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...but for all the people who weren't around for it, here we go again.

How crappy was your first doom map? Describe it, please.

Mine... I called it infiltrate.wad (I forget why). Basically, you started out in tiny closetlike room with an SSG, opened a door. Only slightly larger room with a mancubus and a coupla shotgun guys... a narrow staircase next to a blue key door, leading up to a large room with chainguys and revenants and the blue key. Open key door, arachs, archviles down a hallway. Ending place was an outdoor area with a cyb and a wolfenstien solder. Lots of wolf textures, too. Takes about 30-40 seconds to complete.

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I dare to say that mine was better than most. Not a piece of art or anything though. Damn the hd crash that destroyed it. Anyway, it was quite large with a wood/ashwall theme, had easy-medium difficulty except for 8 cyberdemons in one very large room. I didn't know that cybers take 0 damage from explosions. So I had like 200 barrels in the room also...

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actually the first thing's I've made were just try outs and not actual maps. I then later made my first actual map when I knew what was sorta going on, I actually have it for download on my website. Then I started making my second map, and here I am, never finished it. I did read some tutorials on how to make cool stuff like fake bridges and crap.

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Heheheh, here's my first map. And it's not for DooM 2 but for Hexen :


It's on Map02 but there's a fairly stupid replacement on Map01 to make things faster. Oh, and you can't pull switches, but >HIT< them (dunno why I couldn't get it to work right :)

You might want to use the Fighter or the Cleric cause the Mage can't hit these linedefs.

Oh, and there is no exit. Just hit the Bell, kill the Ettins and mmmh, get inside that place. It doesn't really matter...

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I submitted ~20 maps to bigd's thing. I was planning on releasing them as a megawad on their own... but damn, they are too crappy...

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I remember I made a few maps. They all sucked. I actualy made a decent one once. It was cool lemme describe it to you:
First room: Lights in alcoves on either side. This room was an experiment with lighting, but I had a brainfart and the lightbeams met in the middle, a physical imposibility. It looked like this:
Second Room: Lava pit with stairs leading up. For some reason, no matter how much I fiddled with it, the stairs were always transparent from the top.
Third Room: The central room. It had a big platform in the middle which was supposed to be reached by lowering it with a switch, but I couldn't get it to work, so I just used a teleporter. On the platform was a baron (and hell knights in harder difficulties), and the key to the last room. From the platform, you could look down and see 666 written with red pedestal sprites.
Fourth Room: There were a bunch of barrels in here, and the ending switch. Thats about it.
Secret Room: Accesed from the third room, it was full of ss soldiers, and I put some goodies in there.

The whole thing was full of monsters, and the texture placement was blazingly horrible. To bad I don't have it around anymore. I think I called it Hell's Gate.

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About... 5, no... 6 years ago I became interrested in level editing for Doom. If you consider the turotial map I finished to be my first, then I would say that it really sucks. Sadly that was the only map I ever made. I still have the design for the first real map that I tried to make, and I actually got started on it three times but was always sidetracked. Who knows, my last final exams are tomorrow so I might give that map another shot and see how things turn out.

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I wish I still had my old maps. I made a ton of them. I had these ones which were a bunch of interconnected boxes layed out in a grid, which made it confusing and mazelike. I also had this one which had skies for the ceiling AND floor, and some of the walls. It was very trippy, especialy the end room with the spider mastermind.

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Mine was terrible texture mapped. All it had was a rectangular room, a staircase, another room at the top with a cyberdemon looking away from you (in a room smaller than the start area), and a teleport pad as the exit. The rooms weren't even connected! Well, there were no hallways, at least. My next map wasn't much better. It was a dumb level with a bunch of power-ups in the middle and 4 rooms with weapons and ammo connected to it. My friend may still have that one, I'll ask him.

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My first map? Three tiny rooms, two short hallways, half a dozen linedef errors, a teleporter that only worked once, and a "window" to a static sky texture. I was trying to create the effect of a Baron silhouetted in front of a bright fireplace; I got a massive texture leak instead.

My second map, I was trying to design a nukage rendering plant. I got three rooms into it before giving up (I turned one entire room sector into a "door" sector by accident.) :P

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My first level really sucked. It was a large room with a CyberDemon and a Rocket Launcher and a Plasma Rifle. It really sucked. There wasn't enough room to strafe or do much of anything for that matter.

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i think i may have almost all of my attempted maps. Most are just practice maps in sector and lighting effects. After a while they became actual maps which evoled as time went on. My first truly cool effect was making a cacodemon rise out of a crate while it was still calm to make a sort of "Exorcist" effect. My first real map's going to be released next week. It's a war themed map with machinegun nests, busted tanks, a war factory and some other neat stuff. I can't make source port maps though, oh well.

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