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ZDooM Question: Zoom function

Jim Rainer

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I recently downloaded the Marine Assault PWAD, and in the readme it talks about adding a zoom function.

I highly recommend setting up some aliases to allow you to Zoom *
*in on your targets as if using a sniper weapon. The railgun was*
*included for this purpose and the main play arena was set up *
*with the ability to make long distance, accurate shots in mind. * *
* *
*If you have not set up a Zoom alias at your console, you may *
*like to use the one I have included. It will bind the Insert, *
*Home and Page up keys to different levels of Zoom and the End *
*key to resetting the view to normal. (Unless these keys are *
*already bound to something else). *
* *
*If you wish to use this, add +exec njma01.cfg to the *
*command line *
* *
*eg *
* *
* zdoom -file njma01.wad +exec njma01.cfg

There was no 'njma01.cfg' in the .zip file.
So basically, how do you do this?

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You might still be interested in njma01.cfg

//Totally optional file to set up some zooming aliases if you want them. 

//key bindings 

defaultbind ins zoomer2x 

defaultbind home zoomer5x 

defaultbind pgup zoomer12x 

defaultbind end zoomreset 

defaultbind 0 chase 

defaultbind x Xhairy 

//sets up zooming aliases 

alias zoomer2x "fov 45; m_pitch .6;m_yaw .8; echo 2X zoom; set autoaim 0; set r_drawplayersprites 0; crosshairgrow 0; playsound scope;" 
alias zoomer5x "fov 22; m_pitch .3;m_yaw .4; echo 5X zoom; set autoaim 0; set r_drawplayersprites 0; crosshairgrow 0; playsound scope;" 
alias zoomer12x "fov 10; m_pitch .125;m_yaw .2; echo 12X zoom; set autoaim 0; set r_drawplayersprites 0; crosshairgrow 0; playsound scope;" 

//sets up zoom reset

alias zoomreset "fov 90; m_pitch 1;m_yaw 1; echo zoom reset; set autoaim .5; set r_drawplayersprites 1; crosshairgrow 1; playsound scope;"

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