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Hi, I'm a Mancubus. And I'm a Pain Elemental


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Just something I came up with when I was supposed to be working. I've had these sprites for a little while and I decided to go ahead and use them:

This is Number 1. Number 2 will be up later on tonight.

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I get it.

The Mancubus is soft shit and the Pain elemental's hard poop.

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I have to agree they're not terribly funny, but then, i don't find the vast majority of the comic strips in the daily newspaper funny either. Humor is harder than it looks. I used to draw a weekly comic strip for my college newspaper, and I have to admit that the vast majority of my comics were pretty damn lame too.

And, as an aside, I think demons probably would have to use some oil, in one form or another, in conjuction with all the cybernetic implants seen in Doom. If not used in the actual mechanical components (for lubrication, if nothing else), it'd probably be used in their manufacture.

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From Sverre Kvernmo's Master Levels:
"Oil runs thicker than blood"

The closest thing to an official explanation.

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I think when you compile all the Doom based attempts at humor, you get this:

Doom = Not Funny

(Not a diss on Doom, just saying that it's not good for humor)

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Steeveeo said:

I think when you compile all the Doom based attempts at humor, you get this:

Doom = Not Funny

(Not a diss on Doom, just saying that it's not good for humor)

I'm not so sure it's Doom's fault that these suck.

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Sprite comics in general are pretty awful. I made one a few years ago and it took everything out of me to make it passably funny. The ideas just run out.

However, unfortunately this one is particularly bad.

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5 things:
1. Aside from 8-bit Theater, sprite comics aren't funny. However, poor doodles aren't a good replacement for sprites, so the only choice is to give drawing some serious practice before attempting this again.
2. Don't make comics for a niche audience (ie. a game community) unless it's REALLY funny. This is not really funny.
3. You've started with vaudeville-style dialogue, and this is only entertaining if the punchline is some spectacularly lame pun. Even the best comics with just two characters talking aren't funny for long.
4. Don't try to force a comic. Very few people can be funny on command. Wait until you think of something funny that can be compressed to comic form.
5. Becoming a talented artist and expert of comedic pacing is extremely hard work (and outright impossible for many). Being a cartoonist might not be the right thing for you. But if it's really what you want to be, practice like mad, and listen to advice.

And, here's a comic in your style that I just threw together. I had to resort to parody and absurdism to make it funny.

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Kenori said:

Just something I came up with...

You and about 900 other unfunny people.

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Icarus said:
Yeah I got nothing funny about the PE.

PE -> PC

Still, it could have been improved by making it more subtle.

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Icarus said:

Lol, he is a MANCintosh.

I thought it was a reference to Mancubus hosting, not to that.

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