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Post your Doom picture! [post in Part 2 instead]


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I love going into this thread for inspiration! Jodwin's screenshot from the last page was absolutely wonderful, i even saved it onto my pc. Really great atmosphere.

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Kyka said:

If computer gaming has taught me nothing else, it has taught me that getting on a tram car ever, for any reason, is a BAD IDEA.


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JohnnyRancid said:

Yea ... if he'd just linked them instead of flooding the page with them it might've been different >.< Also not using the "screen shot every 10 seconds" setting in fraps ...

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Still not finished, the star textures are pissing me off. It still needs more scenery in the background, some crates scattered about and more floor detail. And of course monsters and other things to dress it all up some more.

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That map looks massive, can't wait to see that in action. I guess it could use some more background detail (though, it still looks really good to me). I also don't know how much I like those star textures, but you say they're pissing you off so I'm assuming they're not final.

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Alignment is annoying me, especially around doors and windows. What you see on the screen is only 25% of the map, I still have to create the other parts. It will be an fairly large and open map, at least 50% of the areas are going to be outside.

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I quite like this usage of STAR textures, but what somewhat puts me off is that cement texture, STONE-something was it? On top of the towers. I always felt that it belonged to bunkers and foundations and stuff like that.
Other than that this looks good. I'd not overdo the crates though, maybe some terrain height variation or some sort of slighly elevated platform with little stairs could fill that empty ground better?

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Antroid said:

I love going into this thread for inspiration! Jodwin's screenshot from the last page was absolutely wonderful, i even saved it onto my pc. Really great atmosphere.

Yeah I have this folder full of different pics from this thread and others. Just amazes me the designs that people keep coming up with.

Kaplanator, those few screenies look awesome.

And Dutch, I actually really like how you have used the star textures to create 'faces': one side gray, one side brown. And the stone looks cool to me. Looks like concrete, like something out of Nova Prospekt from HL2.

And essel. quality. as usual.

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dutch devil said:

Still not finished, the star textures are pissing me off. It still needs more scenery in the background, some crates scattered about and more floor detail. And of course monsters and other things to dress it all up some more.

That sounds pretty awesome, and I do like how you've manage this.
Hopefully we get to see your work soon.

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A simple duel map I made early today for SA Duel II


Some Doom III like Hell thing for GZDoom, been working on this for ages, but made little progress


Lots of scarlet dog food, my personal gibbage wad (although Nash Gore is good, it's getting a bit old)


Messing about with the idea of vehicles in CTF


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JohnnyRancid said:

Motornerve MAP17: "Human Detergent"

Work in Progress.


I really like your styling. Some unique ways of using stock textures. The only thing I would say is in the second screenie, the red ceiling lights could use a slightly lower ceiling around them as a border. It looks a bit blocky to me as it is. Just a small thing, the screenies look great tho. :)

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Yeah I agree. I'm not sure what texture to use as the border for it yet though.

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Metal works in most cases as a good border. Try using a lowered metal border around the red ceiling lights, then the corners of the metal*, just replace with support3 so the textures align perfectly. Maybe I will make a map and take a screenshot of what I'm talking about.

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JohnnyRancid said:

Yeah I agree. I'm not sure what texture to use as the border for it yet though.

I took the liberty of slapping together something that I thought looked ok. Forgive the crappy surrounds, took like 5 mins.

The flat I used is RROCK03, though CEIL5_2 looks good too.

[edit] Also what Butts said.

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Butts said:

Not bad Patrick, but it looks too flat/one-colorish.


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Patrick, I was referring to the textures that JohnnyRancid created. Haha, your project looks interesting, but if you think it's too flat/monochrome...

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Patrick said:


You sly dog you.

Thought you could dress up your color-by-number simulator as a violent Doom mod.

You've been found out. Pansy.

*goes to gather crayons*

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Butts said:

Patrick, I was referring to the textures that JohnnyRancid created

That's the joke. Mine looks more flat/monochrome than his :P

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Wow look at all the examples! Sorry I didn't catch this sooner, I ended up doing this to the lights. I hope you guys don't object.



Here's some other parts of the same map. I think this is my favorite map in the set so far.


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Monster recolor alert!

Since making new enemy sprites isn't something i can easily do (i can kind of model and render them in 3dsmax, but i still can't make them really fit the original style), i'm trying to come up with creative recolored monsters. This guy i just finished, he's currently called "torture eater" (please tell me if it's a horribly stupid name, i can't tell), he always tries to get close to you, and being close to him drains your health pretty fast (it's a mellee attack of sorts, with no special animation). And his lost soul spit was moved (and slightly modified in the process) to his "pain" state, only he uses extremely obnoxious lost soul recolors called "tortured spirits" (and he spawns them when dying too). It's sorta like he's full of them and can't hold them all so when you shoot him sometimes one slips out. I haven't really played with him in real levels so far, but he seems pretty damn dangerous/annoying. :D
Now i'd explain about those tortured spirit dudes, but i don't want to spoil them and other fun crap i made up for my wad :P Hope nobody minds a few recolors as long as they make interesting monsters and are not barons.

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