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I hope no one here minds me snagging some patches/flats from FreeDoom to use in OQplus.

Unfortunately the wad system it uses is WAD2 and there's no crossplatform command-line tools that can take a folder of PNGs and produce a working WAD2 file for compiling maps with. Also some map compiling tools can't work with multiple wads.

FYI OQPlus, like its original project OpenQuartz, is licensed under the GNU GPL v2 and it is fork of a content project for the Quake source.

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Hi, please feel free - note that you must distribute a copy of the freedoom license with the content (and it would be a good idea to write down somewhere which resources it covers).

Is OpenQuartz properly dead? I was looking at packaging it for debian. Also I might like to submit some resources :) Do you have a webpage for OQplus?

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Jon said:

Hi, please feel free - note that you must distribute a copy of the freedoom license with the content (and it would be a good idea to write down somewhere which resources it covers).

Freedoom textures could wind up in a wad file called FREEDOOM.WAD and a txt file with the modified BSD license with it. However since q1bsp doesn't support external textures, it can only be used by compiling the textures into the BSP (map) file.

Jon said:

Is OpenQuartz properly dead? I was looking at packaging it for debian. Also I might like to submit some resources :) Do you have a webpage for OQplus?

There hasn't been much outside contributions to OpenQuartz for over 6 years. Much as in nothing. Perhaps their wacky and very VERY strict 'creative control' discouraged contributions. No one wanted to contribute in hundreds of ASC files for model frames and be forced to use their free_tex.wad (which don't have very good textures imo). They also haven't done anything about their non-Free resources such as quake2 sounds.

I don't have a webpage for it but there is an SVN (which is the same one shared with Dave3D). Pipelines for saving in the PAK, MDL and WAD format suck though and require non-Free programs at the moment :(

MDL: Blender, exporting to MD3, to convert to MDL with Quick3D which is non-Free Windows only nagware, and then opening it up in a commercial version of qME 3.0 (shareware version only saves up to 20 frames) to re-save the MDL to correct the botched normals Quick3D saves. This is unacceptable and a Blender MDL script that is fully properly working does not exist. Preferred method: Exporting to MDL directly from Blender.

WAD: Pulling in textures with Wally (non-Free Win32 software) to make a WAD2 file for textures via drag and drop operation. Preferred method: Command line WAD creation, taking an entire folder of PNG then creating a WAD2 out of it, complete with mipmaps.

PAK: InfoZipping up a folder then opening it up with PakExplorer (non-Free Win32 software), then saving a Quake pak from there. Preferred method: command line pak creation.

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leileilol said:

WAD: Pulling in textures with Wally (non-Free Win32 software) to make a WAD2 file for textures via drag and drop operation. Preferred method: Command line WAD creation, taking an entire folder of PNG then creating a WAD2 out of it, complete with mipmaps.

I will write such a tool.
Something like: mipwad2 *.png -o textures.wad

PAK: InfoZipping up a folder then opening it up with PakExplorer (non-Free Win32 software), then saving a Quake pak from there. Preferred method: command line pak creation.

I could make this tool as well (after the other one).
Something like: pakman -c dirname -o foo.pak

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Don't forget the liquid textures start with a *, and it's impossible to name a file with that so you could throw in a parameter that translates files starting with a hash # into a *

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In Unix/Linux, filenames beginning with '*' are OK, but tortured Windows souls will need that feature.

EDIT: another option is special prefixes, e.g. "star_", "plus_", "minus_" for * + -

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Ajapted said:

In Unix/Linux, filenames beginning with '*' are OK, but tortured Windows souls will need that feature.

They're still a pain to work with though :)

Ajapted said:

EDIT: another option is special prefixes, e.g. "star_", "plus_", "minus_" for * + -

I like star_ etc., it's relatively clear what it means.

As soon as you have some code up somewhere let me know, I'd be interested in taking a peek.

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Ok the WAD2 structure is very similar to the WAD one, that's not a problem. Some sample parsing code for the header:

from struct import unpack

wad = open("gfx.wad","r").read()
print len(wad)

magic = wad[0:4]
if magic == "WAD2":
	print "has WAD2 magic"

num_entries = unpack("<l", wad[4:8])
dirpos      = unpack("<l", wad[8:12])
the mip-mapping for the textures will be the fun part.

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Jon said:

wad = open("gfx.wad","r").read()
print len(wad)

gfx.wad doesn't hold map textures
it holds 2d elements and have different lump types that a map texture doesn't

there are (rather outdated) tools here. They only work with old formats like LBM saved by Deluxe Paint though

Ajapted said:

The SVN code for 'qpakman' program:


Currently it can put PNGs into a WAD2 (mipping them), though I haven't tested if they are 100% valid. It can also list the contents of PAK and WAD2 files.

Next to do: PAK creation, and WAD2/PAK extraction.

Thanks! I'll check that out soon. :)

In addition to OQPlus i'm also doing a GPL'd open source oldschoolish "32-weapons" mod for the 'world' server/client variant, incase anyone complains about the weapon gameplay being too basic and dull.

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leileilol said:

gfx.wad doesn't hold map textures
it holds 2d elements and have different lump types that a map texture doesn't

It's just a WAD2 that I had to hand to test parsing with.

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Currently replacing BASE textures with some Freedoom ones. I had to recolor and gamma down some for it to fit the lighting.

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I'm glad that someone is resurrecting the OpenQuartz project and hopefully taking it in a less sucky direction. That screenshot looks pretty nice.

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Jon said:

That was *fast* :)

Thanks, I had most of the components lying around (Oblige, EDGE, etc), so it mainly just glueing it all together.

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that's a mod

working on VERY quake-like textures from scratch. I think I got the quake feel down

(yes, devoured is a gpled map too)

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leileilol said:

working on VERY quake-like textures from scratch. I think I got the quake feel down

Sure do, looks incredibly quake like.

I'm really glad to see OQ(+) move forward, on the weekend I'll give qpakman some tlc.

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since the pipeline is shared , i'm prepping a project on the Hexen II source (which is GPL'd). Note i said prepping, not working. The fun starts later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

VERY nice leileilol :)

Hmm, a F/OSS hexen/heretic style game would rock. I thought hexen2 was a bit of a disappointment, really (I modded for it before I discovered the doom ports, back in the days - hmm, that reminds me, there was a guy called Phoebus then, I didn't realise he'd turn into wmull and newdoom would happen. what a mess.)

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  • 3 months later...

Made a shotgun, but it may be too Quake-like

42 triangles, 128x64 texture

Advice? And I mean on the texture itself. The shape I don't want to change.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks fine to me. I like how the model and texture recapture the feel of Quake's shotgun while still being new and original. :)

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