accessories like that would look silly in his giant hands. At the very least, I’ll make him his trademark flamethrower.

Vegeta: The old Playmates Traag figure was kind of a love/hate thing for me. On one hand, it's a cool figure, but on the other, it's a bit over the top compared to what he looks in the cartoon/video games. The sculpt on the figure is pretty busy, as is the paint job, and I always wondered why on Earth the toy had to have a snake wrapped around one of his legs (the Playmate sculptors seemed to like throwing random critters on their TMNT figures). I can understand spicing him up a bit, as the monochrome look in the source material is on the boring side, but I think they went overboard. I recently saw him (loose with no accessories) for 50 cents in the local thrift store, but I left him there . . .

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Lookin good so far. those touches for the pants would look good cosmetically, but logically, for the "big hands, little things" reason you stated, I would probably forgo them. maybe some other kinda belt pouch or grenades might make more sense.

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After another day's work, the figure itself is pretty much complete, but I have to note that, while it's fully assembled and all 25 joints are functional, the majority of the individual pieces have not been glued together yet (i.e., it can still be easily taken apart at this point). He ended up a little bit taller than I had first envisioned (2.76 in./7.0 cm instead of 2.5 inches), but Stone Warriors are relatively large, in comparison to a human (I'd say 7 feet tall), so he's still pretty well in scale with my other TMNT mini figures. I also began work on the flamethrower. Hopefully, I'll get him finished up later this afternoon/evening--although that will largely depend on whether or not I decide to make any other accessories besides said weapon.

VileSlay: Aye, I've been considering grenades too. I designed the belt with four loops in it so I can attach small items like that if I decide to make them.

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very cool. I like the holo-com w/ krang. nice touch. the grenades do work well on him. great work as always.

BTW, which game did you get that stalled your sculpting?

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Nice one. I remember my brother having a Granitor action figure (I think, anyway :p)
The macro-Krang is a nice touch too.

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Thanks for the comments. The tiny Krang did turn out pretty nice--I was surprised I got as much detail out it as I did, considering the size.

Icarus: So far as I know, Granitor was never made into a toy in any form by Playmates or any other company. You're probably thinking of his boss, General Traag.

Vileslay: Capcom Classics: Mini Mix. It contains ports of NES Bionic Commando, Strider, and Mighty Final Fight (a super-deformed, cutesy version of Final Fight). Snagged it for $10.48 at Target. Pretty good cartridge, and a nice nostalgia trip, but 3 games on a compilation title is pretty light, especially considering how Capcom has tons of NES games they could have included.

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MmM said:

Vileslay: Capcom Classics: Mini Mix. It contains ports of NES Bionic Commando, Strider, and Mighty Final Fight (a super-deformed, cutesy version of Final Fight). Snagged it for $10.48 at Target. Pretty good cartridge, and a nice nostalgia trip, but 3 games on a compilation title is pretty light, especially considering how Capcom has tons of NES games they could have included.

pretty sweet. I could see how those games could be a bit distracting.

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