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Post your Doom picture! [post in Part 2 instead]


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I don't know why that happens. Some other people's pics look like thumbnails when they aren't.

On my screen it's not a thumbnail, at least.

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It happened cause you had this.

Kyka said:

Kyka would had said:

You probably copy-pasted one of the "embed this image" links.

Nothing wrong with that, I just found it amusing that they gave you a 640x480 instead of the usual tiny thumbnail. ImageShack can be odd sometimes.

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Looks cool, but the hi-res textures mixing with the low-res textures look kinda odd.

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Nomad said:

That's Doom!?

Haha, yeah. At the core it's EDGE but we're running off of our own personalized version with tweaks of our own. Runs pretty well on the Dreamcast, if I downscale the huge textures slightly.

It's kind of bothering me but do you notice the textures we're using look kinda grainy? Is that because they are high-res, or scaled wrong? My texture artist isn't around to ask questions lately so it was just something I was curious about. The low-res texture stuff was actually accidental, and I didn't notice they were left on the sloped surface.

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Doom 2 bugged out the other day and went all crazy with colour.

sidestory: In a previous post I mentiuoned that Imps almost always seem to do max damage; I see the Ouch Face during almost every battle with them where I get hit. Only after uploading this, did I notice that yet again, Imps + Me = Ouch Face

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avery1555 said:

The new WAD I made for MAP01 of Doom 2.
ImageShack link : http://img513.imageshack.us/i/screenshotdoom200908172.png/

Soon to be up for download if anyone is interested.

Not too bad. Nice and simple.

Ragnor said:

[Technicolor Doom Image]

Haha. That reminds me of a patch that someone posted on NewDoom a while back that with a specific console code, would rotate the palette colors and made the game seizure-riffic. It was pretty lulzy. I'd find it if I wasn't banned.

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Some more pics from that map I'm working on. Haven't really been motivated to finish it, I'm about 3/5 done with the layout but I've been slacking off.

Another large cavern shot

He's not clapping.

This does not bode well ...

... And I was right.

Here there be holes.

I am kind of giving the map away, but I was going to post it for testing in wads/mods anyway, I'm not quite sure it's all going to go the way I'd like it to yet. And only 4-500 of those monsters are off the spawners =/

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Technically I want it to be the ending level of the episode of techbases I'm working on which are kind of HR-style, but I think I might have to add some hellish maps before this -.- That's fine, the starting room isn't really firmly linked to the last map's end anyway.

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A couple of (very early) screenshots of some random map I started working on yesterday night.

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That looks really great. It's not overly detailed, yet it looks polished and clean, that's my kinda map.

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I like the grey bricks and cement combo with the metal edging off the second shot, gives a bit of a washed out but still impressive feel :D Also mixing floor7_2 and ceil5_2 like in the first shot's platform is cool. Even in the early stages your map has some nice texture complementaries going.


@ superjamie; Well, there is a path out of there easy, but it involves an item and a weapon, I'll let you guess which ones :P

@ kyka; I'll try, I'll try ;)

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Once I prove to have skill in messing up GZDoom's graphics

I dont know what went wrong, my ability to set the Gamma and Brightness broke entirely, so I switched to software rendering and everything looked like this :p
So I went back to OpenGL and there was a new muckup where everything was extremely dark, and anything red was extremely vivid and bright. Aside from being darker than Doom 3, it actually looked pretty nice. I tried to get a screenshot of it, but it turned out in normal colour, unlike these.

EDIT: What on earth happened to the image sizes? Those were small before. I swear I am cursed.

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AgentSpork said:

A couple of (very early) screenshots of some random map I started working on yesterday night.

In that first screenshot, the STARGR-esque texture in the top level, along that 45 degree angle line, did you add an extra vertice in there to stretch the texture or is the length of that line 64 units? It seems whenever I try to pull stuff like that it's easily detectable, but I don't really see the repeating pattern in that texture.

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Ragnor said:

ugly pictures

yeah, this is what happens when you turn off opengl on gzd. or run windows software-mode zdoom in wine for that matter

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