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The best of the failed

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There was a Robocop TC that I was looking forward to. It got to the point of a short demo IIRC but was quite some way off being finished. I don't think any progress has been made on it for years.

Ghost Busters Doom has to be the best of the unfinished mods.

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Enjay said:

Ghost Busters Doom has to be the best of the unfinished mods.

At least in the top five of mine!

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Hellstorm and Twice Risen seemed to be very very promising.
They both had detailed websites hosted right here at DoomWorld.
They had huge development teams, and an entire showcase of new sprites on display.
And they posted progress reports at least once in 2 months.

I loved the concept of Twice Risen so much that I became brave enough to apply for a position as mapper, even though I was a n00b with no previous mapping experience back then in 1999.

The saddest part is that when I was on the very brink of finally being accepted to the Twice Risen team, the project got cancelled...
Swooosh. Zip. Bam. Just like that. It died.

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Csonicgo said:

Action doom 2

oh wait scuba's working on that RIGHT NOW isn't that right Scuba?

Yes, but I renamed it "Action Doom Forever". It will be out 'When it's done'.

Raynor's Tale may just be the greatest Doom project that vanished from the face of the earth. It had everything... great maps, voice acting, special effects, ambiance and was a blast to play. I can't belive it was so close to being completed and simply vanished.

I'd also mention Void 2, but I heard from Cyb that he was finishing it. RTC3057 episode 2 and 3 are also sorely missing and I would love to see them released.

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Is there a reason why Raynor's Tale stopped being worked on?

Anyways, I'd say that Don's Challenge: Episode 2 and 3 from Cory Whittle is something that sounded really cool but seemed to have died. By the time the first episode of Don's Challenge had ended, I wanted to continue the story. Sadly, the site hasn't been updated since 2003.

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i second Raynor's Tale.
though, my most anticipated unfinished wads are:
rtc 2 (and 3?)
skadoomer's project (name escapes me at the moment)

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The Lag said:



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Eternity and Twice Risen both released what they had, but both released it as a big mess of odd wads, "free" sprites not in wads, and renders of half-done models. Is it only me that only has a maximum of two wads on a project? the one with everything complete in it, and the one with the current map in progress

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Whenever these threads appear, I am always surprised to find that so many people had been following Ghostbuster's Doom. Until recently, I had no idea that people even cared about it or thought it showed that much promise.

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Back when i was with one girlfriend i was trying to get her into Doom but she was mostly uninterested until i mentioned there was a "Ghostbusters version", then she was all over it

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deathbringer said:

Back when i was with one girlfriend i was trying to get her into Doom but she was mostly uninterested until i mentioned there was a "Ghostbusters version", then she was all over it

I would like to think that, in some way, I helped contribute to you getting laid.

Also, Mockery being unfinished is the greatest punchline that mod could have hoped to deliver.

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BoldEnglishman said:


I think it's a little too soon to call in the coroner on this one.
I would love to say the same about RTC3057, but it seems most of the team is caught up in other game projects.

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DarkJedi188 said:

Twice Risen

How could I forget. Yes, I very much wanted to see that done. It was probably one of the earliest projects that really made me go "wow" and salivate with anticipation.

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Kaiser said:

Community is Falling 3

Just so you know, I'm never going to forgive you for abandoning that. You were once my hero too. :,(

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Doom Ressurection. It was one of the first few mods I had ever seen screenshots of. At least the first episode was done. But I'd love to play the rest =(

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Craigs said:

Just so you know, I'm never going to forgive you for abandoning that. You were once my hero too. :,(

There may be hope, my friend

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