kaiser_wilhelm Posted September 12, 2009 Creaphis said:BLAH BLAH HERETIC Yeah, I agree Creaphis, its really hard to map for heretic! I also feel like heretic has a low selection of monsters. They seem to all do the same thing I guess. 0 Share this post Link to post
ArmouredBlood Posted September 12, 2009 Antroid's pic I'm surprised brown brick works so well in there. Might have to try that theme sometime. Those few who do METAL hell themes rarely noob them up, I think it's got something to do with newbs trying to do tech-bases when they take the most work to detail. 0 Share this post Link to post
arrrgh Posted September 12, 2009 I just realized how much a sky changes the theme of a map... 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted September 12, 2009 I'm surprised brown brick works so well in there. Might have to try that theme sometime. Hey now don't go around stealing ideas! :D Just kidding. Yeah, i just thought it'd be nice to make part of a map such a weird broken down dark brown metal+stoneblock cathedral with sewer drainages. I have some trouble keeping the style similiar for a large area, as i do always, though. 0 Share this post Link to post
Kyka Posted September 12, 2009 Antroid said:hey! you should be discussing pictures here guys! not heretic. that last picture by that guy was pretty good am i right? Who was that guy??? And why does that pic of his look pretty neat??? 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted September 12, 2009 Dunno, he posted a nice hell map screenshot back on the last page, sort of a church type area, i liked it alot! It was all brown. 0 Share this post Link to post
Super Jamie Posted September 12, 2009 Feel free to let me know what you think of this, both the red/tech theme and my application of it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted September 12, 2009 Looks simple, but carefully made and overall pretty interesting. I'd play it :D 0 Share this post Link to post
Jodwin Posted September 12, 2009 Super Jamie said:the red/tech theme heh. Looks ok, although the biggest problem with that theme is the lack of good wall textures (and those red bricks feel pretty "heavy" on their own). Maybe try breaking down big flat red areas with metal supports and other stuff? Unless, of course, you prefer it feeling bit more oppressive. :P The brown ceiling seems a bit weird though. Looks too light with the red walls IMO. 0 Share this post Link to post
40oz Posted September 12, 2009 What Jodwin said. That map could be better given you experiment with custom textures. I know Nick Baker did a ton of recolors and there are red BRONZE, BROWN96, and TEKGREN styled textures at which I rarely see used respectively in a map. Combined with the Red Brick you might have some real art. 0 Share this post Link to post
Super Jamie Posted September 12, 2009 Yeah, the idea was to kinda come up with something simple but oppressive. I tried to stick with just red bricks + metals to convey the whole hellish but tech theme. I considered using Nick's recolors but wanted to try the IWAD textures first. At most I'd just stick to red versions of the IWAD green brick options, I don't want to add anything "new" if you get my meaning. You're right Jodwin, the biggest problem is lack of decent flats, recolors of even one green brick flat (DEM1_5, DEM1_6, FLOOR7_2) would be really useful. I stuck the brown on big that room as from most views fleshy FLAT5_3 desaturates to brown anyway, so red edging looks silly on the skylight. I tried with the red bubbly FLOOR6_1 and that achieves what I wanted alot better :) http://www.sendspace.com/file/zfvpsb Here's the map if you'd like to have a look. Boom-compat MAP01 for Doom2.wad, there's a demo of me playing in PrB+ as well. I should probably put a red sky in there too. 0 Share this post Link to post
pavera Posted September 14, 2009 That looks really great. I love your style, you make blocks look great. 0 Share this post Link to post
ArmouredBlood Posted September 14, 2009 Hahah at first I thought that light pillar on the right side was a lot farther out and huge instead of right there. Was thinking "whoao, how did he rescale it so well?". Map looks nice. 0 Share this post Link to post
40oz Posted September 14, 2009 It's a deathmatch map. It's nice for show but the layout is completely symmetrical which is boring. It's gonna need a lot of work to be fun to play. 0 Share this post Link to post
pavera Posted September 14, 2009 I should play more deathmatch, but I really don't have anyone to play it with. Plus I'm not that good so I'd probably just embarrass myself. 0 Share this post Link to post
Nomad Posted September 14, 2009 Krispavera said:I should play more deathmatch, but I really don't have anyone to play it with. Plus I'm not that good so I'd probably just embarrass myself. QFT. I'm the same way. :( 0 Share this post Link to post
Super Jamie Posted September 14, 2009 That looks so great. I especially love what you've done with the green lights and the bronze cross texture. 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted September 14, 2009 There've been much better shots here that received much less praise :/ (and NO i do not mean mine; mine are far from some other ones i liked a lot) 0 Share this post Link to post
blarg Posted September 15, 2009 A tech/hell-base-in-a-mountain area I've just started. The outside still needs some fixing up, but it looks decent: A closer view: 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted September 15, 2009 FUCK YEAH! Heroes' Tales map11 :D After a break i finally gathered the will to finish it and that's the result.. Interestingly enough, i got cut from around 80 to 1 pretty fast. but didn't die since then, even though the majority of this revenant fight was going on with me having 1 hp :D 0 Share this post Link to post
ArmouredBlood Posted September 19, 2009 Early detail shot of MAP03. Still getting my ideas on where to go with the layout so it might be a bit before it gets done. @blarg; nice shots, no one's commented on em yet but they look nice. @antroid: Nice job, I'm putting off hero's tale a while, between WOS and my maps I'll probably forget about it :P EDIT: does this light ceiling look weird? EDIT2: 2 more pics of another room. No more for a bit unless I get bored, which means I'll probably be almost done and give the whole map away anyway -.- 0 Share this post Link to post
Malinku Posted September 21, 2009 looks good ArmouredBlood. I just don't like the broken door as the red texture just doesn't fit there. (even though I think it ment to be fire) 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted September 21, 2009 I think the red texture fits kind of fine, either the metal's been burned through and is still red hot (i used such an effect once too) or it's creepy and organic. Either way it's cool. I think the doot's far too thick though. 0 Share this post Link to post
ArmouredBlood Posted September 21, 2009 heh, that map is actually up now if you want to play it :P I don't think antroid will like it though, it's part of a HR-style gameplay episode. It's an earlier level though so you might still enjoy it. And yeah, the door's supposed to be melted through by hellspawn, and somewhat recently if the last level was any indication. It's also a blast door separating the room from elevators up and down from the level, which is why the platform has a stair on both sides with a long walkway that's railed off. I think that's enough rambling for now. 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted September 21, 2009 Heh, if you know my preferences like that, you might also know that i'm kinda preoccupied these days, got some wads to beat already.. %) But the fact remains that i think that hole in the door looks cool. 0 Share this post Link to post
ArmouredBlood Posted September 21, 2009 Yea I hope you get over your wad melancholy, I'd suggest chosing one of the maps you made and like a lot and playing the heck out of it to 'test for bugs' but really to get gameplay you like ;) And meh, I've tried that effect before, it's not something I see in wads often but it's a nice touch of detail that doesn't really get in the way. 0 Share this post Link to post
Antroid Posted September 21, 2009 Well, i'm slowly and steadily progressing through H'T and WoS. Still playing either up until a few deaths or beating one-two levels, but i do enjoy it while it lasts, so i suppose it's not as bad as i thought. It's a bit offtopic though so here's a random pic: I call it the Science Pit. You start at the bottom there. This level is sort of a tribute to Deimos Anomaly, a rather spooky one with dull and calm music. Man, dark places do look rather bad on screenshots don't they. 0 Share this post Link to post
ArmouredBlood Posted September 21, 2009 Looks cool, if you could add the doom1 comp textures you'd have more choices though. Also a railing might be nice, i dunno about you but if I was a lab tech and had a ton of papers i was reading I might fall off an edge :P The darkness is ok I guess. I can't really offer any pics from the map I'm working on as it's mostly gameplay atm, there's groundwork for detail but it's not very impressive (if the end/start of next level works out though it'll be cool :). 0 Share this post Link to post
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