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the perfect avatar

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whats your idea of the perfect avatar? you know how if you look into a mirror and you can see your reflection in the pupil of your eye only everything is all dark and dispraportionate? thats what i would have for an avatar, what about you?

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I don't think there's such a thing as a perfect avatar. Some are better than others though. My favorite ones are:
-most of lut's (except the current big X)
-some of the fishies (ebola, ariorch, the one by esco)

I can't wait till another avatar upload date so I can upload mine.

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The perfect avatar is..... *reads from a script, squinting damn, did they think they'd save money by using smaller print? I can't work like this... I'm off!

Well, actually the perfect avatar is one that looks okay in the tiny pinhole size required. Mine is pretty good I think ^.^; had to fiddle with the resizing, but I think it looks okay.....

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the perfect avatar

Anything by me or about me, especially my fish (courtesy of Ebola) which has yet to be uploaded.

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I'm working on a spliff-smoking smiley face with my name above it. God knows if anyone will put it on the list though, I sent a precursor to Ling...
How often are they updated?

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I wish we could just upload it to someplace and then provide a link to it. I'm sure ling could set up some filters so there won't be any bmp files being loaded on the forums.

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I'm sure ling could set up some filters so there won't be any bmp files being loaded on the forums.

There's already a 5k limit, I don't think you need much else. Bitmaps would be good though. Death to compressed image formats.

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There's already a 5k limit, I don't think you need much else. Bitmaps would be good though. Death to compressed image formats.

Yes, I know, I'm talking about if we could provide a link to our avatars in the profile so ling wouldn't have to upload the avatars and they wouldn't have to waste space.

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I'm still waiting for this to get uploaded.

I think the one you've got now is better... I mean, do we really need ANOTHER damn fish?
everyones copied it... had Zaldron snivelling over in my general forum thread on this the other day...

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I hope that we get at least a week's notice next time (if at all) Ling decides to make an uload date. I don't really feel like making any now, because it might all go to waste, but if there was an upload date, I would churn out a bunch.

I like the avatar I have right now because 1)its cool looking, 2)I made it myself, 3)I've grown attached to it, 4)its funny in a kind of inside joke sorta way, 5)it annoys some people. It would be cool to get an avatar of myself wearing my shades, just so you can see how ugly I am. hehe... Maybe a Danarchy one would be cool, like the backgrounds I make for my computer at school. But that would kinda look dumb because it would just be text.

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Shoot me if I'm failing to see the obvious, but your avatar looks like a Borg, Danny Boy.

ROFL, hardly. It's Cats, the Zero Wing villian who has the "All your base are belong to us" line.

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Shoot me if I'm failing to see the obvious, but your avatar looks like a Borg, Danny Boy.

ROFL, hardly. It's Cats, the Zero Wing villian who has the "All your base are belong to us" line.

Yeppers...took me a while to make it. Had to download the emulator, the rom, PSP, then take a screenshot, shrink it, convert it to a .gif, then send it to Ling.

It might as well be a borg. I've always thought cyborgs were the coolest looking things ever. ehehe....

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Are you one of the Doomworld Elite?

Hmmm, I'm flattered that I make the list.....

Sadly, I continue to climb...

Ironicaly, just by saying that, I'm one post closer to the top.

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dan your current avatar owns, I wouldn't change it.
lol, the way I'm going I'll be on that list far quciker than I have any right to be. It's not like I don't have any work to do... *sigh*

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My new avatar will have a big droopy moose head with the secrete (¿spelling?) 2 stone tablets (the ones with the 10 commandments on them) being displayed in it's antlers. I just hope I can manage to make it look good in 36x36.

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lol you know the work I'm looking for... I just can't think of a logical way of spelling it. let'a word it out... SAY-KRET now just how the fuck do you spell that????

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Honored to make the List, dan.

I prefer my avatar over any other, but that's just me.
In fact, I've had it so friggin' long, I wonder why Ling hasn't changed the name of it from 'mrnehead.gif' to 'doomboy.gif' Yes, that would seem more fitting.

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secrete (¿spelling?)

Do you mean secrete, as in what a vagina does, or secret as in what the techniques for making full use <wink, wink> of a vagina are, or do you mean sacred, as in what a vagina is.

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I wonder why no one has mentioned mine - it seems to be a perfect avatar for a doomer :)

I like your avatar, Lament.

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SAY-KRET now just how the fuck do you spell that????


Uh, How do you make and upload your own designed avatars into Doomworld?


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