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my lifesize bfg9000 replica prop

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Heh, too much time on your hands?

Now, the next challenge is for you to make it launch big green foam balls (unless you can make it launch balls of energy, that would be quite a bit nicer)

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Can I have your kids?

No, but seriously great job. I like this a whole lot more than Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson.

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It's a really nice start... but now the gun needs "detail". Even if the BFG was just a large silver box... I think you can add some creative license to it and add some decals or other attachments onto it. Take a look at some real weapons and draw from there... maybe the danger lever on the side, the top looks barren... the in game gun has a VERY detailed picture of what the top of the gun looks like, try to emulate that as a start.

Looks pretty decent so far.

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Pretty good; all the basic parts are there, but if you could make it wider, it'd represent the game's weapon some more. Heh, else you could change its name a little to go with the differences, such as to "BFG 7500".

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I'd say you throw on an energy meter (Fake LCD Screen), various warning symbols, and a small clipboard ontop with the instructions for the weapon. God knows it looks complicated enough to need instructions.

I'd also add on a spoiler to make it more dynamic. OOH, and give it spinners too!

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thanks everyone! yeah i wasn.t finished with the top, i have to add red and blue stripes that looks like lights. i'm not sure how to make it wider. also, i have seen many different bfg designs, so maybe if this looks a bit different, it could be a different design as well, like myk said. i don't know, i know i will add more detail to the top though, and a UAC logo on the other side.

Lol! i will add a spoiler too!

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Awesome--it looks quite close the game art! The only criticism I have is that is seems a little flat in terms of depth (not height/width)--maybe I'm remembing wrong, but the gun looks thicker when you're using it from your perspective in the game. Cool project--I've thought about making some 1:1 scale stuff from games before too, but never did it.

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thanks! this gun is going to be used in an upcoming film of mine entitled "Clash of the Video Games" where me and my friends will build more video game weapon replicas to use. we are gonna try molding and metalworking as well. all i need now really is the dough to buy a better video editing software to make BFG blasts.

Basically, the movie storyline is not figured out completely, but so far, this is how it will go:

Me and my friend will be somehow sucked into a video game world. we will kill each other and respawn. after a while, more people will join (like online play) and soon we will be broken down into teams to play each other. there will be other "bad guys" as well (these will be people who are not friends playing online, but kind of biuilt into the game.) After a while, the respawning pads will be busted. soon, we find out that the last person standing will be granted his way out of the game, so total war breaks out among everyone. at first, i will have some shots of a huge battlefield of about 20 people just blasting each other. then when all are killed but the four or five main characters, the camera will follow each of them and witness their tactics, situations, and deaths. when there are only two people left, there will be a dual. i won't spoil the rest.

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In before Buster Sword making an appearance.

The story for your movie sounds like a throwback of a zany Captain N episode or something. I can see it having some nostalgia entertainment value.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Locke Carnelia said:

I'd say you throw on an energy meter (Fake LCD Screen), various warning symbols, and a small clipboard ontop with the instructions for the weapon. God knows it looks complicated enough to need instructions.

The Clipboard can say "Caution: Aim Away from Face" and the gauge can have a bar with 4 settings: Low, Medium, High, and Unstable

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  • 1 month later...

"When the trigger is pulled, Mr BFG is not our friend"

Great work. I agree that it seems deeper in the game (from side to side) but a wonderful contrib to the doom world. wow!

I think I should perhaps walk up to you one day and say, "quick, look over there" and then you look, and then you turn back to me and say, "I dont see anything" and its then that you realise that both me and the BFG have mysteriously vanished....

Who said invisibility spheres were useless..... :P

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