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*inspired by a similar drawing i saw on here by another forum member. i forget who it was, it was quite a while ago, but i liked his idea of an undeveloped mouth.

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Pretty good drawings. If I were to suggest anything, it'd be to try and add some shading to the drawings, especially so you can make out better texture around the Arch-Vile's mouth area. Besides that, do you think you could re-save these to a different format besides .bmp? I think it'd be more convenient for everyone to not have to download 1.4mb images.

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ok, i'll try JPG

thanks for the feedback, i would have done some shading but i didn't want to risk screwing everything up so i decided to leave it alone.


EDIT : original post fixed

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Why is the Arch-Vile wearing a feather mask? Is Hell hosting Mardi Gras?

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GGG said:

Why is the Arch-Vile wearing a feather mask? Is Hell hosting Mardi Gras?

I think thats supposed to fire coming from his eyes.

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If you're really worried about ruining the originals while shading, just quickly trace the originals and practice any possible tricky areas on a separate sheet, until you're sure of where you want to place your values.

Another thing you'll probably want to practice with is a blender. If you don't have an actual blender made for pencils, you can substitute with something like paper tissues, or cotton swabs. A blender is useful for blending the varying shades together, and dulls pencil markings, which will make it look less 'sketchy' and just make everything look better, in general. It'll be hard to destroy your drawings after you get the hang of it.

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Shadow Dweller said:

lol. yes, that's fire

I personally thought it was a mask or just an artistic addition by you as well. For fire, remember that even in hell it still follows a few basic guidelines. The most important being that fire always goes up, not to the side, and if it does go to the side (wind) then both flames would go the same direction. Since I assume you'll be redrawing some of these, might just keep that one in mind : )


Did a quick sketch just to see what I'd come up with. Moderately pleased with it

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Well with the fire from the eyes, i'd make the flames less transparent; dont draw the the part of the head head behind the fire as thick or not at all.

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Bank said:

Did a quick sketch just to see what I'd come up with. Moderately pleased with it

Dual nipple action!

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