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Windows95 Blues

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haaa haaaaa ha ha (crazy man´s laughing), after playing "jheretic" about half an hour on my sucky P133 Win95 PeCe, the lovely source port crashed and I saw the windows desktop again *plus* an error message, that babbled something about "buffer not found" or so. Hm.
Then I tried to restart the machine and got (after receiving the bios stats and the Windows Startup screen) an error message saying there were a register error occurred or some files maybe were corrupt and I should continue starting the machine in saved mode. Ok. But then I was told, that win.com was not found - unable to find win.com - and Windows could not be started. Ouch.

(Since I am a clever little boy, I have had my registry backup handy (I use COP.exe and it seems that it could fix the registry - but the odd win.com error remained, grrr.)

Well, I fired up my lovely Mac :) and went to Microsoft´s homepage, where I found the fix:

I am expected to find and decompress a file from a cabinet on the original Win95 cd to a location in my C:/ and then rename it using some very cryptic command.

Otherwise, oh well - I will have to install everything (= all source ports and drivers) again.

I will come back soon and tell you if it worked out or not :o)

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I followed Microsoft´s instructions, but on restart I got more errors and fdisk found many damaged sectors. Reassigning the sectors did not work out.

So I went into the SCSI bios and tried to format the drive low-level - but the formatting stopped with the message "hardware-error" and the drive made very strange sounds - so I think its gone.

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and went to Microsoft´s homepage, where I found the fix

They let you in? Sooner or later they'll block any other OSes, that's for sure. Kinda like .NET, IE or nothing...

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If your hard drive sounded like it had sand in it it is about to bite the big one. Back up what you can as fast as you can. Mine bit the big one recently. I had CD backups on everything so it did not hurt to bad. I was having the same wierd errors for about one week before the end. I replaced it with a 30 gig, now under $100. Got room to roll now. Good Luck

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Blame Lüt just as much as the Gawdawful shittiness of 9X.

Yeah it's our fault his hard drive died.

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ewww gross a MAC, i have not used those things in a long time. Hope it was not an IMAC, Imacs are complete shit

One defense for Macs? Graphics capabilities for computer animation and photo editing processes...

...ok, I'm done.

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ewww gross a MAC, i have not used those things in a long time. Hope it was not an IMAC, Imacs are complete shit

One defense for Macs? Graphics capabilities for computer animation and photo editing processes...

...ok, I'm done.

That's quite irrelevant in this day and age. There's more than enough power in any current consumer-level computer/OS combination to rival mac soft/hardware and still be cheaper.

The only advantage consistently quoted by advocates is that photoshop runs faster on macs than pc hardware... that was true, yes, because photoshop was originally developed on macs and then poorly ported to PCs. PS6.x does quite a bit better now, though.

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Anyway, the drive is gone, I removed it from the PC and connected it to a Mac, started low level format, but the utility reported a hardware defect (the drive made very impressive sounds:).

No, I had no important data on this drive and no, the drive collapsed not in a Mac, it happened in a Pentium machine and no, I have not an iMac (I also dislike them), I have several Macs, the newest is a G4 graphite...

... and OF COURSE a harddrive can collapse in every System, no matter which OS is installed - but thanks anyway :P

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Blame Lüt just as much as the Gawdawful shittiness of 9X.

Yeah it's our fault his hard drive died.

I may be wrong, but I think he's blaming you for defending 95b, or associating it with you, actually fuck knows.

Anyway, Pete, low-level formats rarely work... :(
life's a shitstick, innit?

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Blame Lüt just as much as the Gawdawful shittiness of 9X.

Yeah it's our fault his hard drive died.

I may be wrong, but I think he's blaming you for defending 95b, or associating it with you, actually fuck knows.

He's just being a dumbass as usual, next he'll start rambling about how XP is the best Microsoft Windows ever.

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Blame Lüt just as much as the Gawdawful shittiness of 9X.

Yeah it's our fault his hard drive died.

I may be wrong, but I think he's blaming you for defending 95b, or associating it with you, actually fuck knows.

He's just being a dumbass as usual, next he'll start rambling about how XP is the best Microsoft Windows ever.

Ahem, sorry Lüt, did you mean deadnail or me about the XP defense? I am only askinmg because this thread is a bit confusing meanwhile...

P.S.: The PC is working again, the 4GB Fujuitsu went to trash and the only drive I found to be worthless enough to go into a PC instead of a Mac was a 350 MB Quantum... and: It has a big Apple™ Logo on it (since it came with an old Mac) :) :)

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Lüt. XP actually is the best Windows ever. I remember 95b crashing 8 or 9 times a day. I remember 98se crashing 5 or 6 times a day. I've had my XP for well over a month and I've only locked it up TWICE, and both times it happened when I was screwing around with the KNOWN TO BE TROUBLESOME Roxio software.

Anyone who does a lot of waveform editing should upgrade this fucking instant. Goldwave and SoundForge behave 100X more reliably under XP in my various testing. =)

Even more importantly, Lüt, I don't suck cock for beef jerky so my opinion actually matters! MWAHAHAHAH! I HAVE SOME JACK LINKS FOR YOU WHORE, MWHAAHAHAHAHAHH!11111

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ooh, that's told you Lut.
But you're right, he is rambling. Someone should do a study into the effects marijuana has on a forum personality, and indeed how it affects the other users.

350MB Quantum

/me smiles
/...wheezes with laughter.

you poor sod, Peter!

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I had a 540MB Quantum in my old PC, and it was really fast. Go figure.

Nuno Correia
Senior Member
Posts: 666


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Ahem, sorry Lüt, did you mean deadnail or me about the XP defense?


I remember 95b crashing 8 or 9 times a day.

Because you're a fucking retard who couldn't hit water if you were standing at the bottom of the ocean.

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But you're right, he is rambling. Someone should do a study into the effects marijuana has on a forum personality, and indeed how it affects the other users

Damn Ling's hide for making it essential you can spell quote to quote in here :)

Start of use 1968 continuous moderate use to 2001 = 33 years? Effects = minute :)
UPDATE = huge :)

Reason for posting in 1st place was to reply about hd deaths, my 20 gig IBM died 4 weeks after warrenty expired, now gonna send it with semi-nasty letter to ibm, informing them of death and purchase of a 40 gig ibm, with proof , hope they think "as I stuck with ibm" they may feel it's their fault drive was crap and reinburse me :)

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Ahem, sorry Lüt, did you mean deadnail or me about the XP defense?


I remember 95b crashing 8 or 9 times a day.

Because you're a fucking retard who couldn't hit water if you were standing at the bottom of the ocean.

How the fuck do you hit water if you're already immersed in it?

(sorry, Lut :))

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Well, well, well...look what happens to mister traitor. Switches from his trusty dependable Mac to a peice of imitation shit only to find out that windows fucks up once again. What's that about iMacs? You guys remind me of the nerdpack in my school that says the same thing. I've got an iMac, and I've never had my hard drive get wiped out. 8 days ago my brother had his windows-run hard drive cleaned. My cousin had to dump a bunch of files because of a virus in his PC. In fact, practically everyone i've ever talked to with a PC has had some major fuckup of one kind or another. My Mac's never needed anything. I suggest in the future that you guys learn what you're talking about.

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How the fuck do you hit water if you're already immersed in it?


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I dunno, I've had this P3 366 mhz with the same hd running Win98 for about 5 years, and nothing major had ever happened to it. I only have a crash about once or twice a month (unless I'm doing something dumb). But I do have to reset the dang thing every 72 hours or so because it slows down after a while. I guess I should turn it off every once in a while. :D

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running Win98 for about 5 years

The current year is 2001, not 2003.

d'oh! Well, it was Win95, then I switched to Win98...my bad.

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