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Possible Megawad Idea - Dark Plutonia

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Update: The next map in Dark Plutonia is now essentially complete. This time around was map 32, "Go 2 It." I doubt we've forgotten that one, since we read a message prior to it telling us about how its the hardest map in the WAD.

This speedmap was really easy after making that arch-vile maze. I got done with all the functional stuff an hour before my time limit, so I had another hour to add some neat little details. This version of the map, titled "Go 4 It" is much harder than the original with 32 cybs and will definitely be the hardest level in this WAD as well.

Screenies: [Outdated]

I even had time to add these skull decorations AND wooden supports!
Not to mention these completely unnecessary waterfalls. =P

4/32 maps down. We're at 12.5% already. Sounds good to me.

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Death-Destiny said:

This version of the map, titled "Go 4 It" is much harder than the original with 30 cybs and will definitely be the hardest level in this WAD as well.

Dude, it's the title of plutonia 2 map 32 by me and TV ;(

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Well, now, two similar projects can't have a map with the same name, now can they. Since K!r4 and TV were planning on "Go 4 It," I'll title my map "4-Gone Conclusion" instead. =P

Lutarez said:

"Dark Plutonia..." A parallel Plutonia universe... well, maybe not. Interesting concept nevertheless.

This was actually the vibe I was going for, which is a good time to bring up another topic. Check out the screenie below. It's a possible final version of "Predator and Prey." It has an alternate, "parallel version" of the texture used throughout. I think the burnt and desolate feel fits well, like the arch-viles incinerated their maze while awaiting your return to it. However, I wonder if it takes too much of the nostalgic Plutonia-ish feel away from the map. I'll probably keep this version, but I doubt I'll add any more alternative textures for this reason.
[Screenie Outdated]

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Death-Destiny said:

Well, now, two similar projects can't have a map with the same name, now can they. Since K!r4 and TV were planning on "Go 4 It," I'll title my map "4-Gone Conclusion" instead. =P

Thank you, amigo :)

I look forward for your next map !
Do you think to polish the wad before the release ? (bug fixing, detailing some areas...)

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Death-Destiny said:


This looks like a remake of Plutonia's Map11 -Hunted- but curvy and not... Boxy.
I kinda want to play this, but Kaiser's major fixup on Doom64 TC I wait for most, but don't worry, i'll play it.

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Death-Destiny said:

Well, now, two similar projects can't have a map with the same name, now can they.

Sure they can. I'm sure there are many instances of "Central Processing", "House of Pain", "Hangar", let alone all Knee-Deep remakes.

The last screenshot has the Doom 2 sky. What's up with it?

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Plutonia has a lot of textures that are not in DOOM 1 or 2 (I think most of them start with A), so by just using these textures you will be making the maps only usable with the Plutonia IWAD and satisfy id's requirements.

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K!r4 said:

Do you think to polish the wad before the release ? (bug fixing, detailing some areas...)

I will polish it up before release. I'll difinitely debug all the maps and probably go back and align some textures I didn't have time to do in the speedmaps, but I doubt I'll add much more detail in keeping with the austere style of the original plutonia.

By the way, the screenie uses doom2's sky because it is a test and was defined as the default. Dark Plutonia will use plutonia's white sky.

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Update: The next map in Dark Plutonia is now essentially complete. This is starting to sound like my catch phrase =P. Anyway, this time around was map05, "Ghost Town". That was the map with the bizarre poisonous water at the beginning. Later in the map was a spiderdemon and several chaingunners on ledges that raise out of the floor to stop you from getting the blue key.

This speedmap again went pretty smoothly with time to spare at the end. Though this was a small map to remix, I do think I'm getting at least a little quicker. This remix actually ended up really fun and I think will be one of the better maps in Dark Plutonia. It has plenty of action, but at the same time is not overly brutal. I also want to add that this level is especially fun for co-op with some multiplayer-specific level progression.

Here's some screenies of Dark Plutonia map05, titled "Ghost Quarters": [Outdated]

5/32, 15% of Dark Plutonia is completed. The number is climbing slowly, but at least steadily.

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printz said:

I say you detail or replace altogether the textures in the last screenshot? Too Inferno/1993/4.

I have to agree here. The pillar on the right does not fit in at all, and the ceiling looks pretty poor. The other shots are looking good though.

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Reckoner said:

I have to agree here. The pillar on the right does not fit in at all, and the ceiling looks pretty poor. The other shots are looking good though.

I must agree about the pillar. As for the ceiling, height variations, a few "poison water" falls, and/or slime stalactites would work toward improving it. At least that's what I'd do.

Also, I think outlining that slime area somehow with a metal support (i.e. WOODMET1) might help.

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Shot 2: interior comp textures need to be aligned (though I can only see 1 misalignment I assume each side is like that).

Your speed is amazing, though.

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Thanks for the C&C on the last shot. I agree that the ceiling would look better with height variance and that the texture scheme is pretty bizarre. However, the screenie below shows the room that I am re-creating. As you can see, it also had a flat ceiling and a semi-inferno look to it. I'd rather leave this as is so as to resemble the original design, but I'll definitely change it for the release if everyone hated this area that much. Don't hesitate to share your ideas! You'll enjoy Dark Plutonia more if I use your input. =)
[Screenie Outdated]

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Not to hijack your topic but with the talk of legalatly with doom resources I thought I could ask this here. How would ID feal about using material from the freely released Alphas?

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Death-Destiny said:

I agree that the ceiling would look better with height variance and that the texture scheme is pretty bizarre. However, the screenie below shows the room that I am re-creating. As you can see, it also had a flat ceiling and a semi-inferno look to it. I'd rather leave this as is so as to resemble the original design, but I'll definitely change it for the release if everyone hated this area that much.

Yeah, but it's a remake, part of the point is to play on the conventions of the original design. :p

Even the developers of the PSX version thought that area was ugly:

See? ;)

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Update: The next map in Dark Plutonia is now essentially complete. The number I drew this time was 14. Map14, "Genesis", is hard to describe, but you'd remember it if you saw it. It was the one with the blood textures eveywhere along with grey stone. You followed a skinny path through the blood to get an invisibility, whereupon the path lowered and enemies were revealed within the walls.

I doubt that did much for your memory, but the speedmap of map14 turned out excellently. Just look at those screenies! I was very impressed with how the theme came together and the gameplay is probably the best so far. This one will be a treat to play. Since the layout turned out a bit more complicated than I thought, I used all my time and was keeping my eye on the clock the whole time, but the end result, titled "Genocide", was worth it.

Screenies: [Outdated]
Don't they look nice all lined up like that?
Check out the floating SSG just beckoning you to pick it up.
Good thing it can't see you... yet. >=D

6/32, 18% of Dark Plutonia is completed. That's almost one-fifth isn't it. Progress is going very well. Awesome.

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You know, those are some screenshots where the Doom 2 city sky fits so nicely. I wish Plutonia was the IWAD, not Doom 2, which used that sky. A cityscape like that would have gone better with Plutonia's soulless theme, than all that generic red better suited for hell maps.

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