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Was I banned?

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Stupid Question of the Month!!
If your messages aren't appearing, then how possibly could your new post appear??

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appearantly it wasn't soo stupid since he actually was banned.

That doesn't keep his messages from appearing though.

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appearantly it wasn't soo stupid since he actually was banned.

That doesn't keep his messages from appearing though.

So you're telling me that you can still post after you get banned? Something wrong with that idea, what did you exactly mean to say?

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As long as I keep following the rules, I won't get banned. I'm not going to be so dumb as to resurrect old topics or to spam the forums. Besides, I've been registered for two weeks and I only have sixteen posts. When I was Cypher I had 135 posts by now. I have learned not to resurrect old topics and spam forums anymore.

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appearantly it wasn't soo stupid since he actually was banned.

That doesn't keep his messages from appearing though.

So you're telling me that you can still post after you get banned?

No, I'm saying getting banned doesn't prune all your previous posts.

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Lut, what I meant are his new posts. I thought he was banned and then made a new thread (this one) asking if he was banned. Then you said that he was banned, and will be again.

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Then you said that he was banned, and will be again.

Oh, I meant him himself, not just this username.

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Lut, what I meant are his new posts. I thought he was banned and then made a new thread (this one) asking if he was banned. Then you said that he was banned, and will be again.

That's correct!

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The reason I made this thread is because I replied to four different topics and I refreshed page 1 about five times. All the times I refreshed it the message didn't appear! And I had posted to all four of them too! That's why I asked this question. I didn't mean for you to get all pissed at me.

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yup well seeing as you were banned before this I don't think they'll be pissed at you for this thread. Enjoy your few more moments here before you're banned again, Cya. =]

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I'll be good, I promise. I haven't done anything ridiculously stupid except for creating this topic.

And be tmscdc or what the hell ever.

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I'll be good, I promise. I haven't done anything ridiculously stupid except for creating this topic.

And be tmscdc or what the hell ever.

Dude, that was the past. Who the fuck cares about that? Tmansdc (the name anyways) is fucking dead, shit it's over. I was stupid when I was Tmansdc, I was even stupider when I was Cypher, and I'm trying to change with this new name. Besides, there must have been some people who posted here who were banned before who were even stupider then me!

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[Taken from Cypher's I AM LEAVING thread]

I will find another forum to talk in. Goodbye. AND I AM SERIOUS!

That brings back memories.

And anyways, NEW DOOM sucks. Just visited the forums for the first time to see what all the hate about it was for, my god, you people are right, NEW DOOM sucks fucking ass.

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New Doom SUCKS

well, I'll be a whoreson cur, I *never* knew that...

So you had loads more posts before, big deal. I've been here like a week and I have 160+.
And I haven't been banned either, admittedly post-helled thrice, but I try to keep it relevant and funny, and I advise you to do the same.

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Y'know, I still say we should put all the morons in a rocket and shoot them to the sun.

Because of the negative mass their brains have, this rocket wouldn't need any propulsion to go into space. On the other hand, the gravity field of the sun would reject it.

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I've been here like a week and I have 160+.

That's because you double-post in half the threads you post in.

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I'll be good, I promise. I haven't done anything ridiculously stupid except for creating this topic.

If you is you showing proper respect for illustrious Doomworld community and Lüt and Ling grand lovelys then everyone is happy as bivalve mollusk. Maybe we be the nice guys and not cause you firey death by all powerful flame attacks. You is obviously barbarian upstart infidel. Much the inferior I think so. Perhaps by paying tribute of $10 to Lüt most superior you be made honorary community member. You still the inferior barbarian but maybe much the better, agreeing?

Seeing you the later crocodile =)

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I've been here like a week and I have 160+.

That's because you double-post in half the threads you post in.

What, like this you mean? ;)

About the rocket thing, I had the same idea but for rubbish and waste. Over here in the UK we no longer have the room for the volume of sheer crap we create, so I advocte making a huge package of it every year or so and sending it via inertia push towards our star.

stupid question of the month

My dear DooMboy, ever heard the saying 'people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'?

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Y'know, I still say we should put all the morons in a rocket and shoot them to the sun.

Because of the negative mass their brains have, this rocket wouldn't need any propulsion to go into space. On the other hand, the gravity field of the sun would reject it.

Best. Post. Ever.

Ok, maybe not, but still... pretty damn good ^_^

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Because none of my messages are appearing anymore!

WTF? an intelligent lifeform!?!

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I don't see how someone could get banned. I post plenty of useless crap. Everyone calls doomboy stupid. BBG is the king of post hell. But none of us have been banned. You must have to try to be banned.

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