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Community Chest 3 Released

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Maybe if you saved once in a while it would be a better experience. I'm having a hard time understanding you coldfusio, but are you saying you nomonstered the level after getting pwnt by the map (Because you won't save)and then say its too easy? wtf

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Looking forward to playing this.

... however I sincerely hope this doesn't feature a far-too-heavily-detailed map with a tiny, impossible-to-find switch that stops an equally impossible-to-get-past army of chaingunners. Rendering the map uncompleteable, if you don't find it.

Fingers crossed.

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Arch-Valentine said:

Maybe if you saved once in a while it would be a better experience. I'm having a hard time understanding you coldfusio, but are you saying you nomonstered the level after getting pwnt by the map (Because you won't save)and then say its too easy? wtf

I think he's saying he nomonstered and found an alternate route that, when he did put the monsters back on, made it much, much easier.

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waverider said:

First and foremost, just want to say, what a great project this is, very very nice maps!

I had a question about Map12, (spoiler warning)!

Anyway, when I tried to take the BFG, the ceiling came down on me and I was stuck, no way to get out, and I couldn't die. Is this intentional, and can i grab the BFG without dying/getting stuck?

Hahah nah, you aren't meant to get out with the BFG, it's supposed to be somewhat of an easter egg and a homage to E1M2 (Wrong side of the tracks) in the game Blood. In it the player traveled a long distance in a dark train tunnel, only to be run over by a train towards the end. Now that I think about it though, I probably should have let the player escape with it if he's fast enough.

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BoldEnglishman said:

Where was this part in Wrong Side of the Tracks that your referring to? I don't remember being run over by a train :/

At the end of the level, you board a train. However, you can also go into the train tunnel. If you go too far in, though, another train will run you over. Quite a memorable easter egg, and also pretty neat given this is the Build engine we're talking about (where sectors moving horizontally to one, determined place and staying there were impossible in Duke Nukem 3D.)

If only I knew where my copy of Blood was... Oh well!

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And then the next level you're on that train and its moving! That was pretty cool back in 97.

God those were some great levels...I miss Blood. Wish I could play it on Vista...

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alexz721 said:

Use DOSBox.

Yep DOSBox works wonders....I can play Blood and Descent 1 or whatever other DOS game with that on XP.

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Would DOSbox work with, say, Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure or Bio-Menace or Jill of the Jungle? No computer I've had since the old 486 I used to play those on will run those games.

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Kid Airbag said:
Would DOSbox work with, say, Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure or Bio-Menace or Jill of the Jungle?


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Easily kicks the shit out of 1monster. I wouldn't be surprised if this wad gets a cacoward. Especially considering that it rose from the dead at one point, Jesus style.
I particularly liked Map32. Mainly because I had watched as it went from a simple layout to a beautiful map.

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Jodwin said:

Map12: The best serious map of 07 so far. That's one fucking brilliant map.

It's wonderful! There's so many unique and interesting maps in this community chest.

Craigs said:

Easily kicks the shit out of 1monster. I wouldn't be surprised if this wad gets a cacoward. Especially considering that it rose from the dead at one point, Jesus style.

Thanks, a lot of people worked very hard on it, although it seems megawads aren't the draw they used to be around here.

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Use3D said:
although it seems megawads aren't the draw they used to be around here.

What makes you think that?

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Some maps use "transfer sky texture to tagged sectors", so this wad is MBF-wad, but it is impossible to finish map29 with -complevel 11 (MBF), because linedef 7697 needs all six keys (three for boom compatibility)

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entryway said:

Some maps use "transfer sky texture to tagged sectors", so this wad is MBF-wad, but it is impossible to finish map29 with -complevel 11 (MBF), because linedef 7697 needs all six keys (three for boom compatibility)

I tried this in WinMBF, too, and you're right. That linedef is a generalized locked door that requires all keys, with the keycard and skullkey being the same, so you'd only need one of each color (as you do in Boom.) In MBF, you get the same "all three keys" message, but for some reason, it only takes keycards.

Damn, what was Lee Killough on? :p

EDIT (4:19 PM PST): More specifically, it doesn't take blue or yellow skulls, but it'll take any red key, card or skull, as long as you have the blue and yellow cards. WTF?

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Craigs said:

Easily kicks the shit out of 1monster. I wouldn't be surprised if this wad gets a cacoward. Especially considering that it rose from the dead at one point, Jesus style.

I think it should get the Cacoward's Mordeth Award.

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Kid Airbag said:

Would DOSbox work with, say, Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure or Bio-Menace or Jill of the Jungle? No computer I've had since the old 486 I used to play those on will run those games.

Ahahaha, those were my favorite games when I was a kid, that, and Raptor.

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Craigs said:

I particularly liked Map32. Mainly because I had watched as it went from a simple layout to a beautiful map.

You have me to blame for the map becoming pretty. ;) Same with MAP08 and MAP16.

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The Green Herring said:

You have me to blame for the map becoming pretty. ;) Same with MAP08 and MAP16.

Yes your mapping greatness improved those maps. You have the talent for mapping to say the least :)

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Use3D said:

It's wonderful! There's so many unique and interesting maps in this community chest.

So far, I'm at map32, so still got about 50% left of CC3, but so far, I find the wad to be one of the best megawads ever, and definitely the best CC megawad. So many truly unique and fun to play maps, and very well designed too.

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leileilol said:
They should be called fillerwads

What makes you think that?

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leileilol said:

They should be called fillerwads

CC3 was released so late specifically because the team didn't want to use filler material.

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FourOhFour said:

Ahahaha, those were my favorite games when I was a kid, that, and Raptor.

Yes, I remember Raptor! When my family got its first computer in 1992 or 1993 or whenever that was, it came with a pack of games that included the ones I already brought up, plus shareware Doom and a bunch of other stuff. Blake Stone too, IIRC. Those became my formative years on a PC.

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Kid Airbag said:

Yes, I remember Raptor! When my family got its first computer in 1992 or 1993 or whenever that was, it came with a pack of games that included the ones I already brought up, plus shareware Doom and a bunch of other stuff. Blake Stone too, IIRC. Those became my formative years on a PC.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Time machine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Use3D said:

although it seems megawads aren't the draw they used to be around here.

If you mean community megawads, I'd tend to agree. They've sort of lost their luster a little bit. While from a pure design standpoint, CC3 is excellent, a lot of people could be turned off by the lack of theme and cohesion. It's really hard to capture the effect that say, the original Memento Moris had, mainly because it's been done so many times before.

I'll personally never get tired of playing a new megawad if it looks like CC3, but I think you need a little more than just 32 great single maps randomly slapped together to spark people's interests.

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