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This forum is pointless.

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Nobody's going to change anyone's mind here. I think that's well-established. Someone should change the name of this forum to "SUPER GAY RETARDO FORUM" or something equally stupid. And make the background red or something. Because it's even lamer than p___ h___.

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Who cares? No one is going to change anyone's opinion about anything; we just want to argue and flame each other because, well, flaming is fun :)

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This thread is pointless. So, too, it would seem, are the posts it may generate (such as this one).
Oh well, carry on.

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Actually I like threads with decent discussions in them better than threads where everyone agress on one thing (ex: legalize weed). You know why? because no one will agree on another view anyway, and that will create flamewars which are great. Seeing who manages to piss of someone else more is great. Plus it's how humanity is, fucking each other over for self satisfaction. Therefore the struggle to live is the struggle to make other people's lives a livng hell. Life's great!

and this thread isn't that pointless, I got +1 postcount thanks to it =]

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Yeah, I think that despite the fact that no one will be converted, at least we all get heard.

Very true. Just having an outlet is enough. What we say may not matter to other people, but just stating our opinions and having people respond to them (good, bad, or indifferent) is a good feeling. And the few real debates that do come up are always a bonus- especially with the mindless pratter of "You're stupid!" "No, you're stupid!" that I hear so frequently.

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I agree, flaming is great, there is much more possibility for postcount+ when there's a good debate going on...

I also like pie.

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despite the fact that no one will be converted

Why the hell does everybody think that? I've taken in a lot of good info from both sides on different subjects. I can't be the only one who actually looks at what everybody has to say and takes it into consideration.

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Why the hell does everybody think that? I've taken in a lot of good info from both sides on different subjects. I can't be the only one who actually looks at what everybody has to say and takes it into consideration.

Really Lut? So you're telling me it's possible to get you to change your mind about browsers and get you to download the LATEST version of IE?

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ok so let me see if i understand. most everyone that has posted a reply to this thread has said that flameing is great and fun but when someone flames someone else then everyone yells at that person and if they do it too much they get banned. oh yeah, great fun.

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Really Lut? So you're telling me it's possible to get you to change your mind about browsers and get you to download the LATEST version of IE?

That's not exactly religious or political but I WAS using IE6 before I reformatted.

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I'd declare anything (IE for example) as my religion sooner than christianity.

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I'd declare anything (IE for example) as my religion sooner than christianity.

ah, now you see that's controversial, that's very open for debate in a fair, democratic arena which doesn't stoop to base insults...

You Godless bastard!! ;)

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...i could make an essay* on this thread on why i think Christianity is one big hypocritical ball of contorted shit, but i only got 2 hours of sleep last night =]

* I have before, but it got helled before this forum ever existed

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Hey, we need this forum. There's gotta be some place where my white, atheist, anarchist, middle-class, rocker ass can rant. I just gat herrassed by some Islamic zealot over ICQ. Now I'm pissed.

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A little bitching, kvetching, swearing, ranting, and the odd flame-war is a healthy thing. Just not in the main forum. Especially not if Lüt's watching.

I'd declare anything (IE for example) as my religion sooner than christianity.

That's 'cuz "Christianity" isn't a religion, per se. It's a label.

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Awww, I like these forums! I have more 'quality' discussions here than anywhere else *hears laughter and throws a chair, which hits with a ~wonk!~*. Seriously, school so deprives one of time to talk, few of my friends are ever online.... it's lonely! But it's interesting to see others views.... sure, nobeing is going to change anybeing's mind, but it's kinda fun to see how well you can defend your position...

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MoSeS' MoOoSe

btw, wtf does that mean? I've been meaning to ask for ages...

MoSeS' MoOoSe is a fun loving creature with a passion for chewing weed brownies. Like the name implies MoSeS' MoOoSe is in fact MoSeS' MoOoSe (hereby known as MM), and the back bone of Christianity™.

Yes that's right, if not for MM Jesus wouldn't have been able to get out of his tomb (his anorexic ass couldn't lift up the top of his stone coffin, but MM sure could). Hell, Jesus wouldn't have even been born if not for MM (ever wonder how God acomplished to get Marry pregnant without even touching her? [bummer] Keep reading!). MM fucked Marry, that's right, MoSeS' MoOoSe spreads the cheaks like MoSeS spreads the ocean! Since MM was a moose and not a human technically the Virgin Marry was still a virgin after the blinding sex she received from MM.

It was also MM that wrote the ten commandments, yet being the selfish fuck that God is he didn't give him any credit for them. So MM decided to get back at God (hereby known as Shit-face-moose-hater) and started peeing on every single tree he saw. Shit-face-moose-hater started to panic and told Noah to build an Ark and to bring in a male and female type of each animal. After the long flood of MM's piss Shit-face-moose-hater was really upset, and decided to leave MM out of the bible (MM's Journal) and make up parts to replace his need in it. That is why children are deprived of true knowledge by being taught in school about Christianity™, and that is also why I hate God (Shit-face-moose-hater)

Yes, so if you ever hear someone say Christianity™ is fake, they know the true story behind it.

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/head spinning...

You're not gonna like this, but I'm a Christian. But I wouldn't be if it weren't for personal experiences.

Anyways, I love the status, I always say it out load when I see it, lol!

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I don't have anything againt people of any religion unless they give me trouble about me being athiest, then I tend to go off =]

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Gotta be honest, orion, but I liked the "Christian fish as a symbol of a woman's vagina" bit better. I'll find a link if I can...

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ummm huh?

I think you'd better find that link fast, Jack :)

Yeah, now that you piqued the interest of every last soul on these forums.

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I think you'd better find that link fast, Jack :)

Yeah, now that you piqued the interest of every last soul on these forums.

I'm tryin'! I'm tryin'! It was a Bob Dobbs comic-parody thing.. I saw it, like, two months ago...

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I think you'd better find that link fast, Jack :)

Yeah, now that you piqued the interest of every last soul on these forums.

I'm tryin'! I'm tryin'! It was a Bob Dobbs comic-parody thing.. I saw it, like, two months ago...

...in a dream, then you woke up. hehehe!! ;)

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