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Community Chest 3 Released

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After more than a year's worth of work, Community Chest 3 has been completed. Like the previous Community Chest, it requires a Boom-compatible source port, and features 32 maps by members of the Doom community. It can be downloaded here at Andy Leaver's Doom Projects.

EDIT (11/26/2007): A hotfix has been released that fixes errors in a few maps, along with some other changes. Use the same link as before to download it.

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Awesome! I can't believe it's finally done! I wonder if there's going to be a Community Chest 4. :D

I've only played up to MAP05, but I'm liking it so far. The level design is really nice and the maps are alot tougher than I imagined. There are alot of really intense firefights and died a bunch of times. I couldn't figure out what to do at the beginning of that UAC Checkpoint (MAP04 I think) for about 5 minuntes until I accidentally shot it with my SSG. There's a messed up texture in the map called Mineopoly, it's underneath a door something. I forgot to take a screenshot of it, unfortunately.

Aside from that, it's pretty awesome. :)

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The maps are well done, yet it's the usual megawad with levels that have no connection between them changing themes at random (more visible with the random sky changes), and Icon of Sin in the last map.
I think it'd be a little different from the other CC. Not my taste but I understand how many players will like it.
Please don't start a flame war out of this, it's just my comments of the wad, I understand that many will disagree.

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Amusing, this is released just while I was replaying CC2.

Hope there's good epic maps in this one :)

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Hurray, it's released.
Finished "The hero's return" map21, doom3 references, gameplay doom2 like.
Tried half of them and only Token Arch-Vile was rather disappointing. I was expecting some battle when I saw the 800 monster count, map28 and "the gates to hell" reference. But the only threat was avoiding crossfire while the monsters fought it out. It might have some speedrunning potential.
Map29 and 30 are an accolade for Scythe2. Huitzilopochtli is extremely non-linear.

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Searcher said:

I am sure jazzed about playing it. I am sure it is the best yet.

I'm sure as well... it looks like it already has an advantage over the previous ones with no Gene Bird maps.

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Vile said:
it looks like it already has an advantage over the previous ones with no Gene Bird maps.

Phew, we're safe; and with no Drew DeVore maps to add insult to injury... thank the Lord!

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Didn't experience a crash using prboom plus version and playing through map01,06,09,12,13,16,20,21,22,23,24,28,29,30,31,32.

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Yeah, level 28 doesn't crash anything for me; ZDoom and PrBoom+ just run the level without music, while Boom runs it with a crackling sound in the background. In the former cases I have TiMidity playing the music (though PrBoom+ does it through the SDL mixer and ZDoom through its custom TiMidity build).

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Just wanted to thank everyone who dedicated so much time into the project, especially The Green Herring for his massive effort put into bug squashing and overhauling, and Andy Leaver for picking the project off the ground and getting it done!

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myk said:

Phew, we're safe; and with no Drew DeVore maps to add insult to injury... thank the Lord!

No myk maps either, you say? Top 10 for sure!

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myk said:

Just in case, I'm using v1.2.7 here.

I think I understood the problem. When I force prboom to use only one core on my core2duo system, then it works fine (there is no crash in midimap.dll)

psexec.exe -a 1 glboom-plus.exe -file cchest3.wad -warp 28

Stack Trace of crash:

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Use3D said:

Just wanted to thank everyone who dedicated so much time into the project, especially The Green Herring for his massive effort put into bug squashing and overhauling, and Andy Leaver for picking the project off the ground and getting it done!

It was my pleasure :) Glad everyone seems to be enjoying this, It was an awesome experence working on this project..One I won't soon forget! The Green Herring and Use3D went well above the call of Dudity to make sure this thing got finished. People like those two are what make all the difference in this community, and CC 3 would have died a painful death without them! Enjoy this release guys, you've earned it!

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Didn't this one start out as a ZDoom project?

Anyway, it's great to see major releases still happening.

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A long time ago when I started the original Community Chest project I would have never thought that this thing would turn into a type of franchise...:) I was happy to start Community Chest 2 as well but because of personal issues and real life issues I had to walk away from it. You, the Doom Community has made this whole thing a very successful enterprise for everyone involved. I am not gonna sit here and take credit for all this because I won't...if it wasn't the involvement of all of you this would have never got off the ground. All it was for me those short years ago was to give people (mappers) who have never had a chance to be part of a major project to contribute to the game they love. There are so many people to thank and I couldn't even begin to start, but at least let me thank Andy Leaver for keeping the tradition alive. Thanks Andy...:) To the rest of you, and you know who you are I say thanks and more! Who knows, maybe even a Community Chest 4 could be in the works...(ahem). I leave that up to you, the Doom Community! Thanks everyone and enjoy Community Chest 3!!

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I'm loving this one so far... and I'm only 7 levels into it. Excellent work, here's to giving another reason to be thankful today.

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