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So, you want to have a coop game with bots? Or deathmatch? I'm not sure about ZDaemon, but Skulltag bots will just run around and pick up stuff when you start a single player game and add bots.

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In ZDaemon cooperative, the bots will go after items and monsters, but don't really move well through the rest of the map unless there are items along the way that act like nodes. They will follow players, though, provided they are not distracted by big shiny weapons or groups of irresistible monsters.

But you're better off seeing what Skulltag had to offer. You can script your own bots from what I understand.

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Zdoom had an "add bot" function a while ago, and probably still does. When i tried it it added extremely stupid bots who helped you with pistols and sometimes accidentally blundered over better weapons. Then when you went to a new level it switched to co-op mode seemingly and extra items where in abundance and exiting didnt seem to work properly. Don't try it.

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Yeah, it's worth mentioning that ZDoom has shit for bots, and I believe it's been noted that the developers have no intention of improving them. So yes, steer clear of ZDoom, if you're looking for bot opponents.

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Legacys bots are nice for co-op and deathmatch. Its a shame that its the only good bots we have for co-op.

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