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Post your Doom picture! [post in Part 2 instead]


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Super Jamie said:

Yeah I know, both areas are far from complete.

You better put some imps up there and some barrels on the stairs to blow em up with. And as Essel stated autoalign is super easy to detect in those screenshots.

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As I posted in the videos, I'm still working on a megawad in which you have to close 2 slipgates.
I really am not going all out with this pwad [its only zdoom doom in doom format].
Im just trying to make an enjoyable pwad I guess.

So screens? OH YEA! [BTW these are EARLY SS!]:

Where Demons Pray

A Remake?

This game makes sure to let you know whats happening. Even if what just happened sucks.

Too bad youll never play this level its a secret.

Outdoor labs suck on apocalyptic weather.

I am proud to say that this wad will be the first to utilize the hotel complex!

Thanks for the comments,
and yes I mispelled disintegrated...

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Some creative varied locations there. One suggestion, in your outdoor lab area, put a small lip around the edges of the hanging UAC sign. It looks kinda silly with the side texture going up into the concrete.

Also, what is "disenagrated"? Do you mean "disintegrated"?

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Hi Soulsweat.

Good to see that you are showing perseverance and still working your way through this.

I liked the 2nd last screenie. The pink sky reminds me of Warhammer 40k. It looks good in that context with the silver and gray, but it may not look so good with brown/green areas.

Some of the ares look really interesting, but generally I think the areas look out of proportion to each other, and texturing could be better. In the last screenie, I would get rid of that blue floor, and change the gray water surround area to something in keeping with the browns all around it. A consistent theme is critical.

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Played a few Slige maps recently just for the hell of it, in one of them every forth or fifth room was full of pillars - I suspect this was meant to be one of them.

<1280x800 51k>

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Oh Come on GreyGhost. You'd think we'd never seen a crate room before. ;)

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Heh - the WTF part is that some monsters were positioned as if they're meant to hide behind those crates.

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Insane Gazebo and the icon of sin thread seem to be influencing me =/ These are some veeeeery early pics, the first is about the closest to what it will probably be like finished and the second is about what I'd like the face to be. If any of you would like to contribute some jaws that'd be nice ;P

Otherwise the rest of the map is still taking shape, in fact I only have the main hub sectors fully laid out, and only 1/6 of THAT is half-way detailed >.< I have the music chosen though, I think it'll work pretty well with this slaughter/icon map. I'm thinking this will be my advent calendar map, as I kind of decided on an icon theme anyway. I was originally going to make it part of my Area(42) episodish series, but I'm not sure where it would fit >.<

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I love that wide open Icon of Sin mouth. Pretty creative.

That level is looking pretty nasty AB. By nasty I mean great.

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Makes me wonder why ID never had us shooting rockets into its mouth instead of its brain. Which would have made more sense.

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Early shot of a DM map I suddenly had the inspiration to work on yesterday.

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Oh my god exp that's so hilarious! I ROFLed so much :D

And glad you guys like it, it didn't take very long to make some open upper/lower jaw textures for it. I think I'll just leave the inside as a black wall though, there's something inside of it :P Which reminds me I need to play around with some heights again ...

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Map03 of my Quake themed project called "Riot Control" Only one shot since I haven't made much progress on any of my projects lately. This one is about 30% done. Map04 still to do, its probably going to be an little bigger than the other three. I kinda want to end the project in style, so making map04 bigger would be one way of doing it I think :p

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A couple shots of a quick small map I made (first map! :D)

Crap, I just realized I forgot to retexture those stairs!

Crap again! I forgot to align the textures on the other stairs!

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PIC SPAM! About 1/6 of the way done with the level or so. Still need to make a jaw texture >.<

1,2, and 4 are parts of the large main cavern. 3 is drab -.- 5 is a smaller cavern, 6 is eye-ballin you and 7 show-cases the downside of having F10 be your screenshot key.

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AB, that level is looking really sweet. Gruesome and brutal. You are definitely onto something here.

The only thing I don't like is the dark gray floor; doesn't look quite right with the metal texture imo. But that's just me proabably.

But otherwise looking really good. :)

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TheeXile said:

Makes me wonder why ID never had us shooting rockets into its mouth instead of its brain. Which would have made more sense.

Because Hell is supposed to make sense?

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Shooting the brain makes sense, as well as the concept of shooting minions from the brain. Well, makes sense in the fantastic sense behind a game where demons invade from hell :p

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A couple shots of a conceptual level for my survival horror wad.

Hmmmm, maybe I should have theese come in through windows?

*insert applicable resident evil reference here*

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If Picasso was into Doom and Super Shottys, it would look something like this...


(Discovering a HOM while while working on/playtesting what is now map 17 from Claustrophobia1024)

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