Rancid-Radio Posted December 7, 2001 i dont know about where you guys live but here in utah every few years you have to take a reading/writing test that determines how well you can understand literature and how well you can relate your life to it. well for the final writing thing they just assume that you have a life and they want you to write about it. that's not fair. like this time i have to write about a time where i learned something from a person who was different then me or how i influenced someone who was different from me. well there was no time. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted December 7, 2001 Just lie!! not like they say "answere honestly" they expect you to lie. They only want to see how well you do on getting your point across and your writing skills. They won't judge you as a person for what you write. They also can't tell if you are fucking with their heads or not. Usually when I get asked to write a essay I choose the side I think is easier to answere instead of the side I agree with. 0 Share this post Link to post
pritch Posted December 8, 2001 this is just, like, at school, yeah? Otherwise it's gonna worry me... if its school don't worry about it. These things are more a test of character. In the ones which didn't count towards final grades, were just gov't surveys, i just wrote 'Fuck off' all over the page. Well, I survived and I'm at uni now, so fuck 'em anynway :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Linguica Posted December 8, 2001 I agree. Whenever you are asked in a test to write about some past experience in your life, lie your ass off. Think of what the question is asking, what answer the readers would most like to see, and fabricate some event that fits the bill. I've adapted events from the lives of my brother, my friends, books I've read, and TV in order to answer questions like that. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 8, 2001 Hehehe. The last standardized test I took asked me to write who of all people I would want to be and why. I replied that I wanted to be Gandalf. Hehehe. But seriously, standardized tests are unfair. For example, SATs are geared towards upper-class white males. One question asks to rearrange these letters into a word A, C, T, O. If you answer Coat, you get it right. If you answer Taco, you get it wrong. How fair is that? What if you're Mexican and your mom makes tacos every saturday night. WTF are they trying to do? Eliminate the minorities? 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted December 8, 2001 WTF are they trying to do? Eliminate the minorities?Uh, yes. It's no secret that Stanford and the other standardized testing groups have been raping minorities up the ass since they were introduced. Look at any SAT I score breakdown; you'll see minority representation in the shitter, and minority students with high scores will be practically nonexistant. Standardized tests have always favored advantaged whites, and left everyone else in the dust. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 8, 2001 WTF are they trying to do? Eliminate the minorities?Uh, yes. I know. I was just trying to emphasise the poit. Basicaly, universities are just excuses for the continued seperation of the classes. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Such is modern society. 0 Share this post Link to post
TheHighestTree Posted December 8, 2001 I agree. Any dumbshit could get into a good university provided they have the money to do so. 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted December 8, 2001 Well in the Soviet Union all public education was free (and there was no private education). You would've liked it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Malice Rancor Posted December 8, 2001 I live in Utah. I lied. They accepted. 0 Share this post Link to post
dr_st Posted December 8, 2001 Well in the Soviet Union all public education was free (and there was no private education). You would've liked it. But getting accepted into a good university was still a hard thing. However you may say it depended more on hard work and brains than on money, although people who could pay to hire private teachers to train them still had somewhat more chances. 0 Share this post Link to post
Red_Warrior Posted December 9, 2001 Education in the US bites. 'Nuff said. The tests are bad enough, but classes just make it worse. They encourage 'psuedo-learning' by giving so many 'SAT quizzes' that the actualy class material is interrupted. The tests themselves stress "we don't care how smart you are normally, but how much you can memoriaze for a few days then forget later". Phhhbbbt. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted December 9, 2001 Actually the U.S. Education is easy as hell compared to others, go to Japan and see what their kids are doing in 4th grade, you'd be surprised. 0 Share this post Link to post
Red_Warrior Posted December 10, 2001 Actually the U.S. Education is easy as hell compared to others, go to Japan and see what their kids are doing in 4th grade, you'd be surprised. It is pretty bad from what I've heard, but still, the more you teach them when they're -young-, the more they'll remember. In theory, at least. I can't memorize -anything- now, but I used to be able to when I was little.... 0 Share this post Link to post
SaGa Posted December 10, 2001 ahh just write about Deadnails posts, or just write about the guys who influensed you about how those tests are bullshit 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted December 10, 2001 I can't memorize -anything- now, but I used to be able to when I was little....You too huh? It's bugging me enough that I'm seriously gonna start looking into memory improvement techniques and/or remedies whenever I get a little spare time and money. 0 Share this post Link to post
nxn Posted December 10, 2001 How about laying off weed for a moment Lut? I stopped smoking for like 3 weeks (horror) because I ran out of money and now I can remember everything perfectly again. 0 Share this post Link to post
danarchist Posted December 11, 2001 I can't memorize -anything- now, but I used to be able to when I was little....You too huh? Man, I got HUGE gaps in my memory. For instance I cannot remember ANY of 1998. And I never smoked anything. It must be repressed memories or something. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lizardcommando Posted December 16, 2001 I think the educational system is filled with snobby ass white people making up stupid tests for the hell of it! That's probably the only stupid thing about the educational system of America, tests, tests, and more tests! Geez, what's up with those damned smart asses? 0 Share this post Link to post
zxcvbnm Posted December 17, 2001 For example, SATs are geared towards upper-class white males. WTF are they trying to do? Eliminate the minorities? Uh, yes. It's no secret that Stanford and the other standardized testing groups have been raping minorities up the ass since they were introduced. Look at any SAT I score breakdown; you'll see minority representation in the shitter, and minority students with high scores will be practically nonexistant. Standardized tests have always favored advantaged whites, and left everyone else in the dust. I know. I was just trying to emphasise the poit. Basicaly, universities are just excuses for the continued seperation of the classes. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. Such is modern society. I think the educational system is filled with snobby ass white people making up stupid tests for the hell of it! That's probably the only stupid thing about the educational system of America, tests, tests, and more tests! Geez, what's up with those damned smart asses? this cracks me up. you know 99% of doomers here are rich white boys. Yes, the Doomworld forum is filled with snobby ass white people making up stupid posts for the hell of it! 0 Share this post Link to post
Lizardcommando Posted December 17, 2001 Yeah yeah yeah! That post was a piece of shit! I meant to write more, but I forgot to. But seriously though, those SATs are a waste of time! And starting this year, on every Monday, I have to take a stupid practice SAT test just to prepare for the real one, and I bet most of the questions on the practice one won't be on the real one. There I wrote a better post now. Sorry for the stupid shit I wrote. :( 0 Share this post Link to post
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